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Racing Through Hell - Printable Version

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Racing Through Hell - Noraim - 08-18-2014

[Image: HFQFzvG.jpg?1]

Oshima Island --- Planet Honshu

The small waves splashed lightly upon the Emerald Beach sands under the sun's warm glimmer. Several clicks away from the shore a large crowd accompanied by the beat of the music roared excitedly while gazing at the large screens.

The entire shoreline was roamed by surveillance drones on live feed while an announcer kept a constant commentary on what seemed to be a race that was going on around the island "Aaand they're coming about for the final round with Izumo-kun in the lead! Jason-kun seems to keep tight on his tail while they pass the final bend around th-..wai! What's this ?! Tsugoi!! Jason-kun takes the lead just past the final turn! They're closing in aaaand-- We have a winner!"

The crowd exploded in a noisy racket as the race around the island came to an end, Jason being announced as the victor whilst the two pilots took the honorary lap.

"Have to hand it to you buddy: I really didn't see you winning in that rice-paper boat of yours!" said Izumo while chuckling afterwards in spite of his own defeat.

Jason smirked slily, letting out a light chuckle of his own while peering at the other ship "And here I thought you'd be smarter than to look down on an Arrow." he replied jestfully right before his console would bleep shortly, announcing his received payment "Hey..something's wrong with the pay-check, Han.."

Izumo went silent for a moment before inquiring with seriousness "What..? What's missing ?"

"That beer you said you'd owe me if I win this." Jason would then answer before they both started laughing.

As they came near to the end of the honorary lap, their ship scanners began to bleep while a communication from the announcer bumps in "Heads up, Izumo-kun, Jason-kun. We've got sightings of several KSP squads and one KPT vessel descending from orbit. Boys from the platform said they're moving into formation to surround this place!"

Izumo quirked an eyebrow at the news. "Friends of yours, Jason ?" as he peers over at him

"Looks like I couldn't loose them propperly."

The Kusarian chuckled "Wohoo! Looks like you really pissed'em off! I'm reading two more squads coming in hot. Get outta here, we'll slow'em down for you."

Jason smirked as he broke out of formation. "Hey Han, save the booze for next week's beach mayhem." he replied friendly. his ship then causing a sonic boom after accelerating out of the picture with three more ships on his tail which broke through the civilian snare.

The Arrow interceptor speeded towards the mainland, gaining some altitude before busting a few mines behind him to slow down the pursuers. Comm chatter from the squad in pursue was raging back and forth as Jason checked his nav-map.

Within moments, they reached the port city Atami. The Arrow began maneuvering between the Skyscrapers while avoiding fire from the KSP. Several turn-arounds later, the officers lost their target. Jason snickered to himself, just nearly letting his guard down before a fourth contact, the KPT, popped on the screen.

"Damn you, get lost already!" Jason cursed, narrowly dodging a laser barrage. "You going to stay silent while we do this ?" he inquired mockingly and to no avail, as the KPT kept radio silence and continued attempts of disabling the target.

"Allright then pretty-boy, let's dance." He then began to ascend in a straight line with the Chimaera on his tail. A well-placed mine busts the KPT's shield emitter right before the Arrow moves into a cut-back drop and begins descending in free-fall, with it's back turned and facing the KPT. "Bite this." he mumbled right as the chainguns on the Arrow began spraying a laser-show which engulfed the surprised Chimaera. The KPT attempted to avoid fire and, after taking several hits, broke off pursuit and vanished. The Arrow turned 180 degrees and boosted out of free-fall, heading towards the lower levels of the city.

Exiting a shady, abandoned complex after parking the ship, Jason strolled through the alleys to a nearby establishment.

[Image: QLkL842.jpg?1]
[Image: QTjJwBV.jpg?2]

The man slided through the crowd, directly towards the bar after having no problem
with the bouncers by the door.

Once there, he beckoned one of the barmaids closer, whispering "Is the Wasp in ?"

The barmaid pointed up for a moment "Second Floor, in her lounge." and returned to her duties.

After arriving at the lounge door, Jason adopted a military posture in front of the two guards by the entrance. One of them took a good look at him and mumbled in his comms "Cobalt here to see you, ma'am.", the reply coming shortly "Send him in."

The fellows then stepped aside, granting passage as the racer proceeded.

Inside, he flashed the same posture, adding a salute to his stern appearence "Agent Morigan reporting in." he stated.

At the other side of the room, Liara stood, leaned against a couch, gazing at the people below on the ground floor aswell as the lightshow, enjoying a cup of sake and surprisingly, dressed appropriately rather than the standard battle outift.

"At ease, you're not here on duty. Make yourself at home." she replied with a calm tone, a slight smile curving the edges of her lips as she took another sip of her drink, then turning to face him while taking a seat and inviting him to do so aswell "But now I'm curious, why are you here ?" she inquired.

Jason placed his coat on the hanger and helped himself to a glass of whiskey before sitting down and lighting a cigarette. He puffed out the first drag, the smoke slowly dissipating "So then, did you get my report ?"

"Well yes. I have already dismissed agent Stone from her asignment. She's currently taking some R&R time." Liara replied before crossing her legs and leaning comfortably in the couch.

"I see. It's good that we got in touch when we did. Were things to be delayed any longer I'm affraid the worse might've happened."
he contemplated while dragging another smoke.

"I honestly don't think it took the Cross long to find out about our Agent after the reported incident, let alone not notice she's gone missing." she sighed lightly, and peered back at the agent after taking a sip of sake.

"Jason, you still didn't answer my question. Or did you happen to drop by merely for my company and a drink ?"

The man widened his eyes as he remembered "Oh right..sorry. Well,I was nearby at the beach for a race with an old friend when the squad I encountered in Hokkaido several hours before, started popping up on screen. So, I ditched them and decided to hide here. It was merely out of coincidence that we happened upon the place at the same time, though I really can't complain about the company." he replied with a smirk before taking a sip from his whiskey.

Liara giggled lightly "Oh my. But, how was it that you managed to get followed ?"

"Well, the police was accompanying a Kempeitai when they stumbled onto me."

Grey's smile suddently vanished "Wait..there was a Kempeitai on your trail ?"

The man nodded "Yeah, what about it ?"

"Dammit..we need to move befo-.." her words were cut short as the front door at the club entrance was blown off clean, the racket reaching them even through the raging music below.

Several Naval and Police units stormed in the compound, a Kempeitai agent following afterwards, all observed by the pair above, inside the lounge.

Jason peered down rather startled
"Wow, they really are persistent, don't you thi-.." he then suddently paused as he looked back.

Liara was strolling towards the door, ripping her dress slightly around the legs in order to not hinder running as she mumbled "Damn and I really liked this attire.." she then looked over to Jason "What are you standing there for ?! Stop staring and start running!"

He snapped out of it immediately and they began running. After bumping into, and immediately dispatching a few Police officers on their way to the exit, they found themselves cut off by the rest of the troops along with the Kempeitai which grinned "Found you."

The pair immediately turned tail and ran back around the corner as the agressors sprayed the walls with gunfire. They made their way back at the end of a hall way and jumped through the window, their fall dampened due to them landing on a mound of garbage bags in the alley.

As the authorities pursued them through the slums, the two Agents encountered yet another squad inbetween them and the complex where Jason had left his ship.

"Damn it, I can't reach Nirvash!" Jason snarled between his teeth. Liara ran straight for a local gang hanging around after noticing one of the thugs had a speed bike.

She dispatched the owner and commendeered the vehicle amidst the shock of the others. She then peered back and shouted after her partner "Move it Jason! Get on!"

The man sprinted towards the bike and hopped on behind Liara "You sure you know what you're doing ?"

"Hmph..some racer you are." she mumbled right before accelerating.

[Image: PAx6XmH.jpg?1]

A few moments later the pair find themselves on the highway. A pair of ships pursued them from above to keep visual contact while on the ground, several Police cars were trying as best they could to keep on their trails.

"Where the hell are we going anyway ?" he asked while peering back, seeing the authorities were gaining on'em.

Liara kept looking straight and making her way through traffic in an attempt to gain more distance from the pursuers "Well they couldn't have blocked both our escape routes." She then took a sharp turn off the highway and headed straight for the small building at the end of the boulevard.

Jason looked forth and noticed they were gaining speed "Uhm..I don't think ramming into a building is an escape ma'am!"

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me by my name when we're off-duty ? Also, better hope this thing has good magnetic pads!" she added before charging forward. She activated the hoverbike's magnetic pads right before reaching the building. Pulling up at the right time forced the bike onto the building and climbing vertically thanks to the pads attaching to the building's metallic skeletal structure. They kept goin up for five floors, eventualy reaching the roof where they stopped. Liara got up and tapped the button on a small device cleverly concealed in her pendant.

Before them, Liara's Onuris interceptor would uncloak as she hopped into the cockpit. After starting the engines, she turned the fighter around, it's cargohold door sliding open "Hey Agent, need a ride ?" she inquired cheerfully, all the while, Jason doing nothing but watching in awe before stepping in the ship.

They took off, and headed back for the complex near the club. A single squad remained there to guard off the area, which swiftly dispersed after Liara blasted their patrol cars.

Once inside the complex, Morigan got off and immediately went for his ship. They began ascending right as a few Wyrm interceptors were closing in on their possition.

The Agents took a quick turn around the complex, luring the two Wyrms after them and straight into a pair of falling EMP mines. The ensuing blast cracked their shields open while Jason and Liara made swift work of their exposed engines afterwards.

After departing and exiting the planet's Atmosphere, they broke away and scattered in different direction.

"Nice seeing you ma'am. Next time I'll take you out for a drink." Jason offered in a friendly manner

"Carefull Agent, I just might hold you up on that offer. Sayonara." she replied before going each their own ways.