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Soylent Green Spaceport - Printable Version

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Soylent Green Spaceport - Wildkins - 08-10-2014

Soylent Green Spaceport
Synth Foods, Incorporated Modular Station
Class Two Monsanto-class Orbital Production Facility
Attack Warning Level: PROBABLE (recent Hessian activity)

[Image: 71M91R6.png]

Soylent Green Spaceport is the primary headquarters of Rheinland and Kusari operations for Synth Foods, Incorporated and affiliates. Currently located in orbit around Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Soylent Green Spaceport offers the finest in Synth Paste™ production and shipping facilities, hoping to expand the market value of Synth Foods' benchmark products to the outer worlds of Sirius.

Currently, docking at Soylent Green Spaceport is
restricted. Access to the base may be granted through the use of the form below, to either supply the base or stay and sample any of the millions of flavors of Synth Paste™ and Gel™ that we have available in the Soylent Green Refreshment Center, located on Deck 3 of the base.

Local defense is provided by the Rheinwehr military vessel "Karlsruhe", as well as defense vessels from the [ALG] security wing and the Synth| corporate security division. Application to become a part of the security network of Soylent Green Spaceport can be achieved below.

[b]Reputation with Synth Foods, Rheinland Lawfuls:[/b]
[b]Purpose for docking permissions:[/b]
[b]Would you like a free sample of Stuttgart-grown Synth Paste™?:[/b]

Currently, we offer the following for suppliers:
Food: 350¢ / unit
Oxygen: 50¢ / unit
Water: 100¢ / unit
Reinforced Alloy: 500¢ / unit

Additional supplies may be designated to suppliers in the field by Synth| tagged vessels. Supply contracts subject to change at any time. Synth| Foods reserves the right to deny any vessel access not a part of primary or secondary fleet RM, BDM/MND, or RFP. Any vessel found docked at Soylent Green Spaceport not abiding to the Laws of Rheinland will be removed immediately and banned from any Synth Foods installations.