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Haches du Roi - Message Relay - Printable Version

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Haches du Roi - Message Relay - LunaticOnTheGrass - 03-09-2015

Message Received

To: Haches du Roi cell; Accepted Applicants
Comm. ID: Alain Apollinaire
Source: Grenoble Depot, Dauphine
Subject: Open Season

[Image: NrC3C.jpg]

Hmph. To anyone wishing to prove themselves to the Haches, submit your proof of allegience to the cause here after one week.

Use this template if you want to be considered, or have something else to waste my time with. I have standards only slightly lower than those at the Versailles.

[align=center][size=medium][font=Lucida Console][color=#FFFFFF]Message Received[/color][/font][/size][/align][hr]
[indent][size=small][font=Lucida Console][color=#0055A4]To:[/color] [color=#EF4135]...[/color]
[color=#0055A4]Comm. ID:[/color] [color=#EF4135]...[/color]
[color=#0055A4]Source:[/color] [color=#EF4135]...[/color]
[color=#0055A4]Subject:[/color] [color=#EF4135]...[/color]


[hr][align=center][size=medium][font=Lucida Console][color=#FFFFFF]End Message[/color][/font][/size][/align]

Get to work. I expect results.

End Message

RE: Haches du Roi - Message Relay - TheJarl - 03-10-2015

Message Received

To: Haches du Roi - Message Relay
Comm. ID: Debutant Adrienne Bellerose
Source: Limoux Base, Languedoc
Subject: Average first day at at my new job

[Image: K30Vvcz.png?1]


Here you have your boring little report to prove I already started firing my Basilisk's guns.
Due to a low amount of traffic in Gallia itself I decided to take a peek in Tau-23. I figured there might be some royals there perhaps to shoot in the back of their heads. Ah, but no it was not the Royal Navy I found there. Much to my surprise I encountered the Liberty Navy instead. A carrier no less, callsign Reenao. I don't know much about these Sirian folks but I can already tell you now that I don't like them. Me and some Bretonian Privateer gall both were curious so we decided to take a closer look at the ship. The carrier decided that coming close was a reason to open fire and we were quite surprised but not surprised enough to get hurt.
After a few warning shots didn't scare the captain away we decided that if he wanted to shoot us so badly we'll just shoot back at his bridge. With only our two bombers and a whole bunch of bravery we managed to gradually tear holes in the hull of the ship. It decided to set course for Orkney in an attempt to have us fly in a sort of trap of him there but we outmanoeuvred him swiftly. Then something very strange happened. While we were firing at the carrier with all our might the ship suddenly activated some kind of jumpdrive and just vanished.
It is unfortunate he got away like that, however I hope the visual data I provide here still gives you an impression of how hull plates got shattered and more than a couple of crewmembers lost their lives to merely two bombers. It should teach that damned captain to watch his step from now on.

~ Adrienne Bellerose

End Message

RE: Haches du Roi - Message Relay - TheJarl - 03-16-2015

Message Received

To: Haches du Roi - Message Relay
Comm. ID: Debutant Adrienne Bellerose
Source: Epernon Base, Orleanais
Subject: I hate reports

[Image: btDQFJb.png]


So I don't really like administrative work but I bet you're going to complain if I don't show you I'm not lazing around so here is a quick summary of what I did the past few days.

First of all, David Green in some freighter in Languedoc. I think it was a freelancer but it had IDF's IFF displaying. Anyway it was full of Holium. I told him to drop 100 units and he complied without any complaints. I took some with me and destroyed the rest. Visual Data

Second, I encountered some Brigands apparently belonging to a group called 'Les Damnes'. I had a long conversation with one of them in Roussillion. It seems that while they lack a clear head and focus on what's important, their goals do still partly align with ours. In addition their methods are on the short term quite useful. The fight royals and rob everyone blind. On the other hand they are too focussed on personal wealth and their strange ideas of being free while being forced to live inside large floating rocks in space and getting hunted by everyone and their dog as soon as they step outside. Still, that stupidity doesn't harm the cause much either. I'd say they are going to be a fine bunch of friends to us and we'll enjoy watching royals burn together I suspect.

Lastly, similar to the first encounter, I came across a large GMS affiliated transport full of oil in Orleanais. I demanded it to drop 500 units and again took what I could and burned the rest. Visual Data

Oh and here are some fancy explosions as a bonus. Visual Data

À plus!

~ Adrienne Bellerose

End Message

RE: Haches du Roi - Message Relay - LunaticOnTheGrass - 03-19-2015

Message Received

To: Debutant Adrienne Bellerose
Comm. ID: Colonel Alain Apollinaire
Source: Grenoble Depot, Dauphine
Subject: Evaluation

[Image: NrC3C.jpg]

Your performance has been... Adequate. Effective immediately I'll be bumping you to Chasseur-rank.

Let terror reign.

End Message