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Operation Relief for Leads part 2 //(invite only) - Printable Version

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Operation Relief for Leads part 2 //(invite only) - Sturm347 - 09-19-2014

//continued from The Cantina at Tinkers Haven
//invited participants for Operation relief for Leeds : The great Leeds Run can join here anytime

"Fynn, glad to see you again. I have to thank you and Doreen for saving my life. Thank you for taking over the relief project while I was recovering."
William took a shot of whiskey and continued.
"I heard captain Bailey took over the helm for Tinker's Pride, and that you already know what happened to the Xeno that shot us?."
"And seeing that there's a lot of people here, I assume they will be joining the convoy?"
but before Fynn could answer, William quickly added,
"But, whats this I hear? we're putting up a pool on who ever gets the most refugees out?, I also heard that even the escorts have their own bet going. It seems morale is high, I'm really anxious for the next couple of days"
"I would also like to meet the other people joining the convoy, if you could introduce me to them, I would appreciate it.

RE: Operation Relief for Leads part 2 //(invite only) - FynnMcScrap - 09-19-2014

Fynn laughed and started to calm down William.

Hey, you are still quite wobbly on your feet, sit down.
I will tell you anything you want to know, Friend.
After all, I will need you up and ready to greet some guests from tomorrow on.
No flying the relief liner now for you, at least not for the next two or three weeks.

He imediately stopped Walkers reply :

Nope, William. Doreen told me exactly what you can do the next days and what not. And, in fact I really need you here. Just think about it ? We will probably have some hundred guests here looking about to find any stink from us greasy Junkers here at the base ? So it´s only logical that I get buisy , and I´m actually grateful for the chance to evacuate myself in the Ambulance one.

Fynn sat down , turning his chair towards William and continuing :

We will have our Shareholders and Investors here, greedily looking at the base and wanting to meet and talk to somebody important. We will probably have some LPI or even LibGov officials here, and I guess they will not tell us before they dock that they plan to look around tomorrow. Or at least : I would do it that way.
Also we will have any libertonian privateer, merc or trader around who cares to fly by to join us in feasting or in the relief convoi.

Fynn sighed, and grinned at the same time. He could not really hide the fact that he was excited about getting into the pilot seat of one of the modified CSF Ambulances and about to run a blokade to Leeds.

William , Tukker needs your help here, to get all those people calm and fluffy. I need you here ?
After all, to most of our guests I will never be more than a dirty upstart Junker, no matter how often I bathe or shave.
And don´t be too shy. You have the charisma and the diplomatic skills to meet them, and getting wounded recently might be painful, but it also boosts your credibility.

Fynns face looked older for a moment, his eyes unfocused.

William, listen to me . You payed dearly up there at Kepler. And nothing you can do will ever get them back. I know about it myself.
I lost two hundred good men at Cold Bay, and I will work all my life to repay their families for the failure to protect them. But we can only look forward.
Use the pain, use the casualties, and use them well.

Again Fynn gestured , this time over to the big engraved picture,
dominating the corridor at the main entrance to the Cantina.

No matter if you want it or understand it , but for my Junkers you are now one of us, and your crews too.
The same blood on the scrap, and your names have been engraved there with ours.
Use it, my friend, use it wisely.

Now Fynns grin got even broader, colder too.
Suddenly Walker shuddered, he had not seen this Fynn before.
And now he understood that Fynn and his crews were friends, sure.
But they would always remain - Junkers. He was now... part of the family.

I would advise you not to tell Tukkers guests or a visiting LPI officer what the small engraved sign behind the name of your old ship means. It may look like a glitch, like a part of the scrap.
But to a Junker it can be read clearly, and it means that this ship has been avenged, courtesy of the Lane Hackers. Ceep it as a secret.

Fynn finally pulled out his PDA, and started showing lots of figures, docking demands and store lists :

So, let´s get to work, will we ?
After all, I guess that as long as you don´t get overworked or excited there is nothing against helping me with the logostical nightmare of up to 25 thousand Refugees arriving in the next few days, do be medically checkjed, sent to rehab or relocated ?

He laught out loud at Williams expression, showing him the data on the PDA.

I did my maths thoroughly , that´s the max load of refugees we can support here temporarily without overstressing our resources, and it´s a solid figure. We won´t be ceeping them here, we will transfer them to relocation camps or rehab as soon as possible, but they will all come here at least once for a thorough checkup.
The Clinic´s staff is ready and as far as I know they are setting up their own bets on the whole thing.
And the best thing is : it will not cost us directly, it´s all funded through the donations of our Investors and the charity funds.

Again he watched William´s expression , delighted with his friends reaction.

Sorry that I am such a cynic, but it seems that getting shot at by terrorists is quite good public relations as far as the standard middle class Libertonian is concerned. Donations to the SRO´s Fundus have been coming in constantly, and with Tukkers and James help we have set up quite an impressive financial plan.
Now we need you to show your guests that their money is in good hands.
If I have a say in this, and I fear I haven´t , Doreen will be here and help you and Tukker, meaning that when Tukker takes the officials down to planetside Doreen takes care of the refugees and you clear the logistics here while being visible as host for all the guests.

...and so they planned and discussed...

RE: Operation Relief for Leads part 2 //(invite only) - FynnMcScrap - 09-20-2014

On the morning they had planned for the event Fynn was ill humored and grumpy.
Coffee did not seem to work, and so he set out to check the Ambulances and the stored supplies.

Would anyody care ?
Would they be able to fly ?

He had no idea.