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Remove regens from caps, GBs and transports? - Printable Version

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Remove regens from caps, GBs and transports? - Thunderer - 03-24-2015

Botfeeding from caps sucks, except if it's cap to cap. I had already proposed to split regens into 2 classes, snub and cap, but found out that it is impossible because it's one of those things in the original game that can't be modded.

Caps are huge. Absolutely, immensely enormous. The Osiris, the shortest of all battleships, is half a kilometer long. And they somehow manage to instantly repair all that material. That's lame physics. On the same level as not-moving space with trade lanes that always stay straight lined. But, well, that's kind of hard to correct, but regens should be easy. Simply remove them from caps and add them the same amount of hull points.

Of course, not all of them. Capital ships are moving bases of operations. A battleship should be capable to repair, let's say, 1 snub, so it carries some 100 bots/bats which itself can use too, but it's just too insignificant in comparison with its armour. A carrier should carry more, let's say 400, which also makes it a lot more effective as a base of operations for snubcraft.

Regens should stay on snubs. Instakill is an important part of Disco and it should stay, but caps can't be instakilled. Well, it is theoretically possible, but most of them have armour upgrades and it doesn't often happen that a cruiser gets hit by 5 mortars at the same time.

What do you say?

RE: Remove regens from caps and transports? - Titan* - 03-24-2015


Give them 200k hull repair in 5 sec ability instead of more hull. Removing regens from caps is good idea

RE: Remove regens from caps, GBs and transports? - WesternPeregrine - 03-24-2015

(03-24-2015, 01:00 PM)Thunderer Wrote: Botfeeding from caps sucks, except if it's cap to cap. I had already proposed to split regens into 2 classes, snub and cap, but found out that it is impossible because it's one of those things in the original game that can't be modded.

Well, you could perhaps give nanobots for snubs only, and batteries for non-snubs? That way each has their regens, and can't trade between them?

But to remove regens completely from cap would render oh so vulnerable to bombers, more than they already are. Imagine a gunboat having to deal with escorting a cruiser or transport, and it's immediately shot down because it can't withstand a pair of snacs...

RE: Remove regens from caps, GBs and transports? - Mímir - 03-24-2015

(03-24-2015, 01:07 PM)WPeregrine Wrote: But to remove regens completely from cap would render oh so vulnerable to bombers, more than they already are. Imagine a gunboat having to deal with escorting a cruiser or transport, and it's immediately shot down because it can't withstand a pair of snacs...

It would encourage more diversity in escort wings. A gunboat will no longer be the answer to everything, as it is now. It would put emphasis back on skill, as a skilled gunboat captain probably knows how to dodge snacs.

I support the suggestion. Anything to eliminate botfeeding and scale up the difficulty level for the autoaim ships a tiny bit, it is way too easy to be successful in a light razor/solaris gunboat and the likes.

Moreover it would be great if mechanics can limit player behavior - as it is now, there's a bunch of unwritten rules regarding sportsmanship and so on in this old and heavily modded game full of exploits and unbalanced things, and it would be best to eliminate some of the "grey areas" (botfeeding for instance), so that players can't argue over it.

RE: Remove regens from caps, GBs and transports? - Sol - 03-24-2015

I'd really like a feature that removes bot sharing with all ships instead.

There should be bots, but you should not be able to transfer them.

RE: Remove regens from caps, GBs and transports? - Thunderer - 03-24-2015

(03-24-2015, 01:07 PM)WPeregrine Wrote: But to remove regens completely from cap would render oh so vulnerable to bombers, more than they already are. Imagine a gunboat having to deal with escorting a cruiser or transport, and it's immediately shot down because it can't withstand a pair of snacs...

They would be added hull, ideally the same amount of it as there was in the regens that were taken, as it says in the poll title.

RE: Remove regens from caps, GBs and transports? - Hidamari - 03-24-2015

this would also remove repairships, which i disagree with, since i fly them a lot and have done for a very long time now. i like being able to save people from certain death and help turn the tides in fights.

are repair guns going to be implemented as a result of this? if yes, then i can get behind it, if no, then i dont like the collateral.

capital ships are already pretty much helpless unless they are fighting another capital ship of equal size, a change like this would just push that even further. it hasnt been a problem thats needed changing before, so why now?

RE: Remove regens from caps, GBs and transports? - Sol - 03-24-2015

Repair ships should be removed too.

RE: Remove regens from caps, GBs and transports? - Hidamari - 03-24-2015

fighters should be removed as they are the most op class in the game and their tears are never ending.

RE: Remove regens from caps, GBs and transports? - Mímir - 03-24-2015

A ship can't cry!