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Mass effect trilogy - Tenacity - 01-26-2015

So I played ME1 and ME2 back in the day, but when I moved a few years ago I ended up having to sell my old xbox 360 and all my games. I just recently got a replacement, and I've purchased the mass effect trilogy to try and replay through the series (and experience mass effect 3, which I never played prior).

Anyone done the same thing and have any comments on what class or general style works best for a complete 1-3 trilogy playthrough? I always played infiltrator before, never could get into biotics even though I like the concept, and I've heard that soldier playthroughs are just terrible.

RE: Mass effect trilogy - Sciamach - 01-26-2015


Warp around the battlefield, shotgunning things until your shield drops, then warp again to regen it back

Mucho funz

RE: Mass effect trilogy - sindroms - 01-26-2015

The ME3 trilogy was probably one of the few gaming series I really enjoyed. Since I played them all back to back, I could fully experience the character development and really grew attached to some of those guys.

Granted, the whole romance thing was a bit too corny, but stuff like the bromance between Sheppard and Garrus for example were epic enough in by themselves.

The ending, to be frank, is less of a letdown if you don't think about how the other possibilities have no variety to them and focus on the choice you made and the outcome you got.

RE: Mass effect trilogy - Tenacity - 01-26-2015

Yea, the biotic charge always seemed like it'd be fun, but at the same time it puts you in some pretty bad spots if you charge into a group of enemies and cant kill them quick enough. Vanguards also sucked pretty bad in ME1 from what I recall =/

Everyone says the soldier sucks, but I've always found that I kinda liked the 'normal' hero that doesnt have all sorts of special powers, makes it seem more epic when you're going up against powerful creatures or enemies. I can see how the soldier gameplay might get a bit bland though with no powers to rely on, and only weapons.

RE: Mass effect trilogy - sindroms - 01-26-2015

Well, since you control all of the other character's actions and if you do not mind a bit of micromanagement, set the squad auto abilities to off and you will find that you have all of them even on a solder then. Just through a proxy.

I was playing through with the shotgunner myself, which made for some very intense close-range combat, which sometimes would not work and would end up with me needing to rely on the other two teammates and their abilities. And I do mean rely. I could not approach some enemies without getting my epic chin smashed in.

RE: Mass effect trilogy - Sciamach - 01-26-2015

Adept has a number of the same abilities that Vanguard does (in ME2 anyway, the one I've played most recently), but like you said; biotics may not be your thing.

I once gave a try to Sentinel but the combination of tech/biotic abilities was just a bit of a pain to handle, and the entire time I was playing one, all I could think was: "I could be doing this alot better on my Vanguard"

Like you said, Vanguard was a bit of a challenge in ME1 but memory serves, there are upgrades that boost the amount of damage Biotic Charge does, boosts the amount of your shields it recharges, and reduces ability-cooldown to make the class far less Cover-Shooty and much more Run-Gun-Fun

Thats just my input however. I've always been into biotics. I'm just saddened that in ME3, the Heavy Melee for biotic classes isnt some fancy Omni-Blade like the other classes; its just a giant Biotic-Pulse.

And by the way; the DLCs for the ending of ME3 do make the endings actually better. Far better then the default. (thats the free DLCs by the way, fuck paying for that shit )

RE: Mass effect trilogy - Tenacity - 01-26-2015

I may just end up going infiltrator again, the cloak was fun in ME2 and the cover/sniper playstyle always felt a little more realistic than charging in with a shotgun (despite the fact that I've always loved shotguns and picked them as my preferred weapon in shooters).

The thing that bugs me most about the romance arcs is that both of the alien options (liara and tali) are not consistent through the three games. You can romance liara in ME1, but not ME2. You cant romance tali in ME1, but you can in ME2. I'd bed them both and start an alien harem if I could, but they seem to be against that idea. Shame the turian girl in ME3 doesnt appear to be an option either.

RE: Mass effect trilogy - AeternusDoleo - 01-26-2015

I played Engineer allround:
- Strong shields
- Bot for distracting and damaging enemies. Plus an extra turret in ME3 too.
- Good weapon selection. Especially in ME2 once you get weapon training - adding a sniper rifle to that mix is lethal.
- If you run out of ammo, incendiary pack tends to do quite a nice bit of damage.
- Overload for botblasting and shield disruption
- Hacking as a primary skill is always handy.

In essence, engineers can tackle just about anything - biotic barriers are about the only thing that they have trouble with, but an SMG sorts that problem in a hurry. I loved the style of "bot first, bombs after" - send out the drone to draw out the enemies, then toss an incendiary pack (homing missile style - quasiballistic, so you can aim around obstacles with practise) at them. Sniper rifle at extreme range works wonders too (double SCRAM rail + explosive ammo was my favorite in ME1 - whatever you hit dies, but the weapon cycles overheat after each shot).

RE: Mass effect trilogy - Mephistoles - 01-26-2015

Definitely play the soldier first to get back into the games. In ME1, you're durable and have access to all weapons, because powers work differently to the other two games they are less relevant. ME2, adrenaline rush is your friend and incendiary ammo is very powerful, adds extra damage but more importantly it panics unprotected organics and stops krogan/vorcha/other health regeneration. Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC is an option if you want more Liara facetime. Energy drain is good bonus power for stripping shields and restoring your own, acting as a panic button.

In ME3, the soldier is a complete beast and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, you can get through the game with ease without firing a single shot. Concussive shot can be upgraded to gain the effects of your active ammo power. With this upgrade and an ammo power active, you both prime and detonate your own power combos with every shot - with -200% cooldown and incendiary ammo you can then fire explode your way through the game without breaking a sweat since health and armour just melts away. You can use disruptor ammo to conc. shot the big shields on things like Atlases, and barriers take extra damage from both the ammo and concussive shot. Energy drain is again a good bonus power.

RE: Mass effect trilogy - Tenacity - 01-26-2015

I forgot about being able to get the bonus weapon talents from eden prime (play as a soldier, save at the start of eden prime, go through and kill everything, reload, rinse and repeat until you have 150 kills with the weapon of choice). I might go ahead and do that to unlock assault rifles easily, then start an infiltrator. In ME2 the submachine gun makes up for the lack of a good close to mid range weapon, but in ME1 the pistols just dont cut it IMO.

Only problem with a soldier in ME1 is the lack of decryption so you cant open up all of those doors and stuff.