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Is anyone using Capship's missile turrets? - Printable Version

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Is anyone using Capship's missile turrets? - Carlos De La Cruz - 12-21-2014

Is anyone who's flying any capship (including GB's) using Capship's missile turrets? Why? Why not?

RE: Is anyone using Capship's missile turrets? - Sath - 12-21-2014

I used to, when I played with my caps, sometime back. They could be pretty useful in group fights, where, in case you are using a ship that can't spearhead into the dense of the fight (like most of the carriers). You could act as a support ship, with missiles/mortars from a distance. Cruiser missiles are awesome against gbs and GB missiles are awesome against snubs.

RE: Is anyone using Capship's missile turrets? - Titan* - 12-21-2014

Useless, BS missiles have 20 sec reload and 20 ammo. Cruiser missiles seems ok but bad against CM

RE: Is anyone using Capship's missile turrets? - Knjaz - 12-21-2014

Tried em yesterday against gunboat, 28 missiles fired (used Liberty/Basic combination), 3 hits total against an opponent that was busy fighting 2 bombers.

They were nerfed good, because some people couldn't comprehend the simple idea of "If you're facing a combined arms fleet full of capital ships in a single small ship or a small group of ships, you flee or die, not abuse Freelancer's lolcombatmechanic and troll the hell out of the fleet cause they can't hit you."., and started a massive forum whine.

RE: Is anyone using Capship's missile turrets? - Lythrilux - 12-21-2014

Gunboat missiles are very good for finishing off snubs.

RE: Is anyone using Capship's missile turrets? - Mímir - 12-21-2014

I think cruiser missiles are alright on my LABC. I don't score any kills with them, but they are good at fending off smaller cruisers and force them into evasive maneuvers where they can't dish out as much damage as they otherwise would. In group fights they are a bit better - it's difficult for a player under heavy fire from multiple targets to focus on and evade the missile. I rarely do any damage with missiles at all though, they are more of a tactical supplement.

If you decide to try out cap missiles, my advice is to get 2 different launchers (basic+navy faction), which will let you carry twice the ammo.

RE: Is anyone using Capship's missile turrets? - Haste - 12-21-2014

I've seen Cruiser and Gunboat missiles tear up lots and lots of ships, ranging from snubs to 'boats.

RE: Is anyone using Capship's missile turrets? - Fluffyball - 12-21-2014

Wait, there are people who manage to fire, like, 10 times and win? As far as I remember, there's only 20 Gunboat Missiles - yet their usefulness is laughable (unless they were fixed up).

When I was around 4.84, gunboat missiles were not too good (no ammo) yet very efficient, but useless when wrongly used. Back then, I learned to fire from 1-9, because it was a very VERY good tactic to spam with missiles.

Salvo was bad idea, as missiles hit each other.

RE: Is anyone using Capship's missile turrets? - sindroms - 12-21-2014

I live off missiles, because I just love how they look on caps.

Sadly, they are highly susceptible to broken hitboxes and CMs.

RE: Is anyone using Capship's missile turrets? - t0l - 12-21-2014

40 gunboat/30 cruiser rounds in the missile launcher, got 2 of them on my gunship and 3 on my LABC.

Fire them at the same time, you'll chunk snubs in a gunboat and kill them in an LABC. Triple/Double missile LABCs can kill snubs, chunk gunboats, and pester cruisers with missiles.

Battleships are better off taking mortars or cerbs instead of missiles.