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New Bearings - Bering Shipping Inc. - 07-16-2014

New Bearings: going to Freeport Two

[size=12]- January, 821 A.S.

After 2 years living at Freeport 10, in Tau 37, Tony Doria decided to leave the Commonwealth. It was not fun anymore. At first, the eccentricity of it's members was entertaining, but with time he realised that it was bringing more trouble than anything else. The final nail was the day his transport was attacked and he was almost killed because of some stupid action of some stupid leader. The guy escaped intact, Tony barely got out alive. That's how they lead, running in front, leaving their friends behind as cannon fodder. That is not the Zoner way.

He then spent another six months at Gran Canaria, his home planet. The most beautiful rock in the whole Sirius sector. Tony still owned his parent's apartment at Las Palmas, so he went there to 'clean his head'. The nice town, on the equatorial region of the cold planet, is one of the most beautiful views one can ever imagine. The blue sea, white sand beaches, abundant vegetation... and the women! And the best food and drinks all around from sirius. Zoners can live in the farthest regions of Sirius, but they live in style. Even the cold he welcomed, as something familiar. Being it the cold of Canaria or the cold of space, it was something Tony grew up accustomed to. In those days, he really felt at home.

[Image: DHpcys1.png]

For some time just being there at Canaria again was enough. But not for long. Tony needed to fly, needed the space. But flying with no purpose is plain idiot, he couldn't do that. It often can get you killed.

That's when his old friend David came with the proposal: Freeport Two needed a supplier. That had become quite rare since the Liberty-Rheinland war, and it was getting worse since most Zoner companies were not in 'the good side' with the rheinland authorities. Almost everyone had left the station. Just a few remainded. The plan was to save what few clients still existed, and try to bring the station's activity back up, expecting the new flux of products to atract more people to the old freeport. David would invest some starting money on this venture, for some new escort ships and some equipment for their office at FP2. Tony would enter with his transport and his knowledge about transportation through 'hazardous' areas. They just needed now someone with more combat experience to take care of security. But David said he had someone in mind.


About one week later, everything was packed and set up to go to Bering. What a few things and equipment Tony needed for starters - including his old Marauder fighter, now dismantled in 3 parts - was loaded into the heavy armored Border Worlds Transport. But first he was going ahead with a ground crew and some emergency repair equipment in the Dromedary. Not knowing the real condition of the station, they needed to be sure the freeport was safe before moving all the equipment and the few personel they had.

They landed at Docking Bay One, the only still usable. He then decided to go to the other docking wing, where bays Three and Four were located, and the ones the new company would use for its ships. What Tony saw left him almost in shock...

[Image: abandoned-underground-delancey-station.jpg]

It looked like a tornado had passed by the docking bay. Surely no one had used it for years. They would need much more than just a few emergency repairs to put that part of the station operational again...
