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A little break, Is what we all need if at some point, even if i do suck. - Printable Version

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A little break, Is what we all need if at some point, even if i do suck. - Geoffacake - 09-05-2014

Things are going to get tough, even with the start of sixth form. But its not only that that has really been telling me that the attraction to disco is starting to fade for now.

Its like having a bottle of wine that after drinking its gone, so you replace it but its not the same as it requires to age. And i feel that's what i've been doing every time i've been here. You could turn around and scream "You've only been here for a year and a half, you don't know the concept of RP and ---" Shut your damn pie hole, i've been here and enjoyed it.

Although this has been my most RP heavy time i've been in disco, The attraction is gone and most of those i've Rp'ed with are now also on breaks or almost just gone from the community altogether. I've felt that i've understood the balance with RP and PvP and I've never excelled in the second but it was the RP that attracted me in the first place to disco and has excelled in doing that. So being thrusted into PvP though the quick blazing RP that someone does can get annoying even if its new to me, so its still going to need to sink in for me a tad before i can turn around and go "Hey, thats how some people want to play, let them be, it could bite them back one way or another."

So i'll be taking a small break alongside a few friends and see if we're ready to comeback at some point. Possibly to bring our RP Train back on track and see what makes this game fun as a group.

But like other people, Discovery is a very different game compared to others, its ability to stamp it right into your head for you to remember for almost forever is what gives it the brilliance.

I could say this is actually my first break, but hell, hasn't the time here been fun.

RE: A little break, Is what we all need if at some point, even if i do suck. - Omicron - 09-06-2014

Take as much time you need, saves you from being burned out if chosen timely. Myself having fun at Skyrim nowadays when I am not really feeling well to sit with Freelancer Discovery. There is no "balance" between RP and PVP as those are mutually part of each other, specially evident in space shooter settings.

Considering I took part in some particular event that might have lead to your dissatisfaction, consider my piece of advice: I do not think it is INRP proper behaviour to avoid confrontation by ignoring someone pointing gun at you just to pursue some private role-play with one of the other associates.

Many people had a rough time with it.

Have fun and rest.