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What of Gallia? - Protton - 07-28-2014

I know some people want it gone. Some just want it smaller. I want it smaller aswell, but that alone will not bring players in there.

I want to ask: Where are all the player factions of Gallia? All dead? I do not know about Gallia and its lore, but I would love to see activity there boosted. Maybe if it can get even more accessible (connect the Gallic lanes to the lane network maybe) and get the best trade routes there? Maybe get some profitable mining for Gallia?

I was thinking of making a new faction for Gallia that would bring more activity in there... It would be a faction similar to the IMG in a way that it could trade, mine and fight... so it could bring pirates in there and also make PvP events. It could also get other corporations to bring stuff for them from places they could not go since they are Gallic. However, I would need help from other players to make this. Other players that think that its a shame to have a part of the universe dead completely even though it is made very nicely.

Anyone got any criticism or any ideas how to make Gallia more lively? Since it is clear that is is dead today. I have not seen a Gallic player for a long time, let alone a raid or something bigger.

RE: What of Gallia? - An'shur - 07-28-2014

Mine aluminium ore in Picardy, in the north asteroid field (don't know it's name) There is little spot of ore. You need GMS ID and Rock Badger. Gallic metal service is mining corĂºporation in Gallia. Ship mined ore to Roanne facility in Lyonnais. circa 9100 s.c. per unit. Most active Gallic faction is GRN, but look at it. Only areas of activity are Leeds, New London and more rarely Tau 23. Second most active Gallic faction is Unione Corse. But... Both factions are inactive in Gallia itself.

I don't like this situation too, so I made an event: It car rise activity for 1-2 hours. Depends on how many people will want to fly there...

RE: What of Gallia? - Lonely_Ghost - 07-28-2014

There was a good point, that to fill Gallia and Sirius, there should be around 500 players. Now, 100 is nearly unreacheable number....
And yeah, inside Gallia, things are pretty dead, except few ocasional traders. However, some Gallick's faction, which has access to large battlefields, like Leeds and Magelan, could have some population time to time.

The main problem I see, why Gallia is unpopulated and not so popular: Because, whereever you doing, somewhere else it would be faster/funner/easer may be. Your idea about IMG analog into Gallia is combination of GMS & IDF, however, doesn't sounds freaking bad.
But as I said, it's very big likelihood, that it's going to be too boring, and players would join IMG.

RE: What of Gallia? - Papa Oomaumau - 07-29-2014

A faction needs a 'pull'.
There are numerous ways to be good, bad, indifferent, or otherwise as an independent.
But a faction needs a hook, something that makes a player identify with it and want to play that kind of character.

Gallia's lore is wet tissue paper, and as boring and uninspiring as can be.
Ask anyone who's tried to get a strong Gallic faction off the ground.
Just meh. Blech. And yawn.

That's just my opinion, but I'm sticking to it.
There's no spark, no umph, no pizzazz - no Joie de vivre.
And yeah, pun way intended.

RE: What of Gallia? - Omicron - 07-29-2014

Gallia is badly designed piece of Igiss' legacy. It's too big and IMO it should've not happened in the first place. I have personally attempted to give it a try in 4.85 with moderate success - flying Royal-aligned Unione Corse mercenary gave me some thrill specially when we were allowed to unleash upon Tau's. Unfortunatelly problems outbalanced the profits and factions that came died out sooner or later. Gallia's final nail was 4.86 and subsequent adding of multitude of useless systems to a mod that already overstretched itself.