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A Spectre's Journal - Printable Version

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A Spectre's Journal - Sylvie557 - 11-23-2014

Entry #1

I have never been one to keep a journal but then up until now I have always lived an exceptionally ordinary life. Not that ordinary was bad, I actually quite liked it, but it was definitely nothing worthy of writing down. Well for better or worse the ordinary chapter of my life is over now.

It all started when I started to encounter Nomads in Coronado while carrying cargo on the Loki’s Pride. Up until then I had never really had much experience with nomads outside of occasionally trying to avoid them when in the Omicrons so I was shocked to be stopped by one in Coronado of all places. I was surprised even more when it started to talk to me, while I have heard a lot of people talk about long telepathic conversations with Nomads I have never experienced first hand until then. While it wasn’t exactly friendly at first it seemed more curious than hostile and after talking for awhile it calmed down. It might have helped that I had told it of my personal dislike of the Order when it brought them up, the Persephone incident between the Order and the TAZ still fresh at the time.

Eventually it let me go, however over the next few weeks I not only met the same nomad again in Coronado several times I met quite a few more of them and each seemed to be quite friendly. I started to realize that the Nomads might not just be the boogeymen that the Order tends to tell everyone and that there might even be a chance that humans and nomads might even be able to coexist.

Later on while I was traveling through the Omicrons, a massive Nomad stopped me in Delta. Its speech was a lot easier to understand than those of the other Nomads I had encountered. It seemed interested in my anger towards Order and eventually told me that someone would be contacting me soon. I decided to get some sleep on Freeport 11 and once I was setting out to leave Delta I was stopped again by the original Nomad I had met and asked me to follow it.

Unexpectedly, it brought me to barely functioning Zoner Corvo called the Siren’s Bell. I came aboard the ship and was greeted by an ex-order that had undergone some extensive cybernetic implantation called Aelita Stone and another woman named Jessica Snow. They seemed to represent a group of people that worked for the Nomads and after a heated debate I decided to join them.

I know that if this journal is ever found most people would brand me a traitor to humanity but in truth I am doing this in an attempt to prevent the coming war between nomads and humans or at the very least keeping that war for destroying us all. As long as the Order continues to convince everyone that there can be only war with the nomads we are all in danger. I hope to help discredit the Order’s zealotry and make others understand that there may be a chance of peace between us and the nomads. I will use this journal to keep track of events as they happen.

RE: A Spectre's Journal(//Me only) - Sylvie557 - 12-21-2014

Entry #2
I feel… strange… I know they messed with my mind but I just don’t seem to care. I am not really sure what they did, all I know is I feel different after I had passed out during the meeting I had onboard the Siren’s Bell. I guess all there is now is to carry on with what I have been doing, I will continue to keep an eye on the Order and try to turn others against them when the opportunity aries.

RE: A Spectre's Journal(//Me only) - Sylvie557 - 12-21-2014

Entry #3

I’ll have to choose my words carefully when talking with the Daerune, captain of the OSI whale Heart of Gold. I had taken the opportunity to spread the truth of the Order’s folly to a Freelancer named Aoife De’nante who had be escorting me while I was flying Loki’s Pride and unfortunately Daerune was on the comm group with us. He was all to happy to tell me I was a fool to think that the Order were a bunch of trigger happy zealots and that he in fact was an ex-Order himself. Luckily, I had been trying to be subtle and hadn’t been straight out saying “Order needs to be killed and that Nomads are great” so I was able to just say I was making conversation and rambling. In the end he seemed rather heated by the incident even after I apologized and falsely admitted I might be wrong about it so I should try and hold my tongue with him around. Last thing I need is an ex-Order member of OSI on my case this early on.

Aoife De’nante on the other hand while not exactly agreeing with me did seem like he might be willing to accept the truth of things eventually. I had requested him to escort me on a trade mission through the Omicrons if I ever see him again which might provide opportunities to further enlighten him. I know it wouldn’t be a huge victory in showing the truth to a single freelancer but it couldn’t hurt.

I will attach the complete communication log in case I need any of the information in the future.

[20.12.2014 18:58:32] Aoife.De'nante: You pay me what you think is's your profits, after all
[20.12.2014 18:59:16] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Fair enough I will give you a portion of the profits on arrival then
[20.12.2014 18:59:31] Aoife.De'nante: Sounds fair to me
[20.12.2014 18:59:53] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "Just dont be cheap Loki."
[20.12.2014 19:00:38] OSI-Loki's.Pride: I am never cheap
[20.12.2014 19:00:56] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "we both know thats a lie."
[20.12.2014 19:02:22] Aoife.De'nante: I'm just approaching Manhattan
[20.12.2014 19:03:36] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Ok, heading up to Denver from here
[20.12.2014 19:03:42] Aoife.De'nante: Alright
[20.12.2014 19:04:01] OSI-Loki's.Pride: If you can scout the lane ahead of me that would be great
[20.12.2014 19:04:09] Aoife.De'nante: oh...uhm...ok
[20.12.2014 19:04:26] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Going up to Colorado
[20.12.2014 19:04:26] Aoife.De'nante: *Muttering* Denver, Denver, Denver
[20.12.2014 19:04:33] Aoife.De'nante: oh, yes, I see
[20.12.2014 19:04:45] Aoife.De'nante: Off we go, then...
[20.12.2014 19:05:02] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Just warn me if anyone is on the lane and let me know when you reach the end of that lane
[20.12.2014 19:05:10] Aoife.De'nante: Ok. i can do that
[20.12.2014 19:05:37] Aoife.De'nante: No one here...except that Dreadnaught
[20.12.2014 19:05:41] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Ok
[20.12.2014 19:07:28] Aoife.De'nante: autopilot is al skewiffy...maybe I shouldn't have let that Corsair fiddle with the systems when he installed the
[20.12.2014 19:07:31] Aoife.De'nante: engines...
[20.12.2014 19:07:45] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "Yea...."
[20.12.2014 19:07:47] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Having problems?
[20.12.2014 19:08:05] Aoife.De'nante: Not serious ones. Just annoying ones
[20.12.2014 19:08:29] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Yeah my Whale's AI can be a bit touchy at times as well
[20.12.2014 19:08:31] Aoife.De'nante: Seems like you have to be more of an engineer than a pilot to fly one of these ships
[20.12.2014 19:08:35] OSI-Loki's.Pride: //Nav rather
[20.12.2014 19:09:35] You have sent 770.000 credits to Aoife.De'Nante
[20.12.2014 19:09:50] OSI-Loki's.Pride: From here to Kyushu through Kepler
[20.12.2014 19:09:51] Aoife.De'nante: Oh. Thank you, sir
[20.12.2014 19:10:12] Aoife.De'nante: al right. Let me just see if I can find that...
[20.12.2014 19:10:36] Aoife.De'nante: Ok. Ready?
[20.12.2014 19:10:45] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Why do you fly formed and if we get stopped you can keep them off me
[20.12.2014 19:10:55] Aoife.De'nante: That sounds easier
[20.12.2014 19:11:29] OSI-Loki's.Pride: I have flown around enough to know a lot of the routes by memory luckily
[20.12.2014 19:12:36] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Are you able to fly through Ediburgh and Dublin?  If not we will have to part at Kyushu
[20.12.2014 19:13:05] Aoife.De'nante: Uhm...shouldn't be a real problem...I hope
[20.12.2014 19:13:19] OSI-Loki's.Pride: No problem if you can't
[20.12.2014 19:13:20] Aoife.De'nante: So long as we don't do anything to draw attention
[20.12.2014 19:13:28] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Just flying through
[20.12.2014 19:14:02] OSI-Loki's.Pride: You ok with Gallics?  We would also be flying through Tau-31
[20.12.2014 19:14:37] Aoife.De'nante: yeah...they don't seem to hate me as much as i thought they would
[20.12.2014 19:15:01] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Good to hear, wouldn't want you getting shot down escorting me for now reason
[20.12.2014 19:15:08] OSI-Loki's.Pride: *no
[20.12.2014 19:15:30] Aoife.De'nante: Yeah. that could put a dampner on our relationship...
[20.12.2014 19:16:13] OSI-Loki's.Pride: So are you knew to freelancer life in general or just escorting?
[20.12.2014 19:17:11] Aoife.De'nante: Well...I've been flying for a while, now...
[20.12.2014 19:17:27] Aoife.De'nante: Most of it fairly simple and aimless stuff, tho
[20.12.2014 19:18:07] OSI-Loki's.Pride: I used to wander around a lot before I joined OSI, still do quite a bit
[20.12.2014 19:18:11] Aoife.De'nante: Just recently figured that if i'm travelling, I might as well get paid for it...hehe
[20.12.2014 19:18:32] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Good philosphy *laughs*
[20.12.2014 19:18:40] Don't use F1 or disconnect when interacting with other players.
[20.12.2014 19:21:07] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Next time I see you wouldn't mind getting you to escort me through the Omicrons.  Always love to fly through there but it can
[20.12.2014 19:21:10] OSI-Loki's.Pride: be dangerous
[20.12.2014 19:23:13] Aoife.De'nante: So they just have to meet the right people, eh?
[20.12.2014 19:24:02] You have sent 2.400.000 credits to Aoife.De'nante
[20.12.2014 19:25:06] OSI-Loki's.Pride: You can never trust the Core or the Order when flying through there.
[20.12.2014 19:25:10] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: Howdy
[20.12.2014 19:25:17] Cpt.Numa: Evening
[20.12.2014 19:25:45] Aoife.De'nante: Guess it's fortunate I never met either, then
[20.12.2014 19:26:46] OSI-Loki's.Pride: OSI is supposed to be on good terms with Order but they been giving TAZ a hard time for no reason lately...
[20.12.2014 19:27:11] Aoife.De'nante: Aren't the Order like some kind of terrorist outfit?
[20.12.2014 19:27:14] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Never trusted them much before that either
[20.12.2014 19:27:48] OSI-Loki's.Pride: They say they are protecting us from Nomads, but I have never been attacked by a Nomad when I meet them
[20.12.2014 19:27:58] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Some are actually quite friendly
[20.12.2014 19:28:24] OSI-Loki's.Pride: They technically aren't cosidered terrorists by Liberty anymore but not sure
[20.12.2014 19:28:55] Aoife.De'nante: Hrm. From what I have read on the Nomad war, neither sounds too much fun
[20.12.2014 19:29:45] OSI-Loki's.Pride: From what I have seen the Nomads now fight cause the Order threaten them and make everyone else fear them... seen
[20.12.2014 19:29:57] OSI-Loki's.Pride: no hostility from them if I don't threaten them
[20.12.2014 19:30:29] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Core on the other hand are just Mercs in it for themselves
[20.12.2014 19:30:30] Aoife.De'nante: I dunno...they nearly wiped out the houses in the Nomad war
[20.12.2014 19:31:21] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "Order saved us then."
[20.12.2014 19:31:29] OSI-Loki's.Pride: I figure they were scared, they didn't know who we were... they seem to be more willing to be peaceful now if we gave us a
[20.12.2014 19:31:30] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "Your veiws are concerning... Loki."
[20.12.2014 19:31:31] OSI-Loki's.Pride: chance
[20.12.2014 19:31:46] OSI-Loki's.Pride: I am just rambling
[20.12.2014 19:31:53] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "I hardly doubt that."
[20.12.2014 19:32:10] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "The Order saved us - you should be showing some more respect then that."
[20.12.2014 19:32:20] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Meh tell that to TAZ
[20.12.2014 19:32:34] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "Have you met the damn TAZ?"
[20.12.2014 19:32:40] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "They Worship Discord."
[20.12.2014 19:33:03] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Yeah your point, not gonna judge someone on their beliefs
[20.12.2014 19:33:12] Aoife.De'nante: All I read seemed to paint the Order as only being out for themselves
[20.12.2014 19:33:13] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "Beliefs? as to doing things like choas?"
[20.12.2014 19:33:29] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "The Order seek to secure the Humans' races safety."
[20.12.2014 19:33:57] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "dont mind Loki - hes just someone who only sees the face of things." form his voice it was apparent there was some
[20.12.2014 19:33:59] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: agitation
[20.12.2014 19:34:02] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Truth be told the natural order of the universe is chaos... not gonna worship myself but I can understand itr
[20.12.2014 19:34:09] Aoife.De'nante: Eh. I guess this is the problem with a private only get taught that which the teacher's employer believes
[20.12.2014 19:34:15] Aoife.De'nante: to be true
[20.12.2014 19:35:00] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "Indeed, such as Loki - Choas being the universe? its a series of circumstances."
[20.12.2014 19:35:05] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "And differances."
[20.12.2014 19:35:22] Aoife.De'nante: *Looks out at the cloud and shivers* Ugh. bad memories here...
[20.12.2014 19:35:23] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "It is what it is, it's us that make it choatic."
[20.12.2014 19:35:24] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Not saying the Order was always bad either way... just what I have seen lately
[20.12.2014 19:35:38] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "Yes what you have seen."
[20.12.2014 19:35:52] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "I doubt you fully understand it and yet ou try pass judgement?"
[20.12.2014 19:36:20] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Like I said, I am just calling it how I see it... I am fully willing to accept it if it is wrong
[20.12.2014 19:36:22] Aoife.De'nante: That sounds a tad...fanatical...Daerune
[20.12.2014 19:36:22] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "Your views are about as useful as a critic writing a reveiw up on something
[20.12.2014 19:36:28] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: hes only see the cover of and not even read."
[20.12.2014 19:37:15] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "I am not religious nor do I like the order."
[20.12.2014 19:37:17] Aoife.De'nante: Just because you don't fully understand something doesn't mean you can't feel something about it
[20.12.2014 19:37:40] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "Your judgement should be reserved if you only have a shallow veiw of it without any depth."
[20.12.2014 19:38:06] Aoife.De'nante: Ah. But how to judge the depth of one's own knowledge?
[20.12.2014 19:38:07] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Nor do I hate the Order or pretend to understand them completely.  Just saying I don't like them much and to be careful around
[20.12.2014 19:38:08] OSI-Loki's.Pride: them
[20.12.2014 19:38:40] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "When one has significat knowledge of the fundimentals and not just the surface of things."
[20.12.2014 19:39:03] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Are you saying you do?  I never said anything I said was fact
[20.12.2014 19:39:24] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "To you maybe, and yes I was once part of the Order."
[20.12.2014 19:39:49] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Well then why did you leave?
[20.12.2014 19:40:14] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "Because I lost the motervation to keep fighting for other people when all they did is do as you did."
[20.12.2014 19:40:42] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "I have lost family, friends and so fourth - its a bit to painful to remain there and my personality
[20.12.2014 19:40:48] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: no longer molds so well with them."
[20.12.2014 19:40:58] Aoife.De'nante: maybe if the Order wasn't so secretive about things, people wouldn't mistrust them so much?
[20.12.2014 19:41:06] OSI-Loki's.Pride: If it was a truly worthy cause I would assume what others think wouldn't matter.
[20.12.2014 19:41:19] Aoife.De'nante: heh. that could apply to organisations like the BIS, too...
[20.12.2014 19:41:28] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Especially if they are as misinformed as I am apparently
[20.12.2014 19:41:35] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "or LSF or Kemptai or the MND."
[20.12.2014 19:41:55] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "Misinformed?"
[20.12.2014 19:42:03] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "I have one word for you Loki."
[20.12.2014 19:42:07] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "Infested."
[20.12.2014 19:42:16] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "All they are - are manipulators."
[20.12.2014 19:42:39] OSI-Heart.of.Gold: "Now if you don't mind and I dont care if you do, I am off."
[20.12.2014 19:43:12] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Ok then, no hard feelings hopefully sorry if there are
[20.12.2014 19:43:20] Aoife.De'nante: guys have your own PLANET?!
[20.12.2014 19:43:41] Aoife.De'nante: And right on Bretonia's doorstep...hah. If only they knew...
[20.12.2014 19:44:07] You have sent 3.700.000 credits to Aoife.De'Nante
[20.12.2014 19:44:26] Aoife.De'nante: No, scratch that...if only we didn't just fly through a minefield and a swarm of Mollies to get here...
[20.12.2014 19:44:36] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Yeah just a small colony though, I actually gonna call it a day, thanks for the escort
[20.12.2014 19:44:47] Aoife.De'nante: oh. Ok. It was a pleasure
[20.12.2014 19:44:59] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Hope to see you again
[20.12.2014 19:45:04] Aoife.De'nante: Likewise

RE: A Spectre's Journal(//Me only) - Sylvie557 - 01-31-2015

Entry #4

Seems I have made an ally of sorts in my mission to assist the nomads outside of the people I have met onboard the Siren’s Bell. I was waiting for some goods to be unloaded from my whale on Freeport 11 when I received a vision from the Nomad that has seem to taken a personal interest in me as it is the one that contacts me the most. So I undocked on my personal Osprey I kept on Freeport 11 for just such an occasion. Outside I was greeted by an Outcast who had apparently received the same vision. I knew the Outcasts worshipped the Nomads as spirits or gods but did not really know they actively worked with the Nomads. Either way we followed the visions the Nomad have given us to the middle of a dark matter field when the Nomad met with us. It seemed to be trying to gather information on a Zoner Battleship that had been harvesting nomad remains and a base in Newcastle that it was supplying. I promised the nomad that I would keep an eye out and relay any information on either I uncovered and the Outcast did the same. On our way back to the station we did not talk much but I did mention he could consider me a friend where the Nomads were concerned. After asking around later that day on the Freeport it turns out the the Outcast was a rather high ranking member of an Outcast group called the Crimson Cross. I might consider contacting them later on to see if we can work together.

[08.01.2015 22:50:36] K'Hara|Zaqar: **{Pink cloud would start to cloud his vision, sillhousettes of rocks forming around him}**
[08.01.2015 22:50:54] K'Hara|Zaqar: **{This would distinctly fade after a few fleeting moments }**
[08.01.2015 22:51:50] Loki.Valmir: Huh...?  Oh was that a Nomad vision?
[08.01.2015 22:52:46] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: Zoner.. we gonna have problems here? Last time
[08.01.2015 22:52:56] |+|-Chaplain.2: I delt with zoners they were less than... friendly lets say
[08.01.2015 22:53:37] Loki.Valmir: Well don't know anything about that, as long as you don't cause any problems no reason to be angry at you
[08.01.2015 22:54:21] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: Good. So what're you doing out here. Lotsa cushy space on that freeport'a yers.
[08.01.2015 22:55:15] Loki.Valmir: Nothing much at the moment, might end up meeting someone soon.  You?
[08.01.2015 22:56:48] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: Business that need not concern you.
[08.01.2015 22:58:21] K'Hara|Zaqar: **{A Vision would come to the both of them, A pink and purple cloud, Dark sillhousette rocks lingering in the field, This would
[08.01.2015 22:58:34] K'Hara|Zaqar: Linger for a few moments before fading away}**
[08.01.2015 22:59:54] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: The spirits pick the best times to communicate...
[08.01.2015 23:00:51] Loki.Valmir: Oh... uh you got that too?
[08.01.2015 23:01:31] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: Oh great... one of the few times I get direct contact with the spirits and I share it with a Zoner..
[08.01.2015 23:02:16] Loki.Valmir: You didn't seem to have a problem using our base just a few minutes ago.
[08.01.2015 23:02:51] K'Hara|Zaqar: **{A new vision would show of an eagle that had its wings removed}***
[08.01.2015 23:03:18] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: Spirit visions and sleeping quarters are two separate things\
[08.01.2015 23:03:22] K'Hara|Zaqar: **{This too would fade}**
[08.01.2015 23:04:10] Loki.Valmir: Well its obvious the "Spirit" wants me to be there as well
[08.01.2015 23:04:14] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: Believe it or not... I was out here earlier and I think I know to which that refers... follow
[08.01.2015 23:04:52] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: tracked it to about the same spot... now what
[08.01.2015 23:05:04] Loki.Valmir: Guess we wait
[08.01.2015 23:05:04] K'Hara|Zaqar: *** 'ours' unvail he -covering- shroud ***
[08.01.2015 23:05:11] Loki.Valmir: Nevermind
[08.01.2015 23:05:14] |+|-Chaplain.2: Welp. that answered itself.
[08.01.2015 23:05:32] Loki.Valmir: Hello again, haven't talked in awhile
[08.01.2015 23:05:49] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: wait a second, you've been communicating with the Spirits?
[08.01.2015 23:05:53] K'Hara|Zaqar: *** 'ours' have lakced -proxcimity- to 'yours' [Loki.Valmir] ***
[08.01.2015 23:06:53] Loki.Valmir: Well I don't call them spirits but yeah, I have talked to this one quite a bit
[08.01.2015 23:07:06] K'Hara|Zaqar: *** 'ours' bare (curosity) towards [Kraters] position -progress- ***
[08.01.2015 23:07:50] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: *her attention piques back up at the mention of the Carrier target* ... Some was made, we've managed to track the home
[08.01.2015 23:07:52] Loki.Valmir: Krater?  Has he been causing problems for you?
[08.01.2015 23:08:05] |+|-Chaplain.2: base of it... but sadly  its located in an area we can do nothing about.
[08.01.2015 23:08:20] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: Otherwise, we've had zero success interdicting it.
[08.01.2015 23:09:03] K'Hara|Zaqar: *** 'theirs' have (enraged) 'ours' / ~warforms~ will -dispruse- to -peel/buckle- 'theirs' hull -apart- (!) ***
[08.01.2015 23:09:28] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: I understand. Given the chance I'd like to do the same great one,.
[08.01.2015 23:10:00] K'Hara|Zaqar: *** 'ours' (desire) to -gain- knowledge of 'theirs' ~home~***
[08.01.2015 23:10:09] Loki.Valmir: Huh, well I guess I can try and keep an eye on it.  Wouldn't be able to do anything directly but I can watch its movements
[08.01.2015 23:10:13] Loki.Valmir: if I see it.
[08.01.2015 23:10:46] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: T'is a Bretonian installation... Star-Newcastle.
[08.01.2015 23:11:10] Loki.Valmir: Ugh Star
[08.01.2015 23:11:16] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: the Outcasts maintain cool relations with the Bretonians, thus were unable to dismantle their home ourselves.
[08.01.2015 23:11:31] K'Hara|Zaqar: **{A Personification takes form inside Chaplain's ship. this would stan by her.}***
[08.01.2015 23:11:57] K'Hara|Zaqar: *** 'ours' (desire) knowledge of 'theirs' other ~home~ **
[08.01.2015 23:12:11] K'Hara|Zaqar: ***{"Point to where the base is,
[08.01.2015 23:12:37] K'Hara|Zaqar: in that 'star system' ***
[08.01.2015 23:12:48] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: *she turns in the command chair to a separate holo-console, bringing up the map of the system*
[08.01.2015 23:13:11] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: We only know what system in which it is contained.. the exact location is still eludes our scouts
[08.01.2015 23:13:36] K'Hara|Zaqar: *** 'ours' -will- shift through-out- 'theirs' ~void~ ***
[08.01.2015 23:14:13] K'Hara|Zaqar: *** 'ours' will ~sing~ to 'yours' when [Krater] seeks to -commit- sacrilage ***
[08.01.2015 23:14:13] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: *she bows, brushing silver bangs out of her face before returning her attention forward, to the main-view, looking out
[08.01.2015 23:14:17] |+|-Chaplain.2: at the large form*
[08.01.2015 23:14:40] K'Hara|Zaqar: ***{The personification faded away}**
[08.01.2015 23:16:13] Loki.Valmir: So you said the base is in Newcastle, I might be able to try and locate it.
[08.01.2015 23:16:31] K'Hara|Zaqar: *** 'ours' contain (desire) for 'yours' to synchronize -efforts- ***
[08.01.2015 23:16:34] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: Si si.
[08.01.2015 23:16:45] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: Oh great... another Zoner I must tolerate.
[08.01.2015 23:17:02] Loki.Valmir: Well I guess I wouldn't mind working with some outcasts if they are helping you out.
[08.01.2015 23:17:18] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: At what lengths I go through-- Si si spirit. We will oblige'
[08.01.2015 23:17:37] K'Hara|Zaqar: *** 'theirs' have -obtained- healthy (consideration) **
[08.01.2015 23:19:07] Loki.Valmir: So you worship the nomads then Erika, I guess I have heard rumors that outcasts did that but never really knew for sure
[08.01.2015 23:19:38] K'Hara|Zaqar: *** 'ours' will -meld- 'ours' knowledge with [Mnemosyne] ***
[08.01.2015 23:20:01] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: Not all do. The Cross do. Those that don't shall meet their own demise in time. T'is inevitable.
[08.01.2015 23:22:46] K'Hara|Zaqar: *** 'ours' shall seek (warmth) of ~lightened-oceans~ ***
[08.01.2015 23:23:17] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: *she takes a brief bow in her seat*
[08.01.2015 23:23:24] Loki.Valmir: Is there anything else you need of me?  Otherwise I will continue what I have been as well as looking for Krater.
[08.01.2015 23:23:51] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: I have other business to attend to. Lights shine peacefully great one.
[08.01.2015 23:23:59] |+|-Chaplain.2: Erika: Come Zoner.
[08.01.2015 23:24:54] Loki.Valmir: Well it is good to know I have some more allies in helping out the Nomads if I ever need it

RE: A Spectre's Journal - Sylvie557 - 01-31-2015

Entry #5

I have been visiting the Siren's Bell more and more lately, it is quite comforting being around people I can openly talk about what I have been doing. I have the feeling I have only met a few of those that pass through the Siren's Bell, but those I have talked to were a strange group to say the least. I sometimes wonder if I have fallen in with a group of madmen or if I have lost it as well but the worries pass quickly.

Either way I decided it was about time to get a few contacts outside of the Siren's Bell that can help me slowly undermine the Order's position. I'll have to go about this carefully, so I decided to reach out to two groups that should be more than willing to work with me.

First of the two is the Crimson Cross. I mentioned in an early entry about meeting a member of the Crimson Cross when a Nomad had summoned us both. Well after asking around I found out that Crimson Cross was a rather high ranking member of that organization, Inquisitor Erika Espinosa. I also learned that the Crimson Cross is a religious order devoted to worshipping the Nomads. While I don’t worship the Nomads myself I am sure the Crimson Cross will be willing to work with someone who at least works with the Nomads.

The other group would be the TAZ. I would keep the fact that I am working for the Nomads when talking to them, TAZ can be pretty crazy but I am not quite sure how they would take that. Instead I will use the fact that we share a common enemy in the Order to suggest we share any information we might acquire on the Order. Depending on how well that goes I might try and suggest other collaborative efforts to weaken the Order.

Gonna have to make sure I got a secure encryption before I send any clandestine communications. So I might as well get to work...

RE: A Spectre's Journal - Sylvie557 - 02-13-2015

Entry #6

Still in the process of making sure I can send out some messages out over the neural net without it getting traced back to me, but that isn’t why I am writing today. I’ve had a couple interesting encounters over the last day that I felt were worth writing down.

The first interesting event involved me and a few other random passerbies being witness to a member of the Liberty Navy having a verbal pissing match with two Gallic Navy pilots that had gone as far as Magellan. Surprisingly enough no blood was shed during the time I took to sit and watch but the arguments on both sides just reminded me of the stupidity of mankind sometimes. The Gallics on one side were trying to claim that they were bring peace to sirius when we all know all they bring is war. The Liberty officer on the other hand acted as if Gallia was the source of all evil and sirius was perfect before they showed up… even as Liberty continues on with a pointless war with Rheinland. It just reminded me why I prefer living out on the edge… at least pirates and warmongers in the edge worlds tended to be a bit more honest about their intentions. Sometimes I question whether my goal of working towards a world where Nomads and Humans can coexist if we can’t even coexist with ourselves.

[11.02.2015 05:14:16] [LN]-James.Lambert: So they must be as sub-human as the rest of us, no?
[11.02.2015 05:14:24] [LN]-James.Lambert: A choice does not change that.
[11.02.2015 05:14:44] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: You are not sub-human in our eyes.
[11.02.2015 05:14:45] RNS-Demon.du.Midi: Martin: A choice is a step in the right direction. Our King's peace is a promise.
[11.02.2015 05:14:51] OSI-Fenrir: Loki: Well this is interesting...
[11.02.2015 05:14:53] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Merely straying from the path that is good for humanity.
[11.02.2015 05:15:08] [LN]-James.Lambert: Your friend the Colonele disagrees, Capitaine.
[11.02.2015 05:15:13] Kyuubi: Yep it is quite interesting to listen. *puffs smoke out*
[11.02.2015 05:15:19] [LN]-James.Lambert: We are "animals."
[11.02.2015 05:15:27] RNS-Demon.du.Midi: Martin: As I've said earlier.
[11.02.2015 05:15:33] RNS-Demon.du.Midi: Martin: I was entertaining you.
[11.02.2015 05:16:02] [LN]-James.Lambert: Mmm.  Yes, I am so entertained by being called an "exotic animal".
[11.02.2015 05:16:13] [LN]-James.Lambert: Nice try, Colonele.
[11.02.2015 05:16:14] RNS-Demon.du.Midi: Martin: Perhaps Gallic humor does not translate well to Sirian.
[11.02.2015 05:16:21] [LN]-James.Lambert: Heh.  Better.
[11.02.2015 05:16:36] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: You will see Libertonian, our King's Peace -is- a promise.
[11.02.2015 05:16:43] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: One day, it will be achieved.
[11.02.2015 05:16:51] [LN]-James.Lambert: "I make a wasteland, and I call it peace."
[11.02.2015 05:17:01] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: I just hope that it can be done without more senselessness.
[11.02.2015 05:17:04] [LN]-James.Lambert: I should paint that on the side of my Guardian... what do you all think?
[11.02.2015 05:17:44] Kyuubi: me? *puffs smoke out* i am not very fund of Bretonia. They all got a stick up their asses, and most of the time they get in
[11.02.2015 05:17:49] Kyuubi: the way of my buisness.
[11.02.2015 05:17:57] Kyuubi: plus they are warmongers.
[11.02.2015 05:18:00] [LN]-James.Lambert: Uh, yes.
[11.02.2015 05:18:06] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: do you see!? Even that man knows!
[11.02.2015 05:18:06] [LN]-James.Lambert: Do you mean Gallia, by chance?
[11.02.2015 05:18:09] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: The Bretonians desire war!
[11.02.2015 05:18:17] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: And this is why Leeds has gone the way it has.
[11.02.2015 05:18:20] OSI-Fenrir: Loki: Bretonia has good tea
[11.02.2015 05:18:34] RNS-Demon.du.Midi: Martin: The Bretonians have seen nothing but war in the last decade. We've offered them the same peace we did to the Kusari.
[11.02.2015 05:18:41] [LN]-James.Lambert: Please tell me you were referring to Gallia, Hunter...
[11.02.2015 05:18:46] Kyuubi: gallia is much the same. but hey. thats not my buisness
[11.02.2015 05:18:55] Kyuubi: IM JUST DOING MY JOB:
[11.02.2015 05:18:56] [LN]-James.Lambert: *He sighs.*
[11.02.2015 05:19:12] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: Gallia only desires peace amongst the nations of the Sirius Sector.
[11.02.2015 05:19:18] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: It is the Houses who so stubbornly refuse.
[11.02.2015 05:19:23] [LN]-James.Lambert: Yes, yes.
[11.02.2015 05:19:27] Kyuubi: hunting pirates. protecting civillians. War was always the way of humans.
[11.02.2015 05:19:32] [LN]-James.Lambert: Peace in our graves or peace under your heel.
[11.02.2015 05:19:40] [LN]-James.Lambert: I'd rather not, thanks.
[11.02.2015 05:19:59] Kyuubi: War will always be there. humans always found a way to fight war, Officer.
[11.02.2015 05:20:02] RNS-Demon.du.Midi: Martin: I'm sure you'd rather keep slaughtering Rheinlanders.
[11.02.2015 05:20:18] Kyuubi: Im just a man that looks out for civillans, to watch for them so they shall not burn.
[11.02.2015 05:20:26] Kyuubi: who hits who with a stick is not of my buissness
[11.02.2015 05:20:36] Kyuubi: im on the peoples side.
[11.02.2015 05:20:41] [LN]-James.Lambert: We fight the Rheinlanders, yes.
[11.02.2015 05:20:41] OSI-Fenrir: Loki: Honestly, as far as I am concerned there was war before Gallia showed up... there is still war now
[11.02.2015 05:20:43] Kyuubi: *puffs smoke out*
[11.02.2015 05:20:46] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: Hmp...Libertonian, I have a proposal.
[11.02.2015 05:20:59] [LN]-James.Lambert: A proposal, oh wonderful.
[11.02.2015 05:21:02] [LN]-James.Lambert: Let me guess...
[11.02.2015 05:21:15] [LN]-James.Lambert: "Surrender now and let us civilize you."
[11.02.2015 05:21:19] [LN]-James.Lambert: Yes?  Do I win?
[11.02.2015 05:21:29] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: I would like to show you an example of The King's Mercy, and I'm sure that these Libertonian pilots in my hold would appreciate
[11.02.2015 05:21:38] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: the chance to see whatever world they came from, once again.
[11.02.2015 05:22:05] [LN]-James.Lambert: *He straightens up.*  Fine.  I'm listening.
[11.02.2015 05:22:10] Kyuubi: *pulls up a brow* isnt taking hostages Below you, buddy?
[11.02.2015 05:22:39] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: So come then...approach and I will return these men to you, as a gesture of the King's Mercy.
[11.02.2015 05:22:57] Kyuubi: oi Navy guy. want me to escort you? just for safety
[11.02.2015 05:22:57] [LN]-James.Lambert: Approach... all the better for you to shoot me.
[11.02.2015 05:23:04] Kyuubi: its for free, since they got hostages.
[11.02.2015 05:23:10] Kyuubi: and i hate people who take hostages
[11.02.2015 05:23:14] [LN]-James.Lambert: That might be wise, actually, Hunter.
[11.02.2015 05:23:21] [LN]-James.Lambert: Let's go say hello.
[11.02.2015 05:23:24] Kyuubi: then lead and i will follow.
[11.02.2015 05:23:34] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: The men are not hostages, Hunter, but Prisoners of War.
[11.02.2015 05:23:47] Kyuubi: Where is the bloody differnece.
[11.02.2015 05:23:55] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Quite a difference.
[11.02.2015 05:24:00] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: For example
[11.02.2015 05:24:03] [LN]-James.Lambert: Not that you Gauls ascribe to any rules of war to begin with anyways.
[11.02.2015 05:24:12] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: These Naval pilots will not face execution, like do you call them
[11.02.2015 05:24:13] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Rogues?
[11.02.2015 05:24:16] [LN]-James.Lambert: So the Hunter is, more or less, correct.
[11.02.2015 05:24:18] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: That I have in my hold.
[11.02.2015 05:24:27] [LN]-James.Lambert: I don't execute Rogues.
[11.02.2015 05:24:32] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: You do not.
[11.02.2015 05:24:40] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: But we have no tolerance for such things.
[11.02.2015 05:24:44] [LN]-James.Lambert: I put them on a prison ship where they belong.
[11.02.2015 05:24:55] RNS-Demon.du.Midi: Martin: We are signatories of the Geneva Convention of old Sol, after all.
[11.02.2015 05:25:21] Kyuubi: Im covering you. bring those guys home.
[11.02.2015 05:25:31] [LN]-James.Lambert: Getting clear.
[11.02.2015 05:25:39] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: You see, I have no desire to imprison your soldiers for doing their duty.
[11.02.2015 05:25:47] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: I had no desire to shoot them down, either.
[11.02.2015 05:26:12] [LN]-James.Lambert: I'll say one thing for you... you do seem the idealist part.
[11.02.2015 05:26:41] [LN]-James.Lambert: I think you actually believe what you're spewing.  It's kind of refreshing, actually.
[11.02.2015 05:26:41] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: How could I not be? Sirian or Gallic, we are the same.
[11.02.2015 05:26:45] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: It's petty that we should fight.
[11.02.2015 05:26:51] RNS-Demon.du.Midi: Martin: Our King's peace is a wonderful ideal, don't you think?
[11.02.2015 05:27:07] Kyuubi: *sigh* and there they go again.
[11.02.2015 05:27:25] Kyuubi: guys, seriously, you rpeat the same sentences now since an hour.
[11.02.2015 05:27:33] [LN]-James.Lambert: The hunter is right.
[11.02.2015 05:27:33] Kyuubi: change the bloody disk.
[11.02.2015 05:27:36] [LN]-James.Lambert: It's tiresome.
[11.02.2015 05:27:43] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: We fight because we must, we fight for justice and the unification of the sector.
[11.02.2015 05:27:51] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Our species must move forward as one.
[11.02.2015 05:27:53] OSI-Fenrir: Loki: I prefer to fly under no house colors personally, luckily Gallia hasn't shown much hostile intents to OSI yet.
[11.02.2015 05:27:54] [LN]-James.Lambert: You're like sidewalk preachers.
[11.02.2015 05:28:07] Kyuubi: Mental high five, Zoner.
[11.02.2015 05:28:10] [LN]-James.Lambert: "REPENT, and follow the Lord Charles, the Lord GAWDDD"
[11.02.2015 05:28:25] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: N-Now you mock our King?!
[11.02.2015 05:28:27] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Insolence!
[11.02.2015 05:28:30] RNS-Demon.du.Midi: *Martin purses his lips at the insult.*
[11.02.2015 05:28:36] [LN]-James.Lambert: Has he come out of his coma yet?
[11.02.2015 05:28:47] [LN]-James.Lambert: Heard about his illness.
[11.02.2015 05:28:50] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: C-Coma?
[11.02.2015 05:28:52] [LN]-James.Lambert: Terrible tragedy.
[11.02.2015 05:29:00] Kyuubi: dude. i wont forbid you your mouth, but you got guys here in your cargo. just saying.
[11.02.2015 05:29:13] Kyuubi: dont provoke a combat before they are save.
[11.02.2015 05:29:16] Kyuubi: just sayin'
[11.02.2015 05:29:26] Kyuubi: not that its my buisness.
[11.02.2015 05:29:28] [LN]-James.Lambert: Fair enough.
[11.02.2015 05:29:30] OSI-Fenrir: Loki: The bounty hunter has a point
[11.02.2015 05:29:33] [LN]-James.Lambert: I'll be right back...
[11.02.2015 05:30:15] [LN]-James.Lambert: There.  The soldiers are safe now.
[11.02.2015 05:30:21] Kyuubi: good man.
[11.02.2015 05:30:24] OSI-Fenrir: Loki: Hey there Freelancer
[11.02.2015 05:30:27] [LN]-James.Lambert: Now, I believe we were talking about sick kings?
[11.02.2015 05:30:31] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: You will see no signs of torture or abuse on them, pilot.
[11.02.2015 05:30:33] [LN]-James.Lambert: Sick in the head, perhaps?
[11.02.2015 05:30:33] Siara.Solatra: Hey there.
[11.02.2015 05:30:34] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: They were treated well.
[11.02.2015 05:30:42] [LN]-James.Lambert: Oh... hello Siara.
[11.02.2015 05:30:54] Siara.Solatra: The hell are Gallics doing so close to Liberty?
[11.02.2015 05:30:58] [LN]-James.Lambert: Uh.  Fancy seeing you out here.
[11.02.2015 05:31:08] OSI-Fenrir: Loki: No clue honestly
[11.02.2015 05:31:15] [LN]-James.Lambert: The Gallics?  They're, uh... just taking a little bit of verbal abuse at the moment.
[11.02.2015 05:31:15] RNS-Demon.du.Midi: Martin: Simple enough. We're past the siege of Leeds.
[11.02.2015 05:31:16] Siara.Solatra: Yeah, 's a freaking miracle, isn't it?
[11.02.2015 05:31:18] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: This system -does- border our territory, Miss...?
[11.02.2015 05:31:22] Siara.Solatra: Me being out on the edge of civilization?
[11.02.2015 05:31:29] Siara.Solatra: Well, not really the edge.
[11.02.2015 05:31:33] Siara.Solatra: But, I guess Gallia doesn't really count.
[11.02.2015 05:31:42] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: *Aline scoffs*
[11.02.2015 05:31:49] [LN]-James.Lambert: Might as well be the edge of the universe...
[11.02.2015 05:31:55] Siara.Solatra: Seriously.
[11.02.2015 05:32:03] RNS-Demon.du.Midi: Martin: Charming.
[11.02.2015 05:32:09] [LN]-James.Lambert: To recap for you, Siara...
[11.02.2015 05:32:15] [LN]-James.Lambert: These two Gauls are preachers.
[11.02.2015 05:32:20] Siara.Solatra: Ain't anything beyond Leeds but just the looping of spacetime going around to the other end of the sector.
[11.02.2015 05:32:27] [LN]-James.Lambert: Spreading the word of Great King Charles, and his MERCY.
[11.02.2015 05:32:32] [LN]-James.Lambert: And wonderful SLAVERY.
[11.02.2015 05:32:33] Siara.Solatra: Fancy.
[11.02.2015 05:32:36] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: Here we are, speaking as civilized people...and this is the response we get, I don't understand it, Martin..
[11.02.2015 05:32:47] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Though I now see why our King's merciful offers of peace have failed.
[11.02.2015 05:32:47] [LN]-James.Lambert: And the death he has in his hearts for all of us.
[11.02.2015 05:32:53] Siara.Solatra: Expecting me to be civilized? I'm flattered.
[11.02.2015 05:32:59] Siara.Solatra: There ain't anything civil about me.
[11.02.2015 05:33:31] OSI-Fenrir: Loki: Yeah I prefer to be out in the wild of the edge worlds myself
[11.02.2015 05:33:51] [LN]-James.Lambert: Aye, since we Sirians are animals...
[11.02.2015 05:34:00] RNS-Demon.du.Midi: Martin: I would be offended myself, but I would say that our activities today mitigates the inconvenience.
[11.02.2015 05:34:10] [LN]-James.Lambert: As one Old Earth prophet said, "Ain't no church in the wild."
[11.02.2015 05:34:17] Kyuubi: *puffs out smoke* well to be fair, sometimes i prefer the edgeworlds too. no Military Factions going at each others throats.
[11.02.2015 05:34:32] Kyuubi: plus i can take a fair profit there.
[11.02.2015 05:34:34] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: Oui...our actions this day, have brought us a step closer to peace, you are right, Martin.
[11.02.2015 05:34:38] Kyuubi: with all those pirates.
[11.02.2015 05:34:38] [LN]-James.Lambert: *Mutters something under his breath.*
[11.02.2015 05:35:10] Siara.Solatra: Didn't quite catch that, Lambert.
[11.02.2015 05:35:26] [LN]-James.Lambert: Hmm...?  Oh.  Nothing.
[11.02.2015 05:35:44] [LN]-James.Lambert: Anyways, is that all the sermon for today, Gauls?
[11.02.2015 05:35:53] [LN]-James.Lambert: All out of propanda to spew?
[11.02.2015 05:36:01] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: It is no sermon, Libertonian...neither is it Propaganda.
[11.02.2015 05:36:13] [LN]-James.Lambert: Right, and I'm the Queen of Bretonia.
[11.02.2015 05:36:17] RNS-Demon.du.Midi: Martin: Perhaps I'd like to hear your opinion of it. Your point of view. How we are the true evil.
[11.02.2015 05:36:19] Kyuubi: *puts out Cigar* well, i am out of Cigars. the Prisoners are safe, so i think i will return to some hunting.
[11.02.2015 05:36:33] [LN]-James.Lambert: Safe flight, Hunter.
[11.02.2015 05:36:36] Kyuubi: Dont get yourself Killed, navy guy. Thats a Gunship over there.
[11.02.2015 05:36:42] [LN]-James.Lambert: I'm aware.
[11.02.2015 05:36:43] Kyuubi: see ya next time
[11.02.2015 05:36:45] Siara.Solatra: Oh, don't worry.
[11.02.2015 05:36:49] Siara.Solatra: I won't let him do anything stupid.
[11.02.2015 05:36:55] OSI-Fenrir: Loki: Safe flying Hunter
[11.02.2015 05:37:07] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: It's funny, we're here for much the same reason.
[11.02.2015 05:37:23] [LN]-James.Lambert: Oh, you're bored too?
[11.02.2015 05:37:28] [LN]-James.Lambert: Wonderful.  
[11.02.2015 05:37:50] RNS-Demon.du.Midi: Martin: We were keeping the peace on the border of our King's territory.
[11.02.2015 05:38:01] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: No, we wish to convince you of the erroneous path your people are wandering along.
[11.02.2015 05:38:05] RNS-Demon.du.Midi: Martin: I'd assume you also were for Liberty, as a serviceman.
[11.02.2015 05:38:27] Siara.Solatra: So, hey, Gallics.
[11.02.2015 05:38:30] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: And the Colonel said.
[11.02.2015 05:38:33] [LN]-James.Lambert: Like I said, I was bored.
[11.02.2015 05:38:33] Siara.Solatra: Got a question for you.
[11.02.2015 05:38:40] [LN]-James.Lambert: That's it, really.
[11.02.2015 05:38:43] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: Oui...Miss..?
[11.02.2015 05:38:58] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: To whom do I speak?
[11.02.2015 05:38:59] Siara.Solatra: If you're all for peace, why did you invade violently and without warning?
[11.02.2015 05:39:05] Siara.Solatra: Call me Miss Stabby.
[11.02.2015 05:39:10] RNS-Demon.du.Midi: Martin: We offered the King's peace.
[11.02.2015 05:39:22] OSI-Fenrir: Loki: Interesting name to go by there
[11.02.2015 05:39:29] Siara.Solatra: 's as good a name as any other.
[11.02.2015 05:39:32] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: At the outset, our Merciful King extended his hand with an offer of peace.
[11.02.2015 05:39:33] [LN]-James.Lambert: Also known as subjugation.
[11.02.2015 05:39:40] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Your governments refused him.
[11.02.2015 05:39:56] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: But as you can see with Kusari, even they were given another chance, and it has benefited them greatly.
[11.02.2015 05:40:00] RNS-Demon.du.Midi: Martin: Do you see the Kusari enslaved by us? Under our throes?
[11.02.2015 05:40:03] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Despite their initial resistance to us.
[11.02.2015 05:40:11] OSI-Fenrir: Loki: *Chuckles*
[11.02.2015 05:40:13] [LN]-James.Lambert: I don't go to Kusari, Colonele.
[11.02.2015 05:40:19] [LN]-James.Lambert: So I wouldn't know.
[11.02.2015 05:40:23] Siara.Solatra: Uhhh.
[11.02.2015 05:40:25] Siara.Solatra: I mean.
[11.02.2015 05:40:30] Siara.Solatra: It does seem kinda like slavery to me.
[11.02.2015 05:40:32] RNS-Demon.du.Midi: Martin: What kind of dictature allows its people to form a free Democracy?
[11.02.2015 05:40:46] Siara.Solatra: I was over there not too long ago and there were GRN forces in New Tokyo, taking over for the police and navy.
[11.02.2015 05:40:55] Siara.Solatra: Looks a bit more like occupation than alliance to me.
[11.02.2015 05:40:57] [LN]-James.Lambert: *Raises his eyebrows.*  Interesting...
[11.02.2015 05:40:58] OSI-Fenrir: Loki: Everyone thinks they are the good guys
[11.02.2015 05:41:04] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: The Kusari people have not been subjugated nor occupied by the forces of The Crown.
[11.02.2015 05:41:11] [LN]-James.Lambert: The slavery will come, I assure you.
[11.02.2015 05:41:16] Siara.Solatra: Y'can keep telling me that, but 's what I saw.
[11.02.2015 05:41:28] [LN]-James.Lambert: They probably can't spare the forces yet to maintain control of the populace in that instance.
[11.02.2015 05:41:33] Siara.Solatra: Prolly.
[11.02.2015 05:41:34] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: Aline: The Kusari people are governed by a Democratic Republic now, not the totalitarian Emperor
[11.02.2015 05:41:38] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: who ruled them previously.
[11.02.2015 05:41:46] [LN]-James.Lambert: A puppet.  Even I know that.
[11.02.2015 05:41:51] Siara.Solatra: A democratic republic. Right.
[11.02.2015 05:42:00] RNS-Noblesse.Oblige: I for one, believe this is progress, A democracy where once an Empire stood.
[11.02.2015 05:42:03] Siara.Solatra: Think I preferred the emperor, honestly.
[11.02.2015 05:42:05] RNS-Demon.du.Midi: Martin: An Emperor who is, may I remind you, still attempting to cause chaos and war.
[11.02.2015 05:42:12] OSI-Fenrir: Loki: Well I should probably head out... don't kill each other if you can help it
[11.02.2015 05:42:19] Siara.Solatra: So, lemme just say...
[11.02.2015 05:42:31] Siara.Solatra: You're coming from a monarchy, saying democracy's the good thing.
[11.02.2015 05:42:37] Siara.Solatra: But you've got your King Charlie or whatever his name is.
[11.02.2015 05:42:48] Siara.Solatra: Don'tcha think that's kinda sending mixed signals?

Later that day I was passing through Magellan yet again when I felt the familiar touch of my old Nomad friend on my thoughts. His visions indicated a meeting point in the backwater system of Kansas so I adjusted my course right away to meet him. I was quite surprised to see that he had taken on a much larger form than I have seen him in before.

[Image: Zhqykp4.png?1]

He seemed to be quite interested in the current state of the various conflicts in the surrounding systems and was wondering why we fought amongst ourselves so much. The questions seemed to mirror my thoughts on the insult match between Gallic Navy and Liberty Navy only hours earlier. I tried my best to explain why we fought but I am not sure I was able shed much more light on the situation than he already knew. Eventually my friend decided it was time to leave and I said my goodbyes and told him if he ever need my help he was free to ask even if I have a feeling he already knew.

[11.02.2015 07:18:09] K'Hara|Enki: A smaller personfication of Zul'Tharus lingered near the jumpgate, when Loki had moved through, the lesser personfication
[11.02.2015 07:18:15] K'Hara|Enki: plauged him with a vision
[11.02.2015 07:18:52] K'Hara|Enki: **{He would see before him a jumphole with clouds around it, from he perspective of it. it was Kansas. after it moved through
[11.02.2015 07:19:19] K'Hara|Enki: it, it would show a dark matter cloud and then a single sensation of being tugged became apparent.}**
[11.02.2015 07:20:53] OSI-Loki's.Pride: *Loki having been told to go somewhere by a Nomad before knew what to do, he recognized the vision as being somehwere
[11.02.2015 07:21:11] OSI-Loki's.Pride: in Kansas so he changed course right away*
[11.02.2015 07:33:03] K'Hara|Enki: *** 'yours' have been -parted- from 'ours' -vision- for ~expended-time~ ***
[11.02.2015 07:34:16] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: Yeah I haven't seen you in quite awhile either, how has everything been?
[11.02.2015 07:35:08] K'Hara|Enki: *** 'ours' have gained ~greater-personfication~ ../.. 'yours' have -lingered- withing ~shadowed-realms~ ../.. 'ours' bare
[11.02.2015 07:35:34] K'Hara|Enki: (curiosity) towards 'yours' (desires) within these ~Shadowed-voids~ ***
[11.02.2015 07:38:48] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: Well I was doing some shipping for my day day job at OSI before I got your vision of Kansas.
[11.02.2015 07:39:59] K'Hara|Enki: *** 'ours' seek to -linger- within these ~shadowed-voids~ ../.. 'ours' bare (curosity) towards ~Shadow-essences~ -fractures- **
[11.02.2015 07:40:36] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: You talking about the cloud we are in?  
[11.02.2015 07:42:14] K'Hara|Enki: **{Visions would show of Liberty, an the surrounding systems. Of the conflict in Puerto Rico as well as the GRN, LN and Junkers
[11.02.2015 07:42:27] K'Hara|Enki: in Magellen}**
[11.02.2015 07:44:05] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: Ah so you interested in some of the groups around here, lots of the conflict we humans are good at around these parts
[11.02.2015 07:45:39] K'Hara|Enki: *** 'ours' seek 'theirs' ~Reasoning/rationality~ for 'theirs' -expansion- of ~Dark-fire~ ***
[11.02.2015 07:46:48] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: You mean the fighting?  One of the flaws of Humanity honestly we always want what others have... sometimes
[11.02.2015 07:47:17] OSI-Loki's.Pride: those in power takes advantage of that to start wars... I hope one day we can evolve past that flaw
[11.02.2015 07:49:49] K'Hara|Enki: *** 'yours' ~Collative~ have -spent- =adiquite-cycles= to ~transend~ beyond 'yours' =primal= (compulsion) ***
[11.02.2015 07:50:54] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: Apparently it hasn't been enough
[11.02.2015 07:52:02] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: Most people are good enough and are just being manipulated by those in power
[11.02.2015 07:54:46] K'Hara|Enki: *** 'theirs' lack of -control- of 'theirs' (temptaions) exhibities -weakness- ../.. 'yours' (desire) to be ~enlightened~ by
[11.02.2015 07:55:14] K'Hara|Enki: 'ours' ../.. 'ours' have -inherited- (curosity) towards 'yours' (intentions) ***
[11.02.2015 07:57:46] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: I hope by working with the nomads to destroy the bloodthirsty groups like the Order that one day humans and nomads might
[11.02.2015 07:58:07] OSI-Loki's.Pride: be able to coexist... it might be a foolish dream but I got to try
[11.02.2015 08:00:10] K'Hara|Enki: *** 'yours' have -inherited- 'yours' =chance= towards 'yours' (desire) ../.. 'ours' seek ~seclusion/solitude~ ***
[11.02.2015 08:00:46] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: Well I hope to see you again sometime then, let me know if you ever need my help

Well I better get back to work...