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Does Discovery need a concept artist? - Printable Version

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Does Discovery need a concept artist? - Flakface - 08-20-2014

Hey guys.

I've been playing on the server for a while (usually under Cal.Deters, Dawn.Treader, or Sound.Of.Truth) and I'm noticing that there are some original designs being put into the mod.

I was just wondering if you want a part time or casual concept artist to come up with some designs. (fighters / corvettes / bombers / transports / etc)

If you want to look at my artwork head on over to:
my tumblr @
my devart @

Let me know. It'd be cool to be a part of a team and maybe fly a ship I have designed.

I mean, I'd love to be in Star Citizen but..I don't think I'm good enough for that Wink

RE: Does Discovery need a concept artist? - n00bl3t - 08-20-2014

I don't think there's such a position as concept artist in the dev team. I think for the most part there's modelers, lore writers and balance people. There could be more, but that strikes me as the layout.

If you've got concept art, make a thread or use this one to post it. If the model fits, I'm guessing a modeler will take interest in it and make it. Or better still, learn how to make models yourself and submit one.

RE: Does Discovery need a concept artist? - Treewyrm - 08-20-2014

Let's have a try at least - make a sketch of a ship line that would contain say light fighter, very heavy fighter and bomber. Stylistically something that would feel at home with original Freelancer, utilitarian and all. Of course, being just a concept art it would be mostly about general shapes of the ships, but try also finding color palette. The shapes would have to have a base idea, a common geometry base to make them all visually identifiable as a part of a single ship line but also individually distinguishable in a way it would be intuitively distinctive as to whether the ship you see is a bomber or is it a very heavy fighter.

Visual consistency and coherence with original game aesthetics is something I'd be looking for regarding ship design, be it new ships or replacing existing ships.

RE: Does Discovery need a concept artist? - Echo 7-7 - 08-20-2014

(08-20-2014, 10:05 AM)Treewyrm Wrote: ...
Visual consistency and coherence with original game aesthetics is something I'd be looking for regarding ship design, be it new ships or replacing existing ships.

I would also suggest considering station / solar object designs too. Almost all bases in the game are assembled from combinations of smaller components. There are opportunities for new designs in that field, be it a new idea using existing components, or a brand new station archetype entirely (that still fits in with the "Freelancer style").

If you're interested in seeing what assets already exist in the mod, the following folders contain the actual model files:

RE: Does Discovery need a concept artist? - Flakface - 08-20-2014

That is one thing I was wanting to do, take a look at the original models, but since I'm not a modder I have no idea how Wink

and, you're right, I could make a concept and model it. i've done some very, veyr low poly models before (nothing amazing though, mostly just personal projects)

RE: Does Discovery need a concept artist? - Treewyrm - 08-20-2014

(08-20-2014, 01:19 PM)Flakface Wrote: That is one thing I was wanting to do, take a look at the original models, but since I'm not a modder I have no idea how Wink

and, you're right, I could make a concept and model it. i've done some very, veyr low poly models before (nothing amazing though, mostly just personal projects)

Well, like it was earlier: it wouldn't be about modeling and you wouldn't need to actually model things yourself, but I would like to see sketches of ship shapes, conceptual stuff from which actual models could be derived from. This would be a welcome thing in my opinion, but just so long as there is coherence in design, there is distinction between shape sets for different shiplines but uniform within a shipline. Concept art is what it is - not necessarily the way things will look in result, in fact often enough that's not true, but just as well if it's a fitting concept art some or even most elements from it could end up being parts of the actual model mesh. So go ahead, give a try.

RE: Does Discovery need a concept artist? - Echo 7-7 - 08-20-2014

(08-20-2014, 01:19 PM)Flakface Wrote: That is one thing I was wanting to do, take a look at the original models, but since I'm not a modder I have no idea how Wink

and, you're right, I could make a concept and model it. i've done some very, veyr low poly models before (nothing amazing though, mostly just personal projects)

The tools UTFEditor and HardCMP may be useful in that regard. I prefer the former but it does occasionally display incorrect textures. Neither tool produces high-quality renders - they're more for technical reference - but they're light.

RE: Does Discovery need a concept artist? - Flakface - 08-20-2014

So where could I create a concept art dump thread? :p

RE: Does Discovery need a concept artist? - Tunicle - 08-20-2014

(08-20-2014, 08:00 PM)Flakface Wrote: So where could I create a concept art dump thread? :p

May be a start

RE: Does Discovery need a concept artist? - Flakface - 08-20-2014

Thank you! Big Grin will do!