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To 101st High Command eyes only| From: Apollo Venkman - Printable Version

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To 101st High Command eyes only| From: Apollo Venkman - Venkman - 12-31-2014

[Image: 8nc406m.png]

Buenos dias Ghosts, Venkman here. I just came back from Liberty. The reason why I went there is quite irrelevant at the moment. I came to Liberty for personal matters, instead I met one Hacker, his name is Goro Yoshida. He wishes to speak with you about his encounter with the " spirit " . We had a conversation in Leiden's bar.

Sending chatlog
Opening chatlog

Quote:LH~Leiden.Traverser: Greetings
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Buongiorno
LH~Leiden.Traverser: I was wondering if you have a spare moment in your time
LH~Leiden.Traverser: or you're currently busy conducting business
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: For my friends, I always have time signori
LH~Leiden.Traverser: I am glad to hear that
LH~Leiden.Traverser: I have recently received a unique and yet very important transmission
LH~Leiden.Traverser: And I'd like to contact your leadership about it. I know that I can just hack my way through, however I am sure
LH~Leiden.Traverser: this would cause offense
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Si?
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Just say it signori
LH~Leiden.Traverser: So I would be delighted to know which would be the proper way to contact a leader of yours
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Oh signori....
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: That is.... let's say... not possible at this moment
LH~Leiden.Traverser: There is some kind of an internal strife?
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: He is....
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Missing
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: But do not, I repeat, do not tell that to anyone signori
LH~Leiden.Traverser: You know we deal with information senior. We are professionals.
LH~Leiden.Traverser: That's most unfortunate. What about another leading figure perhaps?
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: I have no doubt in you my friend
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: The High Command is on that
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: But it is going very... very slow
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: May I ask, why do you seek our leader?
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Bah. So what would you advise me to do senior? Except to wait of course.
LH~Leiden.Traverser: As I said, I received an important transmission. From a massive alien entity.
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: That is quite serious signori
LH~Leiden.Traverser: I believe that the Maltese are in position to help me with it
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: We could try
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: I would advise you to wait...
LH~Leiden.Traverser: As you trusted me perhaps I should trust you too?
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Si signori
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: I would never betray my friend
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Open a transmission under your name and you will call them on behalf of me?
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: If that is what you want me to do signori
LH~Leiden.Traverser: I will of course compensate you for your trouble
LH~Leiden.Traverser: In fact I am bringing right now fresh cardamine from Malta
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Signori, let's meet somewhere safe
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Like here?
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: You are full of surprises signori
LH~Leiden.Traverser: We do that, sometimes
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: *smiles*
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Now, shall we go to Leiden?
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Of course senior
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: *entering formation*
LH~Leiden.Traverser: but first Liberty could have a use of this cardamine. I need to head to Rochester first
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: As you say signori
LH~Leiden.Traverser: It's not far from here
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Si
LH~Leiden.Traverser: This is the final part of a really long route
LH~Leiden.Traverser: From the fields of Malta to the pocket of the average Libertonian
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Indeen signori.
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: They like our product very much
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: And we are glad
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Obviously we destroy on sight every sight of this so-called medicine that Cryer produces
LH~Leiden.Traverser: every unit*
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: *sniffs* Cryer
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: The very name makes me want to warmit
LH~Leiden.Traverser: If I may ask, what brings you to Liberty? My concern is to further help you in your endeavours here
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Believe it or not, I received a strange transission, juts like you did
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: The message was...
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Moment, I have to find it
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Contacts on scanner.
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: *looks at his transmisson history*
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Ah, si.... here it is: " Your drug is destoyed "
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: I was able to track down the signal
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: It came form New York system
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: One of our members went from Malta to Liberty with his transport
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: The transport was full of Cardamine
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: And had some slaves in it as well
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Most interesting.
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Si
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Did you manage to identify the ship?
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: No
LH~Leiden.Traverser: So it could just be fraud, yes?
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Probably signori
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Now, let's head back to Leiden Base
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: The " weather " here in Liberty is quite dangerous
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: I agree
LH~Leiden.Traverser: So senior, could it be some kind of fraud this message?
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Could be anything to be honest
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Let's use the jump lane from now on
LH~Leiden.Traverser: My preliminary scans showed no threats
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: You go, I follow *smiles*
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: *takes a dose of Cardamine*
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Ahhh, that feels good.
LH~Leiden.Traverser: senior?
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: I am here signori
LH~Leiden.Traverser: And here we turn right
LH~Leiden.Traverser: I am not sure if you know senior
LH~Leiden.Traverser: but these large clouds are man-made
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Man-made?
LH~Leiden.Traverser: It was the largest experimental failure in the history of Liberty. Ageira was at fault...
LH~Leiden.Traverser: This was when the first Lane Hackers came out to be
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: What happened signori?
LH~Leiden.Traverser: The first jump gate experiments. I could get into technical details but I'm sure you have more pressing matters
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Senior I suggest you to dock here
LH~Leiden.Traverser: The radiation is still very strong
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Si
LH~Leiden.Traverser: We could talk at the bar, if you don't mind
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Si
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: These storms...
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Indeed
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Senior Venkman, welcome to Leiden Base
LH~Leiden.Traverser: It is indeed a small asteroid base, but it is where most counterfeit software your House in fact uses
LH~Leiden.Traverser: here we produce it
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Excuse my accent of course
LH~Leiden.Traverser: I had spent the last 3 years with Kusarians...
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Believe it or not, it's my first time here
LH~Leiden.Traverser: *pours wine into a glass* Do you drink Mr Venkman?
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Oh I do signori
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: *takes a glass of wine*
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Grazie
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: *sipps his wine*
LH~Leiden.Traverser: With all this talking, you never asked for my name. Of course it's an alias, but this is how Liberty knows me.
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Si, I would like to know your name
LH~Leiden.Traverser: My name is Goro Yoshida
LH~Leiden.Traverser: I am an Infiltrator of the Lane Hackers
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: *shakes Goro's hand*
LH~Leiden.Traverser: *shakes too*
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Mr Venkman since you're going to help me with my message to your High Command
LH~Leiden.Traverser: and also your esteemed companionship you've kept me after I found you in Colorado, please accept this small gift
LH~Leiden.Traverser: * clicks a button *
///You have received 10.000.000 credits from LH~Leiden.Traverser///
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Grazie, but that was not necessary
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Of course, but with such fine company, I think it was very indeed suitable
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Grazie again signori
LH~Leiden.Traverser: No need to thank me senior. I'm also expecting your help soon, right?
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Si
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: What is that you would like to entrust me?
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: You said something about Nomad entity
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Si?
LH~Leiden.Traverser: A encrypted transmission by your High Command to Goro Yoshida of the Lane Hackers. Inside there I will reveal the entire
LH~Leiden.Traverser: discussion I had with the several alien entities
LH~Leiden.Traverser: I am afraid I can only tell you know that Liberty is a high priority for the aliens in recent times
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Is that so signori?
LH~Leiden.Traverser: their multiple contacts is one of their ways of achieving it
LH~Leiden.Traverser: You have come to Liberty as well. I don't think it's coincidence, senior
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Coincidence, it could be.
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: But everything happens with a reason
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Either big or minor
LH~Leiden.Traverser: this is what the aliens showed me in their visions. That the universe is alive and everything it does it does it on purpose
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Visions?
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: You spoke with " Guardian " ?
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Is this how their massive entity is called?
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Or a small spirit signori?
LH~Leiden.Traverser: It identified itself as "Saturnia"
LH~Leiden.Traverser: and it was encircled by smaller ones
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Never met him
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Tell me more about that discussion signori
LH~Leiden.Traverser: I have to apologize senior Venkman but I cannot disclose more information as I find it imperative to also share
LH~Leiden.Traverser: this intel with one of your High Command. Of course if you're the one who bridges this contact between us,
LH~Leiden.Traverser: I'm certain you'll also be informed
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: As you wish my friend
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Now senior Venkman, could I interest in something else?
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Like what signori?
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Well if you intend to stay long in Leiden I could arrange a proper apartment to your liking
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: That would be good
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: I could use some rest
LH~Leiden.Traverser: What are your plans for the coming days?
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: I will have to investigate some things about that message that I received
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: But I find this what you told me very important
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: That means that after I get some sleep, I'll be on my way to Alpha
LH~Leiden.Traverser: A Lane Hacker always knows how to judge their info. I wouldn't have trifled you with triviality.
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: *drinks his wine*
LH~Leiden.Traverser: *the glass is empty and Yoshida stands up*
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Mr. Yoshida
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: *shakes his hand*
LH~Leiden.Traverser: It was a pleasure senior Venkman, your apartment will soon be ready for you
LH~Leiden.Traverser: * shakes hands *
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Your message will be delivered to 101st HC as soon as possible
LH~Leiden.Traverser: Safe journey back to Malta.
Apollo.Venkman[101st]: Grazie
LH~Leiden.Traverser: * walks out of the bar *

Read this chatlog and get in touch with him as soon as possible
- Tuo'i feddeli Apollo Venkman

RE: To 101st High Command eyes only| From: Apollo Venkman - Hathor - 01-04-2015


From:Ghosts of Razgriz
Itziar "Hathor" Leiseka
To:Ghost Apollo Venkman
Re-routing/Echelon.broadband.spread - encryption maltese-Zeta-Epsilon
Source: Corsica outer sanctum
Topic: Message

[message.loads - opening.visual-transmission]
[Image: anxcqUy.jpg]


I'm not interested in your chic chats with Libertonians about the weather or how you are spreading your legs before them.
Nobody can simply explain the visions and there is no need to bother me with that either.

We know -THEY- choose the worthy
-THEY- show us what is right
-THEY- take the rightful actions

And we have to obey, not understand., you can tell him that...

For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
Itziar "Hathor" Leiseka.
