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Operation Relief for Leads Part 1(//with Fynn McScrap & Dr. Doreen Nagger) - Printable Version

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Operation Relief for Leads Part 1(//with Fynn McScrap & Dr. Doreen Nagger) - Sturm347 - 08-28-2014

Tinker's Haven, nearby Planet Houston, Texas System.

William Walker looked around his makeshift office for SRO (Sirius Relief Organization), boxes were cluttered everywhere, boxes for food, water, clothes and items that usually were taken for granted but would be greatly appreciated by people who have no access to them. He had about 60 people working for him, well volunteers would be the more appropriate term. Most of them civilian from all walks of life, nurses, aid workers, teachers, technicians and engineers. He also had some ex-military pilots for him. He couldn't have ask for a more diverse bunch of volunteers. Right now they in a busy mode of preparations for the upcoming trip they have.

William pickup up his coffee and sat down on his chair. He had mixed feelings on their upcoming trip. On one had he was excited, being their first trip for the organization, finally be able to make a difference in peoples lives. On the other hand he also worried, peoples lives depended on him, Doreen's concern re Gallia is really a valid point. He had this noble, no silly notion that they could just fly there un-escorted hoping that nobody will shoot them because they were unarmed. Now, he really hoped that the Bretonians would provide an escort for them, otherwise he may have to ask Fynn help from his contacts to provide and escort maybe. He also felt pissed that Bretonian Police Authority has not replied to his request yet, He may have to do this without they permission. He didn't want to force this issue with the Bretonians but those people in Leeds really needed their help. He will have to ask Fynn and Doreen if they still would like to go if the BPA has not or did not give permission to go there. He was not also going to risk James to go with him on the trip. If something happened to him, James would be the one to lead SRO to continue their relief efforts.

He had a lot of work to do and decided to go over the communications and the manifests just in-case he missed something while waiting for Fynn and Doreen to arrive.

RE: Operation Relief for Leads Part 1(//with Fynn McScrap & Dr. Doreen Nagger) - FynnMcScrap - 08-28-2014

[Image: TampTtb_zps38c4b146.png]

FynnMcScrap here, speaking from aboard of the House.of.Cards.

Im still on my way back to Cortez, and will probably arrive at the Haven tomorrow after picking up my Shuttle at Curacao tomorrow morning. The Skipper of the Tinkers.Pride, Mr. Bailey , just sent me a message that you where expecting me at the office.

I trust to be back soon and have used the rest and time in my short vacation to write a few messages. I will probably get to write to the rest of my contacts tomorrow after coinferring with you and Doreen.
Also, If you wish: I have a good relationship to Mr. Jaques Letourneau, the Owner of the House.of.Cards.
Nobody I know is able to tell you more about Gallia and possible threats from this side than him.

I will try and purchase a special delivery on my was back home to the Haven, but I trust it will not take too long.

Looking forward to meeting you at the Haven


[Image: TampTte_zpse12cde9d.png]

RE: Operation Relief for Leads Part 1(//with Fynn McScrap & Dr. Doreen Nagger) - Doreen - 08-29-2014

She took a knee on the floor of her new friend's home in a suburb of the capital city on planet Houston. She was dressed to leave for work and trying to keep her composure. Standing before her was her young son, Benjen. If he truly knew what was going on, he wasn't showing it. All that the 6 year old boy knew was that Mommy had to leave for work for a few days.

With her hands on his shoulders, she managed a smile as she sniffled to keep control. "I want you to be good for Mommy while she's gone," she said softly to him, her friend who would be taking care of him watching in the background, "I hope to be home in a few days.
"I will, Mommy," he shyly answered, looking at his mother almost blankly.
"Miss Theresa and her husband will take good care of you while you're here," she stated, "and you'll get to play with Billy while I'm away."
He managed a soft smile, "I think I'll be OK, Mommy."
Then, as she drew him to her for a hug that only a mother could give, she choked up a bit and gave a sob, "I so love you, Benny." As she held him, a tear fell down either side of her face. It was the first time she would spend time apart away from her son.
When they finally separated, he looked at her and with a finger, ran it up one wet trail on her face and then the other, "Don't cry, Mommy, everything will be OK."
Almost on cue, his friend from school, little Billy, called for him, "Benny, let's play some cops and Xenos." Almost immediately, he ran away to play.
Doreen stood up trying to keep herself together.

"He's going to be fine," Theresa assured her. "Go! What you're doing is noble and just. I can't think of anyone better for the job."
Doreen smiled though another tear as she embraced her friend, "Thanks, Theresa. I just worry because I'm all that little boy has ever known."
They separated and Theresa smiled, "Trust me, everything will work out." Doreen grabbed her bag and waved as she closed the door.

On the short flight in her shuttle from Houston to the Haven, she pulled herself together. Singing softly as she fixed her clothing. She wanted to look professional yet pretty. Still, the thoughts of her son filled her head. His father dead, his family living in exile in Omicron 74 and no other relatives, she was all he had ever known.
"We're at the Haven, Dr. Nagger," came a voice over the intercom. With a sigh, she grabbed her bag and entered the station.

With an escort, she found her way into the office where Mr. Walker was. She was still a little upset about leaving her son despite a smile as she entered but she offered a hand to him.
"Mr. Walker I presume?" she inquired.

RE: Operation Relief for Leads Part 1(//with Fynn McScrap & Dr. Doreen Nagger) - Sturm347 - 08-30-2014

William was concentrating on the reports he was reading when he heard someone said "Mr. Walker I presume?"
He immediate looked up and said, "Doreen? Doctor Doreen Nagger?"
He didn't wait for her to answer, "It is a pleasure to finally meet you in person. Please do come in, and have a seat."
Seeing that there wasn't a chair available since it was all full of boxes, he grab one of the boxes and set it aside.
"Sorry, everything is a mess here at the moment. Everybody's in busy with the preparations."
Once he saw she was comfortably seated, he continued.
"Fynn's not here at the moment he is on his way back from Inverness though."
"Well let me try to get you up to speed on things here. We finally got the response we needed from the Bretonian Police Authority(BPA) and it said permission granted"

William turned on the projection screen and showed Doreen the communications from BPA.
"They can not provide a proper escort but any available officers at that time will assist us if they are able to."
"I have already talked about this with Fynn over the comms and he had a suggestion of hiring mercenaries as proper escorts."
"BPA has also suggested to contact Mr. Aces a Junker who is the operator of The Junkeyard in Inverness if he can provide assistance for us."
"I am also drafting a letter to BPA applying for a medical license for what we will be carrying over to Bretonia so that we wont have any trouble being stopped for transporting medical supplies. I would like for you to go over our medical manifest and check if they are adequate. I will send you the list on your comms"

William brought up several maps on the screen.
"Right now we have two entry points to Leeds either from Manchester or Magellan. I have not decided yet on this one and would like to hear both of your ideas for that."
He stopped for a moment to look at Doreen and said. "I'm sorry Doreen, you think of me as a mad man, bombarding you with all of the information right away. I apologize."
"Seeing that you have just arrived, would you like to have some coffee? or if you hadn't eaten yet I could send James to fetch us some food from the canteen."
"I believe Fynn told me you had a son, Ben? I hope he is okay."
"I have a daughter too, her name is Rachel. She is about twenty years old, her mother, my wife Casey, died when she gave birth to her. She moved out about a year ago seeking her own fortune in Sirius. She sends me comms once in a while."
"Forgive me, I'm getting lost in my thoughts again."
"Anyway where was I? Ah yes, coffee?"

RE: Operation Relief for Leads Part 1(//with Fynn McScrap & Dr. Doreen Nagger) - Doreen - 08-31-2014

"Coffee would be great," she managed through a week smile, "a little cream and sugar, please." She then excused herself, "I need to visit the wash room for a minute."
Inside, she tried to pull herself together. She fixed her blouse and fixed her hair and then looked into the mirror. She just didn't want her eyes to be red from her earlier sobbing. Finally, she went back out and accepted the cup of coffee, taking a seat before William.

"My son's name is Benjen," she said kindly, taking a sip of her coffee afterward. Nodding, she pulled the cup back, "Good coffee. Thank you."
"Forgive me," she continued, "it's the first time I've had to be apart from him. He seems to be taking it better than me but then, he's only six years old." She then smiled a bit, "He's been the only man in my life for awhile now."

She slowed the pace a bit. "You know of my concerns about Leeds and the presence of the Gallic Royals. I'm not a fighter or a diplomat. I am a doctor and I know that Gallic Royals just don't care."

She takes another sip of coffee and asks for a map of Leeds. She looks at it.
"If I'm not mistaken, the jumphole from Magellan is closer to Leeds and one wouldn't have to pass by a trade lane. Of course, cloaked ships probably lurk."
She sat back a bit, coffee in hand, "I don't know. It's going to be interesting to say the least."

She thought a moment. She didn't know a lot of people, especially escorts. She had very little to contribute beyond her medical knowledge.
She decided to get to know him a bit.
"So we have a little something in common," she stated, "Rachel's mother passed at birth. Benny's father was killed before I gave birth to him. I guess you understand how hard it is being a single parent. Since you've already been down that road, any advice will be most appreciated."

RE: Operation Relief for Leads Part 1(//with Fynn McScrap & Dr. Doreen Nagger) - Sturm347 - 09-01-2014

William was surprised a bit by Doreen's inquiry, He didn't even knew why he told her about his daughter Rachel, he was really secretive about his family life with regards to his daughter.
"Hmm, I don't think I can give any advice on that Doreen."
"Let me explain, When Casey died, I took it really hard and the only way I could cope with that was burying myself through work. Rachel grew up with literally everything she needed. I gave her lavish gifts, I spared no expense on her needs, school, clothes, accessories and such but the most important thing that she needed most I could not give, a father."
William stood up and looked out the window, starring at the stars.
"I could not bear to be with her, everytime I saw her, I saw Casey and I could not stand it."
"It was already too late when I realized that we already drifted apart."
"Sorry Doreen, here I am talking about myself again when other people are suffering more."

William walked back to his table, pulled a a bottle of Irish whisky and two glasses from the drawer.
"Whisky?" He took a shot of whiskey and continued"
"The best advice I could give is be there for him."
"Doreen, if you want to back out of this I would totally understand. I still think no harm will come to us especially if we are going to have escorts and there is no need for you to accompany the crew planet-side. You can stay with me on the while coordinating the operation. But if you're still having doubts I would totally understand."

William glanced at his computer and noticed his inbox blinking.
"Doreen, would you excuse me a bit? I think I just got a response from Mr Aces of the Junkers in Inverness"
"In the mean time would you mind if you can check our relief manifest see if we lack anything?"

William pulled up the list on one of the screens.

Sirius Relief Manifest:

  • Consumer Goods
  • Food Rations
  • Med-Stasis Bands
  • Oxygen
  • Water
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Stabiline
"I'll get to this email first while you check on that"
"If you have any questions or suggestions let me know"

RE: Operation Relief for Leads Part 1(//with Fynn McScrap & Dr. Doreen Nagger) - Sturm347 - 09-01-2014

Just as William was finished with writing to mr. Aces. The door opened and James walked though.
"Excuse me WIilliam? we just a a tranport docked with a a few hundred refugees jammed into them. Our paramedics already looked them over and they were fine. They said they just want to go home to Planet Miura."
"Thats good news!" William replied.
"Doreen? if you don't mind since Fynn is not yet at Haven, I would like to accompany the refugees to Planet Miura. I suggest get some rest maybe talk with the voluteers? James here will give you a tour."
"Oh where are my manners? James this is Dr. Doreen Nagger of the Memorial Clinic here and Doreen this is James David, my best friend and partner in SRO"
and with that he picked up his jacket and ran to the docking bay.
"Sorry about that"Said James, "I hope you don't mind him running off like that. He is always like a little boy when he gets excited"

RE: Operation Relief for Leads Part 1(//with Fynn McScrap & Dr. Doreen Nagger) - FynnMcScrap - 09-01-2014


A few hours later, in Kepler :

Space can be cold.


RE: Operation Relief for Leads Part 1(//with Fynn McScrap & Dr. Doreen Nagger) - Tinker and Transport - 09-02-2014

As the blue emergency signals started flashing the crews and Inhabitants of the Haven knew that there was an emergency, and as the monitors started showing the first triange data all knew it was no trial run.

4 Patients incoming, arrival in the next minutes.
And a 5th case, emergency but no critical state ?
Ah, there was the cypher for cryostasis. And for... oh my. For the coldhouse, too.
The chief officer at the comdeck sent out word to Doctor Nagger that her persence would be needed at the Ambulance dock.

Even though the Clinic was still not officially opened, the staff knew what to do. Doc Nagger and the few experienced members of the staff had trained their rookies well, so all was ready as the sleek form of the CSF Ambulance slid into dock.

And then... they first glimpsed the shocked and downtrodden faces of the rescued crewmembers, and realized that something terrible had happened.
It did not take long from then to let the news circle round the Haven. The grand relief Liner destroyed, Walker in cryo, and over 50 known faces either dead or missed.

People gathered, stories spread, and it took a while to settle.
The few mostly Junker groups getting loud about Xenos and the attack and calling for revenge got quickly silenced by the stout form of McKannon, so even in FynnMcScraps absence the Haven stayed coordinated.
But you could sense the stress...

And all waited for news about Walker.
He had earned the respect of the Haven members quickly.

Then the speakers crackled :

This is Phileas Tukker speaking.
To all Haven members :

Jes, I can confirm the attack by an unknown Xeno ship on the Relief Liner.
The Ambulance Team One managed to reach the spot fast enough to rescue a few of the crew, even though 6 members are still missing.

Mr. Walker is stabilized, and we await Doc Naggers message for any further news here.
We will not - I repeat : not - sanction any revenge missions to Kepler. All Junker crews : stay at your stations !
Fynn is informed and on his way back.

All SRO members : We are doing everything to save Mr. Walker, and be assured that T&T will support you all. If its up to us we will carry on his and your work till he is up and around again. We will not let SRO or its good work be abandoned just because of a terrorist attack.

Till then I appeal you all to ceep calm.

RE: Operation Relief for Leads Part 1(//with Fynn McScrap & Dr. Doreen Nagger) - Doreen - 09-02-2014

She had no intentions of backing out, not after this much preparation. She was raised that giving one's word was law. So, after a brief chat, she opted to immerse herself in work and began working in the sick bay both to get ready for the trip and to get the bay ready itself. Only a brief message from William told her that he was venturing out for a bit. Hours later as she was getting her area ready, the com system crackled.

She heard the message about the attack. Five incoming casualties, one of them Mr. Walker himself. Was this a test or was this reality? Either way, she had the chance to show what she knew. She had the chance to do her new partners proud. Knowing what was to come, she got into her doctor's whites, got what staff together that she could and made her way to the docking bay where she found a com station.

"Phileas Tukker this is Dr. Nagger. The report has been received and we are standing by to receive casualties. We will take in the most critically injured first. I will be close by with my personal com as needed. Whatever medical information on them you can send before they arrive will help us to better prepare."

With that, she prepared for the worst, briefing the team that she had to work with and sipping a cup of coffee as she waited. She was a bit nervous yet prepared.