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Gems, Supplies, Allies and Shady Deals - Daumann Heavy Construction - 09-10-2014

Daumann board of directors meeting. Conference hall in unknown place, with elegant furniture in a gloomy lighting.
Turned off wall projector is seen behind long table with human silhouettes sitting around, in a high, tech-styled office chairs.

- We can begin. First topic is estabilishing constant supply link with Corsairs. Director Von-Geld suggests to use freelance shipping company as disguise. What are Board's opinions?

RE: Gems, Supplies, Allies and Shady Deals - Auriec - 09-10-2014

Luminus Strahlemann sits on his chair, elegant and straight. Something itches him terribly. He can not make out what the source is. He ponders for a while, then moves the two pencils and the open folder a little so that they are perfectly parallel. That's better.

His hands folded, arms in perfect symmetry, Luminus clears his throat.
"Indubitably this would be a perfect solution. Daumann food transports into Bretonia that somehow find their contents poured into the ever open mouth of the Corsairs may find more attention than we desire, atleast on a long-term basis.
Herr Von-Geld, by proposing this, I assume you already have a solution to deal with hiding the tracks of the flowing money towards food producers, incase a certain local officer decides to stick his snout around and sniff for a while."

With perfect balance, Strahlemann leans back a little and waits.

RE: Gems, Supplies, Allies and Shady Deals - Pavel - 09-10-2014

- Officially they will be contracted by Kusarian third party, which will be nothing else than our men in disguise. I'm sure Interspace Commerce will be more than happy to help us launder some money invested into it without asking any unnecessary questions. To avoid banking system's registries, payments after circulating splitted between small companies and local divisons of bigger corporations will dissapear from trackers in form of physical credit cards being shipped as direct payment to parties in Rheinland.

Von-Geld stopped for a while.

- Here the money will be again injected into electronic circulation, and without any trace to us will be used to pay for additional Paste shipments, in big quantities if Corsair Elders give us green light. I don't understand why they outright refused our initial proposal, but I guess they're testing us yet and as such don't want to risk potentially poisoned food shipments delivered to their homeworld in bigger quantities.

Von-Geld finishes his last sentence and waits for another question.

RE: Gems, Supplies, Allies and Shady Deals - Auriec - 09-10-2014

Lucia Wattenscheid rhythmically taps her fingers on the table as she carefully listened to the questions and answers. Dividing her attention between the speakers and her phone, she looks rather bored and mentally absent. Hopefully, this is over soon. I will tear everybody apart if they make me miss my flight to Baden-Baden. Engulfed in her imagination about a sunny all-inclusive hotel, she still manages to catch pieces and bits from the discussion going on.

One particular thing caught her interest, though.
"If the Corsair Elders refused our proposal once, why should they agree to a different one now?" She leans forward. "Those savages know no trust to civilized people. I have indulged myself into e-books about their barbaric traditions. They are like animals, driven by instinct. In their savagery, their wear their rebellious honour and tradition like a suit of armor... They think it keeps them safe, but all it does is weigh them down and makes it harder for them to move."
She ponders for a while.
"Maybe we could show them that we're good with guns, too. We could provide some of our manufactured technologies or maybe .. show the results of our.." A smirk appears on her face. ".. crimson bunny hunt. Maybe these "warriors" will trust us when we lower us down to their level and prove our combat potential. Showing the hessians the Daumanns fangs, then telling our little Elders about it."

Irritated by that thought, she shakes her head and looks back to her phone to check the current market prices.

RE: Gems, Supplies, Allies and Shady Deals - Pavel - 10-02-2014

Von-Geld smiled a little after Wattenscheid's words. Sure of himself, not without satsifaction, replied:

- We've been toying with that idea in the Security Division for some time now. Savages or not, in our understanding, Corsairs may be very useful to our plans, and such secret priceless ally with already estabilished renown does not need to care of subtle diplomacy issues.

Looking politely at Lucia playing with her phone, he continued:

- First transports with arms were already delivered, alongside industrial materials, fuel and some food. As we're just beginning, scale of the operation is limited. We need more time, clearer agreement with their Elders and proper infrastructure for that. I suppouse only infrastructure will prove to be a challenge here; we're talking about constant supply link through deep Omegas handled not by small smuggler freighters, but by at least medium-sized transports. We need special places on our side to store the goods before departure and we need them on their side as well. Dozens of mechanics, guards, logistics coordinators, translators... Overall, we speak about building special infrastructure on Crete and compound housing up to two hundred of our people in minimal version.

Von-Geld took a small break.

- I said about minimal version, because here we begin talking the clou of Security Division's plan to support Corsairs directly, not only with material aid.

Our proposal is to send mercenary wing to fight together with Corsairs against their and our foes in deep Omegas.

Looking victoriously at Wattenscheid, Von-Geld waited for answer.

RE: Gems, Supplies, Allies and Shady Deals - Auriec - 10-27-2014

Lucia Wattenscheid rhytmically taps her fingers, annoyed by a slight twitch in the graph that portrays the value of Iridium. The power of her impatience refocuses on the discussion at hand. The victorious look on his face is met with an apathetic stare.

"Hmpf. That could work, perhaps. As long as we display ourselves within the bottom pit that is 'their level'. There is no cure for their savagery. We have to endure it until they have served their purpose."

Rolling his eyes, Luminus glared at Lucia.

"And how do you want to make that work? How should the Corsairs associate these mercenaries with Daumann while anybody else is not supposed to associate them with Daumann? Revealing their true origin to the Council of Elders only might result in little advantages. They will not trust cameras, they want to see the mercenaries in action. What do we do with leaks? There's no way it'll remain a secret for long unless it is disclosed to the Elders, only."

With a bored look and hands folded in a perfect right angle, Luminus waits for Von-Geld to make his next move.

RE: Gems, Supplies, Allies and Shady Deals - Pavel - 11-03-2014

- Leaks are something we indeed worry about. As such, mercenaries' true allegiance should be known to the Elders themselves only, director Wattenscheid. We cannot use common mercenaries in that wing, sooner or later they'd betray us. We need specific kind of people, the ones with unquestionable loyalty. Our Secret Projects department is working on such qualified human material, suffice to say extensive advanced psychlogical conditioning and drug use is involved. Test subjects are chosen from skilled fighters who worked for us previously, either as regular employees of Security Division, or as trusted mercenaries.

Another thing, however, is the problem of supplying such squadron. There is no doubt once our Cretan base of operations is fully set up, materiel input requirements for squadron will be lessened; repair materials, advanced tools etc will be available locally. Until that, we need to divide shipments meant for Crete between the mercenary squadron and Corsairs' needs. Solution to that would be actual hiding our disguised transports in crowd of average smugglers and unlawful traders doing business with Crete. Benefits would be double, not only our support is hidden better, but also we can boost trade exchange with Corsairs to theoretically unlimited size, given there are enough freelance captains willing to risk dangerous smuggling route to Omicron Gamma.

After few breaths to let the tongue rest, Von-Geld continued:

- I can think of even one more additional benefit. Directors, it simply will be cheaper to hire actual smugglers for help with shipments, than dispatch more of our own ships in disguise, what'd require us to invest more into local infrastructure, fuel costs, bribes for occasional Federal Police patrol and so on. That way squadron would achieve combat readiness sooner; shipments for Corsairs per se will be handled chiefly by freelance shippers. *cough*

That of course means also we can smuggle more Artifacts back, as we won't be forced to use majority of our ships for Corsair needs. I'm not an accountant myself, but Secret Projects department predicts, if there are no setbacks and our initial plan is executed at one hundred percents, operation should cross profitability level and start earning money in around a year.

RE: Gems, Supplies, Allies and Shady Deals - Auriec - 11-03-2014

One year? That appears awfully short, given the circumstances. I can already feel that there's an unexpected difficulty with it. Luminus Strahlemann leaned forward. You still didn't answer my question satisfyingly. How is Daumann gaining respect through a mercenary group that nobody but the elders are going to identify as Daumann ships? Are they going to tell their brethren that a random mercenary scored some kills on hessians and that a Rheinland corporation should get treated better because of that?
It will not take long until a loquacious corsair is going to find out and tell the story to the wrong people.

He glanced to Frau Wattenscheid, who is confirming his worries with a slight nod, nodded himself and then focused on Von-Gelds answer.

RE: Gems, Supplies, Allies and Shady Deals - Pavel - 11-03-2014

- One year, assuming that our Corsair operation will remain small support wing and maximally few dozens of industrial specialists, military advisors and such on Crete planetside. Those were the requirements sent to my desk, to try out cooperation first, at all. If it proves succesful, we can always expand our activities down there, but naturally this would require bigger investment.

Answering the clue of your question here, Corsair Elders will order their clans and raiders not to target us, or at least treat with great dose of leniency. I can assume that same could be applied to more of Rheinland groups, given we lobby for that among the Elders, and provide something in return.

With twinkle in his only eye he continued:

- Whenever independent miners are caught more or less closely working with Red Hessians, they always use neutrality card - "we aren't side in that conflict". If leniency in piracy treatment towards our vessels ever comes to light, we will use their own tactics - we don't fight Corsairs per se, although as honest journalists see, also are pirated by them. From Cretan side explanation will be similar - Rheinlanders are evil and should be pirated, but not all of them with average harshness, as they happen to shoot our enemies.

RE: Gems, Supplies, Allies and Shady Deals - Price_ - 01-13-2015

Christoph Schweiger puffs on his cigar listening to the debating and thinking on the matter at hand, blowing a large smoke ring he says.

We could probably get permission from the Junker Marauders to set up a storage container on Invergordon Space Port in Inverness, if we pay them well enough and offer to get them any supplies they may want, we should be able to convince them to not mention it as well.

This would also give us the option of partially expanding our connects with them in general, and perhaps they could could be used to connect with some of liberties underground factions as well.

He puts his cigar down while pouring a glass of scotch, allowing the board to take in what he has said. he knows new ideas are not always met with open arms.