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Reactivating Cryer Pharmaceuticals? - Printable Version

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Reactivating Cryer Pharmaceuticals? - Burning - 04-08-2015

Hello there dear Discovery Community,

As the thread subject says, I'm looking forward to reactive the Cryer faction. Actually I'm planning to do this to get more involved into the roleplay and to gain experience.
I may look pretty new to the community, but I told myself to give this here a try. Due to my not existing experience in leading a faction here on disco, I'm looking for assistance.
Cryer Pharmaceuticals could be a really interesting faction. It has influence in the whole sirius sector which makes it a pretty important company. There are many possibilities for roleplaying on forums and inGame. Is there somebody out there who got the necessary experience and interest in rebuilding Cryer?

Skype: torusatoplayer

Thanks in advance,
- Burning