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"Abandon all hope, you who enter here." - Exodus - 02-02-2015

The Mendacium left the explosive gas zone of Tau 29 and everything turned to normal. There were no more explosions, the shield levels returned to nominal and silence filled the bridge. The night shift arrived to releive the current officers of duty. Reynard was sitting in the middle of the bridge, and his eyes were searching the stars. He would never admit it in front of his crew, but he was dizzy and enervate even though he had not consumed anything. This was something else, something more relevant than weed or gallic wine.

The fine piece of art, the Shukensha was slowly moving ahead, avoiding collision with the asteroids nearby. Smaller rocks were bouncing off the shield randomly. In the silence, the vibration of the three engines was audible. Half of the crew was already sleeping in their beds, some of them could barely made to their quarters after the party in the bar. The crew on the bridge was working in silence, each of them knew his role and the beeps of the computer was the only source of crisp sound.

Reynard was thinking about what he saw a few day ago when he visited the Maltese Nation, in the upper Omicrons. The sudden encounter with the Nomads, or how the maltese call them, the spirits was shocking even for him. He was the last person awake on the bridge after the crew suddenly felt asleep. And in a moments notice he followed the rest of the crew. Then the vision he saw was quite disturbing and terrifying as well. Drinking from a purple liquid didn't seem to be a good idea, even if it was a dream or vision, but what could he do anyway? When Reynard and the crew left the realm of dreams the Mendacium was facing a giant blue ship like thing. Further research revealed that it was a Nomad battleship, the biggest embodiment of this species.

"Helm, reduce speed and head to the nearest Freeport! We should restock our supplies and then head to Gran Canaria..." Reynard continues quietly " be as far as we can from Omicron Alpha and it's realm."

Before he heads to the turbolift, Reynard locks the captains terminal and looks on the stars again. At that evening the stars were shining omniously. Upon entering the lift Reynard commanded the lift to take him to the certain deck where the quarters of the senior officers could be found. He went to the captains quarters and entered the sonic shower. A few minutes later the captain was already in his bed, lying on the blanket. The milieu was relaxing and calm, without any bothering noises, thanks to the special isolation, as the walls were modified.

RE: "Abandon all hope, you who enter here." - Daerune - 02-03-2015

Zul’Tharus: Zaqar
Unknown to Reynard’s and the crew, their encounter with the nomad had not ceased from their interaction with Enki. A lesser embodiment of the cognitive entity Zul’Tharus trailed after them, obscured from their sight by a nomad cloak, Zaqar. The Nammu had lingered after them soon after their encounter with the Marduk, while Kaia had escorted the ship from outcast space, it had a purpose with Reynard. It had remained quiet as it listened to both the mind of Reynard and the crew, its moment to cease the quiet lingering had ended however as Reynard’s lay down to sleep.

Reynards eyes would open in his dream world, or at least that was he was made to think. He stood in a green meadow, some distance away from a small village. Overhead were storm clouds, a soft rumble in the distance was what would bring his attention to this fact, alongside the humid crisp air around him. In the distance there would be a small distortion the clarity of mountains in the distance suggesting that rain was fast approaching. Reynards in this would be clothed as he was in reality. In the distance the villagers were all checking that everything was undercover and that their pets were inside along with their children.

Despite the attention to detail, the over all of the vision was very vague to better place the note of doubt about this being anything other than his own dreams. The symbolism of him drinking the liquid in the vision with Enki was the acceptance of what it sought to do him, which was to destabilize him, in short. To better draw his attention to the vision, those that served as the villagers were his crew and the name of the Village was Mendacium. Standing at the front of the village looking at him would just be a duplicate of himself but if he was to approach, this manifestation would shimmer before fading away and rain started to come down overhead. The crisp scent of the air would give way to that of decaying and rotting flesh, around him the ground was starting to wither and die, where ever he steeped, whatever stood on decayed and died.

This was just the start.

RE: "Abandon all hope, you who enter here." - Exodus - 02-09-2015

Reynard was shaking in the bed. Seeing the bizarre village with the locals made by the crew a strong feeling. As the rain was closing in fast, he managed to get inside and old shack on the edge of the village. There was a stool inside which he used to sit on and his eyes were searching the village. With the rain there was mist comming as well and the whole landscape was became mysterious. The shack became grey and the stood under Reynard decayed. He felt on the ground and fall made him shake in his bed in such a powerful way that he suddenly woke up.

The console next to his head was flashing red. He pressed the button and answered the call. Someone from the Freeport was looking after Reynard to ask him about the supplies the Mendacium needed. Reynard answered the call and tried to sleep again. With no luck. After an hour of struggle he went to the sickbay and asked a few pills which could help him to get asleep again. With two pills in his palms he headed back to his quarters and with a glass of water he took the pills and layed on the bed. A few minutes later his mind was far away from the Mendacium. He was standing in the shack where his dream ended. He felt that something is not right there. It was raining and mist was was filling the place. He started moving ahead but each step took a great effort and it was hard to head ahead. He left the shack and he was already becoming wet and eventually he was soaked. The village was empty, there was not a single soul on the road. It was quiet and loud at the same time. When he turned back to take shelter, there was no shack behind him.

He was standing in the rain, not moving just watching the village, Mendacium. He was agonizing. He didn't want to go further into the town as each step of his seemed to be deadly and he did not want to harm anything. He was slowly freezing in the rain, so the decision was made. He headed to the closest house for shelter. Two hours were left untill 8:00 as Reynard was needed on the bridge by that time.

RE: "Abandon all hope, you who enter here." - Daerune - 02-13-2015

Zul’Tharus: Zaqar
With every step a path of decay would haunt him, when he had reached the nearest house he would find that nobody would come to his summons. The door came ajar as stale air leaked from the doorway. When he entered he would find the contrast of the outside, what had looked strong and health on the outside, on the inside the wood was rotted and loose. The rest of the village had disappeared and what was before him was the only building left. Thunder crackled overhead as the rain’s oppression only strengthened. When his attention would turn back to the house, he would find that it would mimic that of his childhood home, his mother and father (or closest representation) were there, though these too would decay. The male and females faces would gain wrinkles and age before the flesh started to diminish and turn into a corpse like gray, the process continued until they were but faded dust on the floor.

The floor under his feet gave way causing him to fall vertically downwards although what ever distance he traveled, it was nothing measurable. Darkness would consume his vision, the feeling of vertigo fading within an eyeblink. He was back in his bed, everything was the way it was meant to be. The one difference would be that his hands were covered in blood, across the room there was blood smeared on the wall. Screaming echoed through his room from out in the hallway, the sound of a terrified woman and the voice eerily familiar.

Zul’Tharus: Zul'Tharus
The small morph personification of Zul'Tharus lingered before the Baffin jumphole, it was cloaked obscured from things sight, though there was one that did not of its presence. Kaia had been guided by the creature, giving small indication through visions on where she needed to go. This was aided by the fact of what she truly was. Mendacium is shown in the next vision at Freeport Six, a small distance away. The lesser personification deserted Kaia at this point as its function had been served.

Zul’Tharus: Zaqar
With the mindnode's telepathy range being breached by Kaia, it imparted the prior knowledge of its current work. The small seed of mental destabilization as well as its current reagents within the dream world. Its desire laid in the field of testing the human's mental stability as well as resistance.

RE: "Abandon all hope, you who enter here." - Exodus - 02-26-2015

The alarm went off. Reynard was forced to get up and check what is going on. With his head as heavy as ton of iron, in a dizy state Reynard staggered in the empty corridor towards the elevator which would take him to the bridge. After several seconds, which for him was an eternity the doors of the elevator opened and the red light of the alarm system almost completely blinded him. In a few seconds his eyes adapted to the light. Through the windows flames and burning wrecks were visible. The crew on the bridge was acting thoughtfully, contactin Sedona Station and several open communicaton channels were audible. Reynard stumbled and could barely catch the edge of the captains seat.

"Prepare the guns and aim at the closest target!" The crew was surprised looking at each other, deciding what to do. "Didn't you hear that?! Get to your bloody station and prepare for conflict damn it! MOVE, NOW!"

Reynard recognized that something is wrong. No one followed his order when finally someone asked him: "Do you think thats the best we can do Pope? I mean, for the sake of the Chao, shouldn't we help them instead of aiming our turrets towards them?"

The burning wrecks used to be a dromedary and an osprey a few minutes before the alarm went off. They have collided but both of their pilots were able to eject. One of them had a blue capsule which triggered the actions of Reynard. With him struggling with nightmares and fear of the Spirits it was an evil coincidence that almost lead to the death of the two pilots. The person who asked Reynard to stand down, explained the situation to the captain then he tooks his place at his station. Reynard wasn't sure at all if he is doing the right thing but a moment later he considered to see a small blue ship closing in on the Mendacium. He screamed for alert once more and this time he took controll of the turrets.

The Mendacium was fireing towards the empty space, sometimes hitting a few rocks and the energy pulses dissapeared in the asteroid cloud. Nothing was out there, beside the blue asteroids which were unhamrful in most of the time, yet now Reynard saw the enemy in them. He was mumbling something and his eyes were not clear anymore. The doctor arrived just in time. Reynard was heavily sedated and a team of medics took him out of the captains seat. The alarm was turned off, and capsules were beamed.

Reynard was sleeping in one of the beds in the Sickbay where all the unstable and sick people were kept. The 24 hours gone in a blink of an eye.

RE: "Abandon all hope, you who enter here." - Annie - 02-26-2015

Kaia's ship entered the Baffin system. Some time had gone by now since she passed through this system. The odd but interesting Temporary Autonomous Zoners resided here, worshipping their goddess. Kaia neared Sedona station, only to see a vessel quite familiar to her hovering next to it: The Mendacium.

As Kaia neared the ship, she hailed it through the comms: "Greetings from the Crimson Cross, Mendacium!"

RE: "Abandon all hope, you who enter here." - Exodus - 03-02-2015

The officer saw ship closing to Sedona station and he followed it on the scanners. It turned out that the small vessels transponder was broadcasting the Crimsons Cross identification. Reynard was in the sickbay so the officer had to reply to the incomming hail.

"Oh the Goddess sent you! Kallisti to you Miss Kaia! We are glad that you are here, we might need your help if you agree to come aboard. Pope Reynard is currently sleeping in the sickbay with a ton of sedatives in his blood. So if you are not in a hurry please visit him." The officers voice was full of fright and anxiety.

RE: "Abandon all hope, you who enter here." - Annie - 03-02-2015

Kaia raised an eyebrow. "I will come then," she replies and begins boarding procedures to the Mendacium. Everything goes as good as always and Kaia finds herself in the ship's hangar. She locks her ship and is met by the ship's crew who escort her to the officer she had spoken to through the communication channel.
"Greetings, Officer. You said Reynard is in the sickbay, has something happeneded to him?"

RE: "Abandon all hope, you who enter here." - Exodus - 03-02-2015

"Good to see you Miss Kaia! We have witnessed that the Pope is behaving rather frightfully. He sees the enemy where nothing else are floating but rocks. Something is althering his senses. It's either Eris playing dirty games with his pineal gland or something else. Do you know anything by the name, Spirits? He mumbled that before getting asleep."

Both of them were slowly walking in the corridors. The officer led Kaia to the guest room and gave her a communication device.

"This would help you contact the bridge whenever you wish. You can stay here and use the facilities of the ship. Even though the situation is critical you should rest. In a few hours we'll check Reynards vital signs and you might talk with him."

RE: "Abandon all hope, you who enter here." - Annie - 03-02-2015

"The only ones we call Spirits are... well, the Spirits. The holy beings that guide us, the Crimson Cross and all those who follow them," Kaia explains. After reaching the guest room, Kaia nodded and thanked, taking the communication device. After Kaia is left alone, she lies down on the bed and rests, holding her eyes closed. Hopefully, she would be able to fulfill the task given to her and observe Reynard as well as analyze his 'capacity.' Through Seirei, it will be even easier.