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Toru Sato - Autobiography - Printable Version

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Toru Sato - Autobiography - Toru Sato - 07-27-2014

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Autobiography of myself

Quote:My name is Toru Sato, I am 24 years old. I was born and raised in the House of Liberty. I am not a pure blood Libertonian though. My father is a Kusarian, and my mother is Libertonian.

Life wasn't easy and wasn't hard at the same time. I went to school like every other kid in Liberty. I wouldn't say I'm the greatest student of all time, but I also wouldn't say I'm the worst student. I had some friends, and some "friends", if you know the difference. School was pretty much just that, a everyday thing I did during my childhood, so there isn't much to talk about. Maybe during my ending years of High School, there is, like meeting a life long friend.

The friend I met in high school was Jake. Jake wasn't a ordinary kid, many just didn't like him because of how old he acted. Some could say what they call "nerd". I didn't jump on the bandwagon and judge him, I did talk to him here and there, but nothing too serious. Then we got assigned as partners for a project at school. It was the last one we would do, and it would be seventy percent of our grade. When I found out he was who I was going to work with, I figured I was going to fail the class.

Turns out, Jake was a very normal and cool kid. He loved technology, and inventing things. That was one of my interests as well, but I never took it seriously. For the project, well, we flew right by it, and finished with the best grade in class.

After high school, we both went on to do our things. He went to a Tech University in Bretonia, and I decided to do what my father did in Kusari. I loved flying ships, and I love to know about them. My first ship was a "Sabre" class fighter, which my father gave to me after I graduated. With the ship, I managed to go to work, and do other things when I had free time.

A little about my father, he owned a Modification Shop for ships of many class, from engines, to vinyls, to lights. He loved working with ships, and expected me to do the same. Knowing about his past, and his days of being a agent for the Kusari Naval Forces, I decided to do the same, but for Liberty.

In about three years, I finally managed to get into the LSF ranks. I wasn't anything special, just a operative for them. Serving for over eight months, I was sent to Gallia, or rather I should say Leeds system. I was just a scout, to clear the way for a movement of two Bison class transports, so they can reach New London.

After I checked the way, it was clear and I gave the go ahead for the Bisons. Half way through, the Gallic Royal Navy wing appeared. We weren't taking a route where we can be found, so they must of known the location. Little after, one of the transports was destroyed, and the other one, who I was with, managed to get away. When we arrived in Bretonia, I was called to head back to Ellesmere, a system which I shouldn't talk about. Anyway, when I arrived, I was told I am working for the Gauls, and gave them the location of where we will be.

I was a little shocked to hear that, coming from a loyal family, but it was my word against theirs, or rather "his", who I shall not speak of. I was put in prison, for some months, and well, I managed to escape due to the lack of patrolling while we were being transfered. After that, I became a unlawful Mercenary, trying to get revenge on those I thought had no loyalty. Little did I know, when I escaped, the real Gaul worker was the one who blamed me, and I didn't know.

Spending time with the unlawfuls, I met a girl, Karen Garcia. She really changed my life, made me forget my dark thoughts, which was thinking about why I was betrayed. Everytime I was with her, those thoughts weren't even in existants. I then had the courage the tell her the words I never thought I would say, and that was " I love you ". I was surprised by her answer, in a good way. We then were hunting together, killing patrols here and there with the lawfuls.

Seeing how the unlawfuls were, one night I thought about it, and really, it's the unlawfuls while Liberty is known to be corrupt and useless. That day, I had to make a change, a change I never thought I would make. I decided to go around sirius, with Kitty, and find willing men who have some beef with the unlawfuls. Of course, I met some with the different beef, but hey, I told them the truth. Sure it was eye opening to them, but it had to be done. After two-three months of going around sirius, my girlfriend and I finally made the group known as Faze Mercenaries. A group based on principles of my ancestors, about being loyal to whoever hires you.

As of now, I am flying with the group, or rather I could say, family. My other family, aside from my parents. Aside from the group, Kitty and I were discussing about us getting married, but that's for the future. So ya, that's my life in a summary. Of course more then this happened, with friends, and family and other things, but I tried not to focus on that, as it isn't very important.

Meet you in space!

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Toru Sato

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