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To: Junker Congress, CC : Orthog Ashford - Printable Version

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To: Junker Congress, CC : Orthog Ashford - FynnMcScrap - 08-31-2014

[Image: TampTtb_zps38c4b146.png]

::: open Junker frequencies :::
::: standard encoding :::

Fynn here, from Tinkers.

I talked with some others in space, and so I checked some things.
As we all know, some of us take the Leeds Run to bring supplies to the resistance camps there,
and there is not much to take back exept refugees.

I have managed to find some funding for a rehousing project, and will even try to expand it given time, enabling us to boost a rehab and recreation project at Houston that is still in planning stage. So far we stille hav very little capacity at the Haven and our planetside sites ar not even built jet, so we can only offer facility space for 1000 refugees ( 2000 cargo units ).
More to come as soon as the Clinic is open.

Still, if anybody is interested in passing by or disembarking the unfortunates at the Haven : we are happy to offer a fixed bonus for the good work of 3850 cred per refugee. Same fee for embarking to a new destination.

While I do agree that getting off Leeds is worth being cramped up like sardines in a CSF or simmilar vessel I do hope nobody wants to *haul the freight* from the Haven in anything else than a personal transport or a Liner ?

Also , I would like to adress Congress as a whole and especially the Inverness Folk concerning the SRO ( Sirius Relief Organization ) and a soon to come relief convoi to Leeds : We plan to haul a good load of civilian supplies and medicinals to the resistance camps.

Mr. Walker and his Organization are good friends and customers at the Haven,
setting up office with the Memorial Clinic and very important to us from a public relations point of view.
It will also be the first occasion that we will send our Ambulances on far missions.
I would truly appreciate any help or interest in the convoi. Mr. Walker, our Chief Resident Doc Nagger and myself are currently in the last planning and coordinating process.

With best regards


[Image: TampTte_zpse12cde9d.png]