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The Archangels Fighter Club |||| {AFC}- - The Archangels Fighter Club - 10-19-2014


[Image: PjoAgiH.jpg?1]



We take care of our own, help our friends, party hard, and fly like hell with wings.
Race, smuggle, bet, take care of business, get high, and mouth off to cops.
Who ever said space has limits and restrictions?

Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is a Freelancer, who:

Can attack any ship in self-defense or to protect an allied or neutral ship.
Can fulfill any bounty and escort contracts, and may treat transports as combat targets when executing a bounty or escort contract against them.
Cannot use any transports with more than 3,600 cargo, except for the Pirate Train.
Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.

[Image: 3oEVD7U.jpg?1]


The Archangels Fighter Club is what it sounds like. A club. A group of freelancers, mercenaries and hardened veteran pilots from the wars joined together into a common brotherhood. The club is a place where men gather to not only conduct business together but to have fun, party, and do what they like to do the most: Fly.

Each member of the club owns their own Arrow (their version of the Harley). The Arrow is the members prized possession; their baby, and is a symbol of what the club stands for and is known for in general to the public: RACING.

The Arrow is the most agile and sleekest ship credits can buy, (though may be argued) and was a favored ship for veterans in battles used to intercept targets. Because of this, the club has embraced the ship as their own.

A culture of racing and betting on races has thrived in the club. Pilots join the club to get away from normal life and embrace what they truly desire and what makes them feel free. Pilots who have won races are seen and held in higher respect, and it doesn't hurt to bet on them to make a little more cash from time to time. Races in the club raise the members' morale and love for flying as well as are a means to solve an argument or dispute rather than resorting to guns. In other words, let your ship do the talking.

Among the groups of freelancers are the people in the club more devoted in what the club and the real heart of the money income it produces. These pilots are called the 1%ers ("One-Percenters") who are seen as a group of rebels and sometimes criminals to the outside public world and law. These men are the ones who do the dirty work and keep the club thriving. They are the ones who T.C.B. ("Take Care of Business"), deal with the underground drug trade, female "entertainment"/trafficking, and other unlawful acts that bring in money. In the club and to the public they are respected in whichever way, whether it be in fear or brotherly respect.

Each accepted member of the club is given a leather jacket with the club's colors on the back. The top and bottom rocker is the name of the club and the "territory" it controls. In the middle is the club logo. Members of the club are willing to die for the the colors if need be. To them its their pride and joy; and also their life.

[Image: 3oEVD7U.jpg?1]

The Formation of the Club

After the wars between Rheinland and Liberty, both sides were exhausted and many navy pilots decided to take leave of the army. Sunny was one of them. He had only joined the LN because he had to. Doing not so well in school and to top it off being forced to enlist in the war made him not enjoy life in the navy. What he liked however was flying in space. Learning to fly he became quite fond with the Arrow, an interceptor used to go into the heat of battle and perform maneuvers to dodge fire and take out key targets such as bombers.

During the war he and a few friends defended the LNS-Archangel. After taking leave at age 29, he and his friends found it hard to get back to normal life. Nothing seemed the same and the need of adrenaline was always there. Desperate for some action, he decided to make a club for the purpose of flying freely in space. And the name he chose was The Archangels FC as their club name, in memory of the capitol ship.

As the club started, money was made by the club to support and develop its first chapter hosted in Coronado at the Barrier Station by means of normal trading, aiding in escort, and mercenary work. The public viewed them as good citizens. As time when on, Sunny saw profit in other illegal markets as other pilots came and went from the freeport station. An idea was then formed to go under the table using the club as a cloak and make more money. The 1%ers were formed for this task.

The name Funny Sunny comes from rumors of the president always having a smirk on his face before taking violence into a matter. Although that is not always the case, most people that know Sunny well tend to back off when they see his characteristic smirk.

[Image: mdL3kWgl.jpg]

[Image: 3oEVD7U.jpg?1]

The Colors and Recruitment to the Club

"Colors" : the top rocker, middle logo, and bottom rocker placed on the back of the jacket of a club member.

When an individual wants to become a member of the club, he/she applies a form and has a background check done on them. If satisfied, the person is then placed as a prospect. When being a prospect, you are then property of the club. This means in essence that you are like a servant to the members and have to do what they tell you to do. This process may be like hell for prospects but in doing so, one learns the culture of the group and it strengthens the brotherly connection. This process also weeds out the people who are no willing enough to join the club and quickly give up. In a sense it toughens the future-to-be member. While flyng in space, a prospect is not permitted to have armor equipped and have low level guns, relying only on agility and skill as a pilot to survive.

After a time of 2 hours in space, the prospect, after completing and surviving the process is then given membership status and given his/her colors. (while before he/she has only the bottom rocker of the chapter, he/she then gets the top and middle badge which are the name of the club and the logo in the center).

Having endured so much for the colors, members live for them and often would choose to die defending them and their brothers. Once a member there is no turning back. Your in, and you cant leave after that. Your a brother.

One is ranked Virgin until he/she fully equips his/her Arrow with top quality gear (ex. Cheetah Thruster, Armor, Guns, Lights, etc.)

[Image: 3oEVD7U.jpg?1]

Leadership and Hierarchy

Leading the club is the president who controls each chapter by directing their leaders. The leaders of a chapter are known as Chapter officials which may have up to 9 members under his/her wing.

[Image: ZKq8E2A.png?1]

A Chapter Official may be challenged by a Road Captain for their place.

A Road Captain may be challenged by a highest rank or a Racer/Smuggler/Fighter for their place.

Rankings amongst the Racers/Smugglers/Fighters may be challenged or awarded.


The Archangels live to party and fly freely and sometimes these two merge together. Often in runs members would be doing drugs or such to get that extra high. The members, regardless if a generic or a 1%er, have a brotherly respect for each other and back each other up. If one man is in need then the rest near are obligated to help if in the same ZOI.

Territory is a matter that is serious to the members. Control means business and money as well as respect. If there is a threat to the possession of what they claim to be their territory then the Archangels will fight back.

As the club is mostly composed of men as freelancers and veterans that like to enjoy themselves, the topic of women is also an issue to be noted. Most women 'come and go' as a result of the partying and are looked on as lower than hang-arounds at times. However if a member is in a relationship with a woman (slang terms called an "old lady") then they are respected by other members in the club as the member's girl. An old lady will be seen wearing as her colors "property of ...". While the public may see this as a sexist move, the intention derives from the fact that no one messes with a man's girl in the club. The rank of a woman in the club can also be challenged (possible RP). (Ex. Female character challenging male character to a races and winning etc.)
There are 2 routes a female character can choose here for being a member. One is the 'old lady' one (basically girl friend of another character) or the Second one (which im trying to explain) is that the female is equal the male as a regular member as the male can be. Of coarse you could have a harder time accomplishing this, though this is the culture of the bikers.

Snitching is also a huge offense in the club and the term "Snitches get Stitches" is no laughing matter. Members are NOT to give away ANY information away to authorities or such that might threaten the faction. If a member gets caught he may get beat-up at the very least, either with fists or with a wrench that is a common "legal weapon" members carry. There are cases where even tattoos are skinned off pertaining to the club as a result of disrespect.

Smuggling gathers most of the money for the club. There are three more prominent routes that the Archangels do: "Fueling the Fire", "Help the children" and "War means Money". The first one is a route to take Black Market Munitions to Crete and bring back Artifacts. The second is a route for trafficking to Gallia and bring back Human Organs claiming to be for sick children. The first two involve a base of operations. The last one involves team work to take Black Market Munitions to Leeds and back with Gold. These runs are explained and known to the members as they progress through the ranks and are heavily guarded. Snitching about these routes can lead to death. There are also other smaller routes that can be done as well as some special jobs from time to time concerning drugs and alcohol.

[Image: 3oEVD7U.jpg?1]


Badges are awarded to members achieving something for the club or a unique achievement that is regarded highly or with respect by the club. These badges are sown onto the leather jacket that each member has. This is an indicator of where they stand in the club and will be used as a system to progress in the ranking.

Examples of badges may be ones pertaining to races won, maneuvers achieved, etc and can go all the way to being awarded killing for the club (a 1%er badge).


A.F.F.A. ~ Angel forever, forever Angel (for a member a year in the club)

Death Cross of Honor ~ Being taken down in a fight or engagement to defend and successfully protect a brother.

[Image: 3oEVD7U.jpg?1]

The Generic Archangel

The generic Archangels are the majority of the club. They are the ones that are usually participating in racing and bets, runs, and tasks that might be assigned for them to do by their chapter officer which can include political or diplomatic matters. Members are also free to conduct their usual business while under the colors of the club. Trading is a popular way to make money and gather needed supplies and export goods. While trading under the colors, you may get fellow members to aid in escorting and if trouble arises and you are in need of backup, other members in the ZOI are obligated to come to your aid and assist in any dealings with possible threat. An attack on an individual of the club is an attack on the club as a whole. Mercenary work under the colors of the club are acceptable and encouraged as AFC is registered on several Bounty Boards.

Ranking in this is based on the dedication the individual member has towards the club and the respect he earns from others. Proving skills as a pilot also is a great factor in determining the rank of an individual. This can be acquired from the status and success rate of mercenary work or the reputation in races or runs or even the success of his/her trade. Badges may be awarded based on one's performance and a good way to rank up and display your skill.

[Image: 3oEVD7U.jpg?1]

The 1%ers

If a member has committed an unlawful act AND IS CAUGHT doing so by the LPI or a similar faction, the individual can begin his/her reputation in the club as a 1%er. (that being said, he can try to gain his rep. back as a lawful if he wants to... good luck). 1%ers are the ones in the club that do the dirty work. If there is a threat then they are the ones who initiate an attack or the first to defend the chapter(s). The harder and more dirtier you are, the more respect you gain, brotherly and/or out of fear.

They are also the ones that bring in the most money for the club. Their business revolves around illegal distribution of weaponry, drugs, illegal goods, stealing and selling ships underground , female entrainment and trafficking, assassinating/hit-man jobs, etc.

As you go farther into being a 1%er, you gain reputation and get awarded by the club in the forms of badges and sometimes credits or in the rare case guns such as the Archangel.

To the 1%ers, pirating is not a popular ways to make profit. Its slow and requires luck. However if there is a convoy or a ship of valuable interest then the men may be of interest to it. That being said, they try to do everything illegal under the table or without being noticed. The Kepler Chapter are more likely to conduct pirating than the other chapters. Pirating can be initiated through gathering contracts from other factions.

It must also be noted that they may also participate in races.

[Image: 3oEVD7U.jpg?1]

The Races and The Runs


The races can be an in-club event and activity as well as out of club activity that are arranged regularly. Members in the club are allowed to join as well as sometimes outside the club if invited. It could be used to end an argument or dispute or for political matters. Betting on races in the club are also a major part of the whole event where not just the racers, but the club participates and others can get a cut of the credits in their wallet. Members are allowed to bet on all races. That being said, hang-arounds (Friendlys) that are loyal/trusted enough may get the permission to bet on certain races.

There are different forms of races that can be done.Tracks or routes can be along the lines of going through checkpoints/rings , rounding planets in laps, going around pilons or beacons, going from point A to B in space, etc... while even avoiding the LPI.

There can be also different scenarios established to make the races more interesting. In the norm, races are done without the use of guns or equipment and just focusing on pure skill of the pilot. On other occasions, guns from class 1 to class 9 can be added as well as CDs and CMs, and mines of different sorts that are established before the race. Armor can be banned to use or chosen of class. No missiles are allowed in races.

Races can be set by the President of the Faction, by the Chapter Official, or by individual members in the group. The higher up the rank of the member, the more the ability he has to organize a larger scale race. The President of the Faction for example can organize a large scale, faction wide, race event. The Chapter Official can make a chapter-wide race event. Individual members when in a dispute may challenge one another to a race and report it to their chapter leader to create a 1v1 duel race. Members that want to bet on races my come and bet on any of the races from one chapter to the next.

Depending on the type of race, the race can be public or private. In a public race for example, everything is kept civil and composed. There are no weapons or other forms of aggressive equipment allowed in the race. In private races where there is shooting and more aggressive races, an area or perimeter of up to a whole system can be blocked off or paroled for signs of lawful or other possible witness activity. The image of the club is to be held to the public as positive. That being said, the possibility of "street races" where the possibility of LPI chasing you in a race and arresting you can also be done.



The term "run" is when (a) member(s) fly for the sake of flying to show off and for enjoyment. A run is rarely done individually and is usually a group event showing the club's strength and numbers. In other times a run can be accompanied by trade ships to added protection for the traders. A run can also be considered as just flying from one chapter to another for a visit or such. In essence it is just a long flight.

In group event runs, the most used ship to fly in is the Arrow. In such events, stunts can be done to increase the enjoyment of the flight. An example is to perform free flight formations, flying as close to one another without crashing into each other, and so on. Members achieving certain goals may be awarded by the club and set a record to be broken. (Ex. Longest time without bumping is 20 seconds while really close together in free flight.)

[Image: 3oEVD7U.jpg?1]


NOTE: All member's ships must be /pimpship-ed with the appropriate color:

Only one color of lights per chapter:

President: White
Coronado: Red
Kepler: Yellow
Bering: Green
Nomad: Purple

[Image: TmIcCvyl.png]


ARROW ~ Must-have ship to be able to be a member. This ship must be pimped up with lights according to the chapter color of choice (red/yellow/green/white/purple) and must have a cheetah thruster mounted as well as the top armor upgrade. It is the prized possession of any member and should be cared for with respect. No one messes with another member's Arrow.

STARBLAZER ~ You got your Arrow that has been used in military operations in the past. But there also is the other favorite 'Starblazer' that one could purchase. With a smaller shape this little guy can take care of itself. There are some that like the Starblazer more than the Arrow and fly it instead, though because of the history of the club, Arrows are still the club favorite overall with Starblazer being a close rival. One could argue for a while which one is the actual 'Harley' but in the end its a matter of preference.

SCIMITAR ~ Allowed to be flown after the "Virgin" rank. It is flown by the Coronado chapter members but the 1%ers are known to use this if the need for more fire-power arises while keeping agility in line. While not the most agile of choices in the club, the ship does its job when needed.

~ You can count on these ships for more power and versatility.

HAVOK MK II ~ Used in occasions where defense is needed from large spacecraft, this bomber must be mounted with 2 NOVA torpedoes intended for anti-cap engagement.

~ A bomber that usually uses the SNAC to deal in bombings hit-and-run tactics.

~ Another lighter bomber with SNAC capabilities.

BORDER WORLDS TRANSPORT ~ A transport of 3500 makes it good choice for the freelancer to use and is more favored in general by the club.

PELICAN ARMORED TRANSPORT ~ For transporting VERY IMPORTANT cargo like Codenames, etc.

CAMARA ~ The most used ship of the freighter class. Some people may argue its as hard to hit as an Arrow and so the ship was adopted into the club. With a good amount of firepower and agility, this ship can take care of itself in tight situations.

DROMEDARY ~ With more cargo space available (150 more) than the Camara, this ship is another option although sacrificing its sleek profile and less hit points.

MARAUDER ~ Like a brother to the Arrow, the ship is favored among the heavy fighter ships to the club. This ship turns well and is sleek in its looks. A good pilot can take down any target smaller than a gunboat if he/she knows what he/she is doing.

BAYONET ~ With a sleek design and good agility, this border worlds heavy fighter can deal significant damage while being harder to hit.

SUNRIDER ~ A relatively new model and is comparable to the eagle with its allowable gun classes. Turns rather slow but makes up for it with the damage possible output and missile slot.

Coronado [C]:

JACKDAW ~ The more agile choice for the heavy fighters while delivering a decent amount of gun potential but coming with the price of being relatively big. Dealing with this issue means to treat this ship as a larger light fighter.

RAVEN'S TALON ~ The go-to choice for club members to use. While having a impressive power-core, it is not rare to see this ship having a Mini-Razor mounted.

CLYDESDALE ~ With a good hull, 550 cargo and 8 mountable slots for guns/turrets, this ship is a well rounded freighter fit for the Bretonian environment.

FIREFLY ~ Used mostly by Bretonian freelancers, this ship has a bit more agility than the BWT but lacks a bit in the ability to fend off attackers. Its a good idea to have another member help escort you.

Kepler [K]:

HAYABUSA ~ Allowed to be flown after the "Virgin" rank. Used mainly for the members of the Kepler chapter as a unique ship compared to the griffin. With a small profile from the front and additional fire-power, this ship is a favorite with similar looks to an Arrow but with more viable damage output.

SUTINGA ~ A speedy design fit for adrenalin. This ship has a great core with fast regeneration.

ANKI ~ An alternative freighter to be used for Kepler chapter members. Having a greater possibility of weapon load-outs, this ship can deal a good amount of damage but the power core must be monitored.

BIG DRAGON ~ A transport used often by the Kepler chapter with 3200 cargo.

Bering :

~ Allowed to be flown after the "Virgin" rank. Used mainly for the members of Bering chapter as a unique ship compared to the Griffin. With additional fire power and a near turn speed to that of the Arrow, this fighter has been accepted into the community.

FALCHION ~ Similar to the Ravon's Talon with a slightly faster turn. Some argue it's maybe even better.

RAGNAR ~ Used by members of the Bering chapter, this ship with a 600 cargo hold also hold the highest hit point and turn speed which makes it a ship to consider using. It is most popular for transporting VALUABLE cargo.

~ Having 8 transport turrets, 3000 units, and a strong hull, this ship can take on a lot of heat.


~ Awarded by the faction as the winner of RACE WARS.

MINSTRAL NOIR ~ Light Fighter. Rare but known for being able to increase to high speed as well as control. Should be RPed

~ A Luxury Yacht. 2500 cargo. Can be used for a Casino etc. Should be RPed.

PIRATE TRAIN ~ With an additional cargo hold of 4300 that a freelancer may use, this ship can be an intimidating choice. It is mostly used in Rheinland and Bretonian space however since the other houses find the ship hostile based on its reputation. Because of this, the 1%ers are usually seen flying with this ship because it doesn't make a difference to them and they don't give a **** about house rules anyway.

PILGRIM LINER ~ 2 Docking Bays, 3600 Cargo space, more guns than the P-train. Take your pick. Lots of possibilities to do things with this ship.


CIVILIAN GUNBOAT ~ The president's command ship. Only one is owned by the club. It is a fighter club after all.


Each member regardless of rank, From Virgin and up, may have a Arrow and a 1 freighter. As you complete the required equipment for your Arrow, you will then be eligible to go higher in rank and be allowed more ships. Virgins stay virgins in the club, whether 1%ers or not, until they get their mandatory set-up for the Arrow. The club may help in funding.


In general, Sirus Civilian guns are allowed and to be used on ships ranging from the Debs to the Purple Goddess and for the Arrow the class 6 Flashpoint or Blue Bell Chain gun.

Guns that are looked upon in depth are Class 10 guns. In general, members are not to mount this weaponry unless they are of high enough rank. The Archangel Class 10 gun is awarded to the most loyal and best club members and are viewed highly by others.

Missiles/Torpedoes are allowed to be used unless in races. In races, weaponry will be specified or be banned from the race.

Any other additional equipment not addressed and available for use with Freelancer ID/IFF is allowed. Chapters have access to their tech as well (explained a little more in Territory section).

[Image: 3oEVD7U.jpg?1]


The bottom rocker on the back of a member's jacket marks the territory the club controls such as the system name. Territories mark the club's base location and informs everyone else their presence in that system. If another faction/group challenges the territory, then a dispute is likely to occur.

Territories that the club have presence in and control are Coronado, Bering and Kepler which are linked to Bretonia, Liberty, Rheinland, and Kusari. In these systems the Freeports are a gathering spot for the club. (Barrier Station, Freeport 2, and Ames Research Station)

At the freeport, club members must respect the no-fire rule and conduct themselves accordingly.

"Freeports are stations that are open to any and all pilots as long as they have not specifically angered the owners. They generally find themselves a host to a wide assortment of pilots from lawfuls to pirates to bounty hunters, though violence onboard is strictly forbidden. They also act as trade hubs for necessary goods like food and fuel in the far reaches of sirius.

There is a strictly enforced No Fire Zone of 5k around Zoner freeports, breaking this for anything other than self defense or predetermined lawful police action (with sufficient warning to the owners) is punishable by banishment from that or any freeport. "

~From the wiki

These three freeports host the three chapters of the club. (Chapters as in sections) Each Chapter may have up to 10 members in it including in the 10 a chapter official to lead under the leadership of the president. Additional chapters may be added if there is a want to expand and a new chapter official would be then appointed. The new chapter will then have to show their ability to stand as a chapter amongst the others.


Bering Chapter [B]:

Base: Freeport 2
ZOI: Liberty, Rheinland, Omegas
Freelancer / Rheinland Compatible Tech

Kepler Chapter [K]:

Base: Ames Station
ZOI: Liberty, Kusari, Sigmas
Freelancer / Kusarian Compatible Tech

Coronado Chapter [C]:

Base: Barrier Gate Station
ZOI: Liberty, Bretonia, Taus
Freelancer / Bretonian Compatible Tech

Due to new allies added or friendlies growing to allies, the ZOI can expand as well for mercenary work and escorting and well as trading. Taus, Omegas, etc, are examples of places where the AFC can operate as well as the boarder wolds and outer worlds in general if they have permission by another faction to do so.


The Nomad [N]:

Can move freely from one Chapter or another to deal in business other than smuggling/trading. This is "SRP"ed and earned by the player and may only be placed on ONE ship that would need to have their ZoI extended.

NOTE ON ZOI: The ZoI for AFC indicates the area of influence each chapter has. They all share Liberty but have their own subgroups in their own "turf". A Bering Chapter AFC member for example would not be able to hunt Outcasts on Coronado Chapter's territory. Even though as a whole AFC is considered Trans-Sirius there are divisions that happen in them that are 'governed' by Chapter Officials. The Nomad basically breaks this system and is free to roam around freely between chapters, usually conducting the President's business or something else that would make it a reason to do so.

ZoI has been put in place for RP reasons to make turfs zones inside the group, raise competition between Chapters, have separate zones that different chapters have for their own racing and challenges, have their own group political/bounty interests etc. That being said, the Rank/Leadership system must still be followed.

Under emergency situations and races/events ZOI can have exceptions.

[Image: 3oEVD7U.jpg?1]


Since the club is of freelancers and such, the club is in a neutral stance with the majority of other groups in Sirius that view freelancers as a neutral or ally.

As the faction progresses and the political relations strengthen, the faction generates their rep sheet based on actions and not purely per-determined initially.



K'Hara/Nomads ~ KoS
Outcasts ~ Hunted
Red Hessians ~ Hunted
[|]- / Hogosha
Samara (if 1%er) (Choose Kill Wisely)

More to be decided in RP


(for the initial crime of speeding)
Other police/navy factions
Liberty Navy


Gallia Navy ~ Dont let them take our territory though...
GC - Forum RP
Gaians (meeting Flora)
[M] - Gold Business
UC & Brigades (drug/slaves business. Allowed to dock and trade.)
ALG (convoy with IMG)
All not mentioned



LR- *


Indy Junkers
.:j:. * *
More to be decided in RP

[Image: 3oEVD7U.jpg?1]

OORP NOTE - So basically if you have not figured out already some of the lore/culture has been incorporated from motorcycle club culture. What needs to be for sure stated clearly is that in RP the jacket that the member wears is a status symbol to the rest, just like for example a Hells Angel wearing his jacket around town would have people instantly respecting him even if its out of fear.
The jacket is a symbol. It invokes a certain type of power psychologically on the wearer. This is why it is stated that the wearer would do anything for his colors. He loves them and lives to flaunt them.

TL;DR : You think of yourself as an elite of Freelancers because you wear your colors that have been worked for (inRP). You see all that are not in the club, not associated directly to the club, or a club like yours as 'civilians'.

[Image: 3oEVD7U.jpg?1]


Blackport 66

Blood Dragons


Dauman Heavy Construction


Jail-Break Events

Junker Congress


Lane Hackers

Liberty Rogues


Padua Liberty Rogues

Race Events

Other events




[Image: 3oEVD7U.jpg?1]

TO ADMINS: Money can be taken from {AFC}-White.Dwarf[P]

RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |||| {AFC}- - Connor - 10-19-2014

Good luck guys!

RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |||| {AFC}- - SnakThree - 10-19-2014

I am just curious if you have enough people behind the idea and enough motivation to play the game. I haven't seen much of you and yet I am very active on server for last few months.

RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |||| {AFC}- - The Archangels Fighter Club - 10-19-2014

(10-19-2014, 10:39 PM)Snak3 Wrote: I am just curious if you have enough people behind the idea and enough motivation to play the game. I haven't seen much of you and yet I am very active on server for last few months.

All I can say is that I wouldn't have gone this far if it wasn't for the support I got from the guys in my group that believe we can do it.

If this was a few months ago.. lets say 3-4ish... then I would have agreed with you 100%, snak3.

And it would also be nagging me if I didnt give it a shot anyway. Plus I'd like the criticism.

We have become gradually more active and so far the comments from my group are saying all is good.

PS: I dunno if I saw you either.... might be time-zones? Different hours logging? Eh i dunno. But yeah sure you got the right to think that for sure. I had thought similarly before.

RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |||| {AFC}- - The Archangels Fighter Club - 10-20-2014

Right so I didn't know this ship still existed since the starflee was removed.


Edited a little too on the culture section concerning women in RP in the club to make it more clear.

RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |||| {AFC}- - Tigger - 10-20-2014

First off, congratulations and good luck!

Second off, this is one of the best write ups I've ever seen for a biker gang type role play. Very well researched and obviously not done by just skimming the trailers for Sons of Anarchy. Extra kudos for the research and well done!

Some suggestions:

A) I understand that a female character can be a full member in an exceptional case (same with some real life MC's) but the normal role is that of either Old Lady or Public Property. That there is the option to be exceptional and be a full member should be a bit more clear.

B) Get with the governments in your various ZOI's. Without a heads up and cooperation between the factions you could find yourself in a difficult situation. Your goal is for the one percenters to be the outlaws & smugglers and that's cool. However it's been fairly common that after a few individual FR5's in a region, the entire faction is FR5'd for repeated violations, official or not.

That's fine for the one percenters but your normal trading members might find themselves unable to dock on more lawful bases at some point. It's something to consider and stepping up to the government factions ahead of time to stay in cooperation is likely to be the best thing.

Overall good stuff and best of luck!

RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |||| {AFC}- - The Archangels Fighter Club - 10-20-2014

(10-20-2014, 03:58 AM)Tigger Wrote: First off, congratulations and good luck!

Second off, this is one of the best write ups I've ever seen for a biker gang type role play. Very well researched and obviously not done by just skimming the trailers for Sons of Anarchy. Extra kudos for the research and well done!

Some suggestions:

A) I understand that a female character can be a full member in an exceptional case (same with some real life MC's) but the normal role is that of either Old Lady or Public Property. That there is the option to be exceptional and be a full member should be a bit more clear.

B) Get with the governments in your various ZOI's. Without a heads up and cooperation between the factions you could find yourself in a difficult situation. Your goal is for the one percenters to be the outlaws & smugglers and that's cool. However it's been fairly common that after a few individual FR5's in a region, the entire faction is FR5'd for repeated violations, official or not.

That's fine for the one percenters but your normal trading members might find themselves unable to dock on more lawful bases at some point. It's something to consider and stepping up to the government factions ahead of time to stay in cooperation is likely to be the best thing.

Overall good stuff and best of luck!

Thanks for the feedback!

And yeah you hit hard on those 2 points you made. I was thinking the same. Thanks for the help! (A) has now been fixed a little more to make it more clear.

Point (B) for sure I will have to contact all the guys OORP to let them know my intentions and if they would RP back. Its some activity for us AFC and them as well so why not!

I was thinking the FR5ing or feeing to be as a individual bases. Not a faction-wide thing. Would be great if there was some co-operation to have the RP properly done! And maybe to get out of FR5 there would be a fee or a court case? More fun there. Maybe community service? xD who knows.

Yeah thanks for the pointers! Great help!

RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |||| {AFC}- - nOmnomnOm - 10-25-2014

Oi admins im sure you are busy and that's ok but just a heads up there is 500 mills to take still Smile

RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |||| {AFC}- - Deeceem - 10-25-2014

I didn't meet you ingame yet, sadly (which is mostly an issue on my end at the moment), but I met "Sunny" before the faction existed and I know the faction should be in good hands RP-quality-wise.
Exceptional write-up, which makes me jelly.

Good luck, scratch that, I'm sure you'll make it!

RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |||| {AFC}- - Vredes - 10-25-2014

I dont think that copycat factions will ever see light amongs the official factions, but good luck.