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Militant Zoners - Not yet finished - Printable Version

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Militant Zoners - Not yet finished - Zen_Mechanics - 09-15-2014

Not all is final, subject to change.

Millitarized Zoners ? Not this again...:
No, not millitarized - to be accurate, Militant - If you don't know how to know the two - you have no reason to even go on with this arguement.

What if you are caugth, What would the factions do ?
Nothing, They are doing nothing to benefit zoners as a whole and are only focused on themselves, So it wouldn't effect them anyway - since they would remove any responsibility. This is not an attack, but a long time of obeservation and evidence.

Is this really what Zoners are to you?
Zoners to me are undefined, However I consider them liberatrians ( Infact I would argue that they are ) - The artificial bubble thats being imposed by the lack of creativity by the current factions, and this strange irrational hatred toward zoners - along with the lie of neutrality poisened the minds of many - And which is why I no longer take zoners for granted.

Zoners work in shady ways, they hire people to do the dirty stuff for them

Indeed they do work in mysterious ways, rubbing their faces and jackboots in the face of the innocent. Okay I made that last bit up, but only because its the only thing I think of whenever I hear this question. I can't disprove the fact that many zoners do behave in this way, but my stance with this is that - its not only unwise to lay trust to someone who works for money - but to also risk being fooled by him is way more idiotic. As the phrase goes " If you want something done, do it yourself".

Undermining the very basics of Zoners?
What basics, Each faction or an individual is free to define himself as he wishes, Its true that until you meet the person - you are likely to consider him the hippie-weed smoking guy that's a hundred percent peaceful - And as you know, That I do have a problem with. Putting a "civilian" character on zoners is plain wrong, Civilians are civilians, If you were around here in 4.85 or pre 4.85 you would notice that there was a specific "Civilian ID" just for that. The word "Zoners" for me, in general is nothing but a place-holder - until the person decides his ways, or path. This isn't old fashion or insane, Look at the factions and how different they are - and yet they consider themselves zoners, a living proof of my theory.

Why are you so stubborn to go on with this idea?
I guess the only faction that I have true love, other then Kishiro - Are zoners. I have had many chances to meet amazing role-players and they all were in some point zoners - I figured zoners are a good place to start a character from scratch and let the chain of events shape him. It's easier then say, Being born as someone with already -pre determined objectives and desires and then work from there to a different way. Both ways are good, but In the zoner case - It's more dynamic.

Add more once im home.

If you have anything to say, say that in good civil tone.


Suggested Diplomacy ;

Hacked Rep - Generic Zoners + 0.0.7 ( Allied )
Hacked Rep - GMG + 0.06 ( Allied )
Core + 0.04 ( Core is well more wealthy and powerful ) Per role-play, Intention is to establish links with them to gain good reputation with lawful factions ( despite the fact that we reject houses, having them on good stance cant hurt anyone )
The Order +0.01 ( A potential House-like Colony, Orginization With regulations that does not exempt Zoners )
House Colonies + -0.05 - No Dock
Lawful Corporations ( Per role-play )
Other factions ( per role-play )
, Ship usage ;

Exploiting GMG and Zoner Shiplines, Capital ships included ( reversed engineering - millitary in mind, less research decks etc )

ZoI ; Per assignment, however unlimited - the conventional wisdom of go if you have something to do, otherwise stay out of there - should be enforced to avoid pointless encounters in places where theres no real intrest ).

Should be a lost fleet of the Omicroners, thought to be lost in a battle at X ( This opens the door for millitary-capitals, rather then using Livadia who would anyway reject such a thing ).

RE: Militant Zoners - Not yet finished - Ponge - 09-15-2014

"If you don't know how to know the two - you have no reason to even go on with this arguement"

I am not a native English speaker, please define the difference, so I can get a clear picture of this whole thing.
Thanks, much appreciated.

RE: Militant Zoners - Not yet finished - Zen_Mechanics - 09-15-2014

(09-15-2014, 11:54 AM)Ponge Wrote: "If you don't know how to know the two - you have no reason to even go on with this arguement"

I am not a native English speaker, please define the difference, so I can get a clear picture of this whole thing.
Thanks, much appreciated.

Millitant ; Vgorously active person or group of people, combative and aggressive, especially in support of a cause. It may or may not use violence.

Millitary : Structure that's sole purpose is to use live & lethal weapons for the interest of its people/state/house ( in this case ) and is recognized as an official body.

RE: Militant Zoners - Not yet finished - SnakeLancerHaven - 09-15-2014

Like "Paramilitary" ?

RE: Militant Zoners - Not yet finished - Vredes - 09-15-2014

Zoners, the enforcers of neutrality.

RE: Militant Zoners - Not yet finished - HassLHoFF™ - 09-15-2014

Zoner Terrorists....perfect **sigh*

RE: Militant Zoners - Not yet finished - t0l - 09-15-2014

Definition of militant: combative and aggressive in support of a political or social cause, and typically favoring extreme, violent, or confrontational methods.

Don't bend the definition.

Oh, yeah. Here we go again.

RE: Militant Zoners - Not yet finished - Zen_Mechanics - 09-15-2014

Not terrorists, but rather activists.

RE: Militant Zoners - Not yet finished - Zen_Mechanics - 09-15-2014

(09-15-2014, 01:30 PM)Tal Wrote: Definition of militant: combative and aggressive in support of a political or social cause, and typically favoring extreme, violent, or confrontational methods.

Here we go again.

May or may not use violence. Have you purposely forgot to mention that? Typical.

RE: Militant Zoners - Not yet finished - Connor - 09-15-2014

I really think that a zoner ID is not for this.