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The Phantoms are they coming back? - Printable Version

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The Phantoms are they coming back? - Wesker - 01-06-2015

I never saw them on disco... I joined too late. Why were they removed? What were they? Will they ever come back? Looking at some of their ships on the wiki they look pretty cool.

RE: The Phantoms are they coming back? - Shaggy - 01-06-2015

So erm Phantoms. Tehy are not in disco no more, and nor are there ships or anything, there is a replacement faction for them called



You are able to join them if you research up who they are a little bit and stuff and add my skype and ill talk you through it nice and simple Big Grin

RE: The Phantoms are they coming back? - SystemsFailing - 01-06-2015

Just get .85, install it, and take a look yourself. There is still some info in the internets also.
They are by far not the only special thing that you've missed, though.

RE: The Phantoms are they coming back? - Shizune - 01-06-2015

Phantoms were an admin only faction made to spark activity for the nomads because back then the nomad factions were rather dead back then. The faction; ships, lore, stations and systems have either been destroyed and removed from the game and all existing story and lore about them no longer exists in this server as a whole.

More over, any attempts to bring them back is denied and it won't happen as the admins stated about a hundred times in other threads, normally the term of asking if they will come back, will get a thread locked.

I will say this, they don't exist and never will again.

Quote:So erm Phantoms. They are not in disco no more, and nor are there ships or anything, there is a replacement faction for them called

Etherium [?]

You are able to join them if you research up who they are a little bit and stuff and add my skype and ill talk you through it nice and simple Big Grin

To be honest, [?] already got denied as the replacements for the phantoms if you check their past posts, the admins already said no, so to be honest Shaggy, Etherium are not the phantoms and never will be, they will never match up to what the phantoms originally were.

RE: The Phantoms are they coming back? - Veygaar - 01-07-2015

I believe their existence in Lore is still part of RP though yes?

RE: The Phantoms are they coming back? - Wesker - 01-07-2015

Ok thanks i was unsure as too who they were. If this thread gets locked my bad, just wanted to know about them.

RE: The Phantoms are they coming back? - |nfrared - 01-07-2015

To my knowledge there are still players with ex-phantoms on the server. So I guess in lore they did exist.

Also TBH I kind of take the not matching up to Phantoms with [?] as a compliment more than anything else.

RE: The Phantoms are they coming back? - Black Widow - 01-07-2015

The Phantoms were an Admin + Admin Friend Only member Lol Killin Faction and they basically killed whoever they want and went wherever they wanted.

RE: The Phantoms are they coming back? - Sciamach - 01-07-2015

This thread turned really downhill really quickly

RE: The Phantoms are they coming back? - Arioch - 01-07-2015

Keep this thread clean and without trolling mmk? Kthxbai.