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Staff APPRECIATION Thread - Printable Version

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Staff APPRECIATION Thread - AlphaWolf215 - 08-21-2014

Okay. I'm not naming names, the list could go on forever, but the staff, and very much so recently, appear to be a little under-appreciated currently.

Now before I go on, I want you to understand, I disagree with some of the staff at times, but I always look at it as "hey, people make mistakes, they are only human. Does it bother me that much? Yes: write an informative post and request an explanation, hoping it clears everything up. No: the forget about it, it's not a problem that concerns you, your likely not that knowledgable on it anyways". This is my mentality alone, and you may be right in thinking it's not right for everyone to think that way, but I think that some times , it in someway helps.

Now I seem to be detracting from the original point of this thread somewhat. The staff appear under appreciated these days, and I don't think that's fair. Sure, they make mistakes, and sometimes may be too proud to admit it, but my god can you tell me you have NEVER done that at some point in your life, I know I have, so I decided that for those of you man enough to publicly say so, to thank the staff, and ask you to add your own heartfelt message of appreciation. Be it for individual movers of the staff, or for the staff as a whole.

The Development Team

Thank you, all of you. Without your continued support, and the countless man hours you put in, we wouldn't have this mod that brings us all together (even if it is sometimes to have a good moan Wink ) Even to those of you operating behind the scenes. It is thanks to you that Discovery is still working, gaining updates, and fixed when we find our bugs. Thank you, for your blood swear and tears, for your dedication, to a sometimes ungrateful community, an to a brilliant mod. Without you, we wouldn't have discovery.

The Administration Team

To the Admins of Disco 24/7, thank you. I know that at times your work can be unforgiving, and you have to deal with some of us acting as whinny children. You have to slave away over the server, handing out punishments I'm sure you'd prefer to have other solutions too. You have to uphold the rules of discovery, and you also must decide upon many decisions , be it about factions, or (I assume) discussing with the Development Team how you would like to see us move forward. You must be the final word, you must also care for this community. Thank you, for not giving up, thank you, for putting up with us in our darkest hours, thank you, for being you.

The Moderator Team

To the Moderators, the watchful lurker a of the forums. You give your time to keep an eye on the forums, sometimes you have to give up game time to deal with us naughty children. You work behind the scenes, perhaps doing more work than some of us realise. Without you, the forums would not be as family friendly as they are. Without you, the forums would be a colour less beautiful. Without you, we wouldn't have some of our greatest friends on hand to help us (by us I mean the fools *ahem*me*ahem* that can't work one end of a flashlight from the other). Without you, the Admins would have less time in game. I personally believe you are a little underestimated, and that your role is larger than many perceive on first thought, so thank you, for being there, for all of us.

To the Angels

Whilst some may not consider you to be completely staff, in my eyes you are. You give your time to help the new comers, to learn all that you can about the mod so that new guys, as we all once where, get a little guidance in the dark expanses of space that are beginning to explore. I believe you to be the unsung heroes of Discovery, so thank you for doing what many of us do not, helping and teaching.

P.S. I ask you all drop a thank you here. Nothing else is wanted, and I'm sure the staff will be happy to police this and remove anything but the posts of thanks and appreciation. For once, I ask for a nice thread just to say thank you, if you want to thank a specific staff member, then feel free to do so. I unfortunately am not aquainted with many members of the team, but I thank them regardless. If you are like me, then feel free to post a more general letter of thanks , perhaps like mine.

RE: Staff APPRECIATION Thread - Zen_Mechanics - 08-21-2014


RE: Staff APPRECIATION Thread - Luke. - 08-21-2014

HA GA- nah.

They keep the place ticking over indeed.

RE: Staff APPRECIATION Thread - Havok - 08-21-2014

Thank you to the Devs, the Mods and especially the TMNT!

RE: Staff APPRECIATION Thread - Evo - 08-21-2014

A big thanks to all of the staff.

P.S: Where's the Xeno Battlestars?

RE: Staff APPRECIATION Thread - Valarin - 08-21-2014

It's a tough and usually thankless job, so thank-you. The long hours you put in to make the server and community even that little bit more pleasant or running smoother are much appreciated. Unfortunately I don't know any of you personally - but your work seems to be clear and always present, as are many of you, which mostly speaks for itself and for which I am grateful.

Cheers! *sips*

RE: Staff APPRECIATION Thread - Flashâ„¢ - 08-21-2014

Thank you Smile))

RE: Staff APPRECIATION Thread - Sabru - 08-21-2014

3 cheers for the Disco staff!

RE: Staff APPRECIATION Thread - Papa Oomaumau - 08-21-2014

Gracias, danke, thanks, merci, dalu, obrigado, arigato, and mahalo.

*awaiting sankshun for posting in non-English...*

RE: Staff APPRECIATION Thread - Cashew - 08-21-2014

Thanks! (: Smile