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The Arleigh Burke - Lost in the Void (//Invite only) - Explorer487 - 11-28-2014

The Arleigh Burke - Lost in the Void

During past events, one would expect their demise at any given moment. Laura Harrison was such a person, she never really bargained on covertly working with the Order under the cover of a LSF Agent. She was surprised that the people of Liberty hadn't realised yet. Her promotion to command a Cruiser was a bigger surprise. Though that was nothing in what was about to happen to her.

[Image: ArleighBurke_zps219ca02f.png]
The Arleigh Burke, 22/11/820 AS. Two days before the mission.

About the Arleigh Burke:
The vessel is only about six months old, recently commissioned by the Liberty Navy and reassigned to the LSF. Laura Harrison is the first LSF Operative to command her. Currently fitted with anti battleship and strike craft weaponry, the vessel is of unknown capabilities and yet to be proven.

The Prologue

Laura had met a man named John Dawson. A young LSF operative who had crossed paths. This particular man was eventually thrown into a world of confusion, betrayal, trust and forgiveness as things progressed. Laura did have feelings for the man, she had admitted it to herself numerous times. Back in Omicron Major, they stumbled into there which the cause was forgotten in the process and due to her young age of 23, was showing signs of her feelings for the man. Especially since she was terrified of the alien which appeared, it was of great mass and power. Eventually distrupting the power and communications of the Cruiser Arleigh Burke, of which she was in command of. For Laura, this had been the second intervention with the Nomads. For better or for worse, Laura and John had a serious battle of courage and trust appearing before them down the dangerous road of discovery. 

The Story

Laura had awoken to the sight of the man, asleep in the chair beside her. Still terrified out of her wit, but she did remember who the man was. John Dawson rang through her mind like the echoing chime of a cathedral bell...

RE: The Arleigh Burke - Lost in the Void (//Invite only) - Shizune - 11-28-2014

Something huge and hidden was inside the void near the Burke, whatever it was seemed to be talking to them but seemed to be just whispering to itself...

*. 'Theirs' remember -not- the ~winds~ "they" walk (seeking them out) / less 'they' become -wise (knowing) -of that- "they" ~did not~ seek / ~softly walking~ the 'void sands' (the unknown) with -the mindless- 'stance' till "they find" -that missing- (gone forever) / ~love~ being -the 'dagger and shield' (armor and blade) "they" did -find- / -the forge- of 'fear' they did -construct- ~the worry~ 'of the void- (the lost) .*

It began to move closer to the Burke quietly, floating around it slowly and paused to speak again

*. "Theirs" still -young- / ~seek out~ the 'songs' of -midnight stars- / "Her's -guide- them -to freedom- (free from destruction) / -or- 'ours' perish -less- we are ~caught~ (!!) .*

It seemed to move slowly away but just went to the other side of the Burke and vanished once more...then sounds were heard...

*( An echoing giggling goes across their minds silently, it sounded like a young girl playfully running away but also in pain while running away, a song of a siren heard, begging for them to follow them to the next place before she was gone, a young girl is seen running from the room limping..but an down the hall quickly in the opposite direction )*

Whatever it was ran quickly away from the two...if they checked the hanger, there was a extra ship accounted for, it seemed to be a freelancer ship but it was impossible to tell what it really was...Who ever the girl was, had vanished into the Burke..for now

RE: The Arleigh Burke - Lost in the Void (//Invite only) - pillow - 11-28-2014

The giggle of the young girl he kept hearing felt like it was just a dream. However, he seemed to have gotten used to such things...thanks to his previous encounters with the Spirits. It felt like a dream, yes...but he knew perfectly it wasn't. It did not scare nor did it make him feel uneasy...the only thing he was worried about right now, was the woman in front of him. And he didn't even know why.
Waking up with a minor headache, he eyes Laura after taking his goggles off, the ones he used to protect his...'glow'...from the crew of the Burke. He was sure that if he had it, most likely she would have it as well, and he knew he had to help her hide it from her subordinates.
To him, it felt like he had developed some sort of bond with her. They didn't know each other for very long, yet it felt, to him at least, like they knew each other for a few years at best.
They were developing hate towards each other at first, too. Arguing non-stop, like some brats that barely met. However, once 'Commander Harrison' had gotten into...trouble, so to speak, Daniel tried his best to help her in the situation, slowly developing the said bond. It only got stronger with the next encounters, and it increased drastically once she revealed her true identity to him. The right thing to do would've been...turn back, report her to the LSF...himself being an Agent. Yet, he did not do such a thing. He felt like he - needed - to be by her side, and for whatever reason agreed to entering the 'Nomad Jumpgate' in Omicron Minor, alongside her. Normally, he wouldn't do such reckless things. He'd simply turn back and never look at 'Harrison again, was already too late for that.
Relieved that she finally woke up, yet still worried half to death, he looks at her, utterly confused. Not having a single clue of what to do next, he keeps quiet, simply staring at her with his newly colored eyes, that might look frightening to anyone that has no idea of what actually happened.

RE: The Arleigh Burke - Lost in the Void (//Invite only) - Explorer487 - 12-01-2014

It had been a day or so since everything had gone south for Laura and her new found companion. It was only on Freeport 11, in Omicron Delta did she realise the feelings John had for her, and as she did for him. Having lost her sister and her friends in the desperate escape to leave Liberty space, possibly on a hunch that in Omicron Delta something would await them. Who would know what that was, even Laura didn't consider it for a moment. 'This is just beyond comprehension..' She pondered. Though the events upon reaching the station were strange, however almost out of credits and low on fuel, the exhausted cruiser finally pulled into one of the mooring fixtures. The crew on board the station were statled by this appearence, all Laura could do was nod upon boarding. Hopefully hiding her terrified expression and the exhaustion that lay in her eyes.
Laura sat down at a table, as John followed shortly after and laid her head on the table. The bartender of the station bringing over a bottle of Whiskey, she needed it but this was now past the point of what she could deal with. Conversation between the two began, John could tell she was frightened and exhausted. It had been quite a day for the both of them. However, during the moments of what seemed to be a lifetime. John finally confessed to Laura, at the point of a gun to her own head, how he felt about her and it finally answered why exactly he bothered to stay with her.
Though it did seem that the criminals she had dealt with as an Agent did still hold a grudge, an Outcast appearing behind John wielding a weapon of sorts. She saw him, John didn't. A slight nod and uttering the word "Gun..". Upon John moving, she fired her weapon until it ran dry into the Outcast. Letting him fall to the floor at the feet of John, who seemed to be startled by this. 'Who knows' she thought, what might happen to them next. Though with her new found feelings and bond between the two, she no longer cared at the outcome, 'as long as they were together' she thought. Nothing else mattered..

RE: The Arleigh Burke - Lost in the Void (//Invite only) - pillow - 12-01-2014

Sitting at the table, seemingly chugging glass after glass of the brought Whiskey to calm him down after losing his life for a possibly insane woman, he tried his best explaining to her that everything would be alright. Even he seemed to believe so...

One of the most important details that made him show his feelings towards her was the manner she explained about her sister's...death. Enraged, he threw the bottle of Whiskey on the floor. However, thinking what she might've been suffering right then and there, he calmed down rapidly, and tried to comfort her as best as he could. It didn't take long before he unconsciously seemed to face the truth and say what he was really feeling without even didn't take long before Laura tried to shoot herself, causing him to panic and say - those - words out loud.

As his...friend, fired a shot behind him, he was almost sure that she was going to shoot him. In his eyes, she looked like she was completely losing it. Almost shooting herself in the head, almost giving him a heart attack, right before threatening to shoot - him - as well. The body that fell right beside his feet didn't even make him flinch. The only think that freaked him out was how the person standing in front of him tried to commit suicide. That person wasn't even the typical Joe one sees at every corner of every street. She was important to him. Very important.

Trying to calm her down, he looked straight into her eyes with a look that could've broken glass, and proposed to her that she should just - sit down - and have a drink, without the need of unnecessary violence.