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Found a cookie and a Solution for both lovers and haters of Weaponized POBs - Printable Version

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Found a cookie and a Solution for both lovers and haters of Weaponized POBs - AceofSpades - 01-03-2015

Aces fantastic fix for further ff.. mucking up POBs!:
POBs should offer two distinct 'types' of Defensive Platforms [Automated and Interactive], to suit our two needs for POB interaction [static-existence and Player-involvement] with further derivations of each 'type' being borne of our creativity as it allows it ^^
for those lacking time or patience.. this is a suggestion for revising the standard defense modules by also adding a new concept of 'temporary defense modules'

The first type of turrets are Automated in their operation, similar to what we have now, acting automatically based on IFF/Defensemode settings. From a roleplay standpoint these are automatic station systems that would be a part of static interactions with standard traffic, designed to mimic what regular stations do:
- To ensure that POBs do not simply impede gameplay without any Player interaction, the primary goal of automated turrets is specifically to prevent afk sieging, soliciting, and other low-activity or 'incidental' harassment of stations.
- To ensure these Platforms are purposed to encourage the repulsion of solicitors, but do not devastate ships simply passing by, a specific weapon loadout must be designed and employed with that primary goal in mind.
- Limiting the amount of necessary 'Automated Platforms' should be a prized secondary goal as well, seeing as fewer of these means less QQ and more player-based interaction.
- Most importantly, keep in mind that Automated Platforms are designed to simply be a standard deterrent, akin to a typical [static] station's presence, and not the primary [anti-siege event] defenses. More explicitly speaking, an adequately-maintained station should not be seriously threatened by things such as temporary fire from a random passerby, or the sniping of a group of mobile snubs not being hit by these lesser Platforms. Thusly, nor are these 'Automated Platforms' in any way designed to be the station's primary effective defence in repelling attacks. Defensive actions requiring player-interaction will be the proper and most effective means of POB protection from 'real sieges'.

With these goals in mind the perfect 'Automated Platforms' would remain limited in their usage to satisfying the primary purpose of dissuading idle/afk sieges, but be effective and efficient enough to require few of them, leaving more free space [both literally and figuratively] for more interactive modules and more interaction for players.

The suggestion for an Automated Platform includes the following components:
  1. a very low turret rotation/orientation speed, to ensure passing/moving ships are at low-risk and that snubs can remain relatively untouchable.
  2. long range and adequate firing arcs, to ensure a single platform offers reasonable area of denial - even against long-range idling tactics (using only BS Cerbs, Bomber Novas, to sit at range) - therefore helping greatly to limit the need for more than one or two of these Auto-Platforms
  3. large firing arcs will in fact help to exacerbate the extreme slowness of turret speed/target tracking, making the platforms able to cover sizable ground but not cover it in sheets of fire
  4. very low refire, removing any possibility of even multiple platforms creating a 'wall of fire'
  5. limited hull damage, preventing instantaneous death even for freighters and heavier bombers. however firepower is skewed heavily for energy damage, meaning that even large capital ships choosing to remain still can find themselves *vulnerable* with shields and weapon systems dampened or inoperable
This term *vulnerable* was used purposefully to insist on the concept that a realistic interaction/solution, which is sought after here, is not to have pilots swatted down like flies by an automated defense system, but to provide an unfavorable setting for hostile ships in the area. A typical station would not provide the knockout blow, but makes fighting near it more uncomfortable and difficult for aggressors.

The second type of turrets are labelled 'Interactive Platforms' and are designed to emulate 'code-red' or event-based defenses. These platforms can temporarily offer greatly increased firepower at the cost of large commodity requirements. These weapons platforms would in fact be low-cost modules that are constructed when they are needed, and then hungrily consume their 'necessary commodity(s)' [just like wear and tear costs] until the module is deleted.
- First and foremost, i must emphatically state that balancing these weapons platforms will be soo much easier than other new mod additions, or any other 'rebalancing' of weapons platforms, by the simple fact that the their cost of usage can be easily manipulated in order to dramatically limit or define the desired role and usage of the turret. There's an initial construction cost, and a constant drain, both can be used to limit abuse and the second considerably eliminates problems of permanence.
- The primary purpose of Interactive Platforms are to replace the 'always-active' and therefore [by necessity] relatively imbalanced weapons platforms currently used. Present defensive weapons platforms are somehow both a massive source of grief for those passing by, and yet are laughably ineffective versus real sieges.
- Interactive Platforms could vary in the amount of commodities they consume to produce and maintain, but a comparatively lower-than-average module construction cost will allow for them to be true 'temporary constructions'. A [reasonable] window of time required to produce such a platform will also prevent spamming. That being said, a secondary goal of said platforms is to simulate a realistic need for supplies and interaction in order to maintain an effective defense (yes please)
- To prevent these powerful weapons platforms from becoming static objects around well-developed bases, the requirements of more effective weapons systems will strain even the largest storage reserves. This means we could include platforms specifically available or only realistically usable for larger stations (realism lolwut?) and let the community get creative on ideas for designing said modules.

The suggestion for an Interactive Platform includes the following components:
  1. an initial module production cost that includes both a realistic demand and a reasonable time for construction
  2. a required commodity or commodities to be consumed as wear-and-tear damage during the lifespan of the module
  3. our community to have some fun coming up with creative ideas/loadouts for Temporary Weapon Platforms

I'll conclude by noting that the simple idea of solving for temporary modules that cannot be permanently maintained is the only foreseeable way for us to allow weapons platforms that might otherwise be imbalanced.. but are needed to be strongk if they are to be at all useful against real sieges and attacks. That and the fact that if we create a system that allows us to NOT need a permanent defense platform spam to be solvent, the crying over area-of-denial bases and related QQ pew-pew will subside.. folks could still have their permanent turrets if they desire--without impeding everything, and as a bonus the few 'area of denial' bases will have the benefit of only acting when/as they are intended--when someone is there to want it [and turn it on]. Goodbye 3am low-tide POB murder, hello bases with purpose.

Oh and just for fun, we could definitely make the requirements for some of these modules to be pretty entertaining. Commodities needed for the weapon platforms' wear-and-tear from all over the place perhaps, or making the initial construction include things like nomad parts or other illegal/hard to get stuff. I'm sure those who have a deep dislike for POBs (i still got love for you guys too) and the gameplay that follows them would at the very least have a good laugh seeing traders sweating around Sirius, or have a blast hunting them down while they try to obtain far-fetched goods for base defenses, instead of just having moar Trains running moar RA and Mox..

Well they cant say i never tried!
If anyone has a cookie or flames for me please share ^^