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To the Kusari Naval Forces and the Kusari Emperor - Printable Version

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To the Kusari Naval Forces and the Kusari Emperor - killhappyfool - 09-28-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Transmission Destination: Imperial Palace, Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo System, Kusari House Space]
[Trace Location: Ageira Technologies Headquarters, Planet Manhattan, New York System, Liberty House Space]
[Com ID: Ageira Technologies CEO/President Johnathon Michael]

To the Desk of the Kusari Naval Admiralty, And the Desk of the Emperor,

It is with much dismay that I am to be writing this transmission. When I awoke this morning I received an emergency transmission from one of my Assistant Directors. The transmission is attached in its entirety for evidence. I would hope that in the interests of continuing economic relations we can resolve this issue. It is not my belief that the Admiral in question was in contact with Naval Command. Due to this, I refrain from accusing the Imperial Navy Command or the Emperor of being directly responsible for this incident.

As President of Ageira Technologies, it is my duty to respond to all interhouse grievances involving my corporation. The incident in question involved Assistant Director of Operations William Betthel. He was on a routine inspection of the Chugoku Gate Construction Site in the Hokkaido System as per his job orders. According to the report he was ordered to identify himself and his intentions in Kusari space as he was leaving. To what degree of miscommunication must have caused this I don't know. However, as the transmission states and is also confirmed by the report he invited the unidentified officer, later confirmed to be an Admiral, to meet him above Planet New Tokyo. In accordance with protocol William was to dock at Roppongi Station to clear his exit route and send an initial report to Ageira and Deep Space Engineering.

After several baseless accusations by the unidentified Admiral, the Kusari battleship opened fire on the ship transporting the Assistant Director. According to sensors on Roppongi station they barely escaped in time. He was rescued by Roppongi station and quickly transported to Liberty space where he is currently recovering.

I wish not to view this as an attempt on the Assistant Director's life, but a simple misunderstanding. I believe that proper steps will be taken in the future to ensure that such incidents do not occur again.

Sincere and respectfully,
Jonathon Michael
Ageira Technologies

Document Attached: William Betthel Emergency Transmission

[End Transmission]

To the Kusari Naval Forces and the Kusari Emperor - LoTeK_ - 09-30-2008

...From: Taishō Sulu, Kusari Imperial Council
...To: Ageira Technologies Headquarters, Planet Manhattan, New York System, Liberty House Space

The Imperial Council is grateful for your farsight and patience, in fact this is a sad story.
The Nagato is not representing Kusari Naval Forces colours and act of conduct, not anymore.

It came to my attention that the Admiral in question recently lost his daughter during a battle.
The fighters wing she was commanding was hit by an ion storm and stranded inside Tohoku system
where the rescue team was barely able to reach the location and couldn't find anything but debris and nomad trace signatures.

How can it feel facing such a loss I can only imagine but the Imperial Council agrees, his blind revenge cannot be tolerated.
An order of custody has been issued few moments ago toward the Nagato commanding officer in order to better explain his actions.

The Imperial Council is also upraised in learning the incident ended without casualties.
While apologizing we are obiviously available to refund any economical losses.


To the Kusari Naval Forces and the Kusari Emperor - Cerberus - 10-02-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Transmission Destination: Ageira Technologies Headquarters, Planet Manhattan, New York System, Liberty House Space]
[Trace Location: Battleship Nagato, Undisclosed Location, New Tokyo System, Kusari House Space]
[Com ID: Kusari Battleship Admiral Fumetsu]

Subject: In Regards to Unprovoked attack on Ageira Trasport

This is Admiral Fumestu Transmitting a personal Apology to the following:

- Ageira Technologies CEO/President Johnathon Michael
- Ageira Technologies Assistant Deputy Director of Operations William Betthel

Concerning the Unprovoked attack on his transportation vessel in the Kusari Capital system of New Tokyo. As the KNF Acting Admiral has stated, i recently lost my daughter in the Tohoku system with traces of nomad entities at the scene, I know that this is no excuse for my actions. Its just that since the accident i have been very on edge about any vessel coming from the upper systems in the Kusari Empire due to nomad sightings. The Nagato sent out many communications from our array to the Ageira vessel in question only getting back a few mixed messages asking the nagato to identify. This was very un-nerving to me and several members of my crew. It is known now that these mixed up messages were most likely caused by the large amount of Radiation and particle clouds in the Hokkaido System that effect communications and scanners on all ships. I know that none of this can really explain the actions of the Nagato, but as Admiral and commander of this vessel i take full responcibilty for the past events, any damages can be paided out of the KBA banking funds help on the Corperate Banking Guild Ship, RedStar.

You have my most Sincere Apology, and if it is no trouble could you pass on my Apologies to the pilot of the vessel that was destroyed.


Fleet Admiral Fumetsu, KBA Battleship Nagato command.

[Transmission Terminated]