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Mending the bridges (//Myself and FreelancerRNC only) - Printable Version

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Mending the bridges (//Myself and FreelancerRNC only) - Shizune - 04-09-2015

A lone Roc flew through the fields in the Sigma's, reaching a jump hole that lead to Omicron Minor. The pilot of the Roc took the ship closer to the dead planet floating aimlessly inside the field, and could only hold their breath and stare on before moments later, taking off once more. Unaware of the ship following her close behind as she moved away, remaining almost dead silent the whole time

Taking the jump hole to Zeta..then the one to Delta..and finally one to Lost; the Roc avoided all patrols and kept its transponder unknown to anyone who saw the ship, keeping it as much as a ghost ship as the pilot wanted. Having lost the following vessel for a short amount of time, the Roc ended up near the far edge of the system, from any patrol or nomadic bodies or anything else that would find the pilot and their ship.

Unlike most checked areas however, this lonely part of space had a rather damned age Zoner Carrier in its vicinity, carrying the name Winters Last Stand printed in bolt black letters on its hull. The carrier clearly didn't fall apart on its own, there was huge parts blown clean off and many other parts filled will plasma burns or bullet holes. The captain's of the ship and their files were still in the computer mainframe of the ship, this ship being owned by the parents of the Roc itself..who still were on the ship as well.

The Roc however slowly went offline near it, the pilot moving around inside the ship and moving to the cargo bay of the bomber, activating a short range EMP pulse to kill anything that would of traced the Roc to this spot..then the pilot would just move to the small, not really fantastic bed and laid down on it..attempting to sleep before managing to drift off soon after.

RE: Mending the bridges (//Myself and FreelancerRNC only) - Geoffacake - 04-09-2015

Quiet as space, everything was soon about to become disturbed. As the EMP activated sending surges of electric though the air, a small fragment of age's past had been resurrected from a drained state. In a service compartment in the Roc's cockpit between some pipes, a small circuit wrapped in black electrical tape started flashing with a small blue light, bleeping gently inside the ship. Some systems start to come online... Scanners, sensors and IFF readers. Glitches appeared on screens... Overrides being made, Nav-maps started assigning way points. Scanners going wild, showing contacts over the dozen's showing all over, pinging rapidly at every sense.

Cautious alarms raised, waking the Pilot from its sleep.

RE: Mending the bridges (//Myself and FreelancerRNC only) - Shizune - 04-09-2015

The pilot shook awake and looked around slowly then rubbed their head confusedly, going to the cockpit of the fighter to see the systems going ham. Taking controls and looking over what was going on, the pilot was clueless on what was going on.

Sighing, the pilot took off into the surrounding area before following the way point tiredly

RE: Mending the bridges (//Myself and FreelancerRNC only) - Geoffacake - 04-09-2015

The pilot flies following waypoint after waypoint, around the empty system of Lost. Almost a barren sector of the Omicrons, only a large purple planet stands in the system, having the waypoint lead to it too.

As the pilot closes in on its position 25K away from the planet, everything's normal in the dead zone of the Omicrons. 15K away, scanners start freaking out, small anomalies appearing everywhere, the pilot continues onwards unaware. 5K out, the ships systems start suddenly turning off one by one, only leaving the emergency lighting and communications instrument on.

Left quiet in a dead zone for one Minute. a haze on the communications array starts to pick up a hazy signal.

"Service compartment~~~Find the~~~Unwrap it~~~Button."

RE: Mending the bridges (//Myself and FreelancerRNC only) - Shizune - 04-09-2015

The pilot began to freak, moving to the back of the Roc and arming themselves quickly before moving to the hanger door, as if the ship was to be moved, or worse; destroyed. Unable to use their own comm's system, the pilot only reminded armed and held their place, limping most of the way to the hanger door and aiming the gun down at it, waiting for it to open

RE: Mending the bridges (//Myself and FreelancerRNC only) - Geoffacake - 04-09-2015

Suddenly, though the window of the cockpit, a bright light is shown through... the ship suddenly seems to be moving, as if almost being tractored in. Soon the darkness of the system disappears and is replaced with a bright interior view. The Pilot still aiming at the airlock of their ship, still waits for the unexpected to burst through the metal barrier that parts her from what ever is on the other side.

Footsteps are heard getting closer... Soon mumbling and possible hints of arguing amongst two different voices are heard. But suddenly stop, soon the voice directs to the Pilot.

"Aelita... if that's you, we're overriding this door, stay back, don't shoot."

Suddenly the system controls for the doors come online, a large 'Z' appears on the screen overriding the door, allowing for manual opening. The door starts to swing inwards, allowing some fragments of the light to shine though, as a foot and a hand appears on the other side. Something drops on the floor... A long metal pole with a large flat head and a plastic handle.

"Damn, now i got to clean the spatula."

The hand attempts to reach down for the cooking spatula.

RE: Mending the bridges (//Myself and FreelancerRNC only) - Shizune - 04-10-2015

Stone covered her face and growned, raising her weapon, unable to hear them but as well see, firing off a round that completely misses them entirely and hits the wall and bounces back at them, missing again and it stops dead after the second time. Stone fell back due to the force of the gun and attempted to quickly get up into a defensive stance, mostly blinded by the lights aiming at her "The hell is this!?"

RE: Mending the bridges (//Myself and FreelancerRNC only) - Geoffacake - 04-10-2015

"Damn, shrapnel." "She's gone violent." "Smoke her, I'm not risking another hole in my chest."

Suddenly a few cylinders are thrown into the room though the doorway's gap. Suddenly large quantities of gas are spewing from the cylinders, filling the ship with a yellow mist. Stone, attempting to cover her face from the gas is suddenly tearing up and is choking on the gas. Suddenly the door is kicked wide open, and a silhouette figure attempts to handle the gasping Stone wrestling the weapon away from her, pulling a few plastic handcuffs on her and trying to pull her out of the gassed ship. Being dragged out, a gas mask is placed over the entirety of her face, allowing segments of clean air into her lungs.

"Breath... Breath Stone, gently breath... "

The mask is removed, the bright light still clouding her vision, but is generally getting better over time.

"I'm cutting the cuffs... for the love of god don't have another gun..."

RE: Mending the bridges (//Myself and FreelancerRNC only) - Shizune - 04-10-2015

Coughing heavily "God-" hack-cough-cough "-amnit!" Coughing again heavily "Who's the-" hack-cough-cough "Guy who captured me now!?" She looked around annoyingly, not being able to see much for a while and the gas sure as hell didn't help in the least...

Hearing the voice however quickly set her to hostile, mixed with being captured, being gassed, on an unknown ship in Lost and this 'person' having the ability to do this, She reached down and drew a combat knife from her boot, still cuffed but standing, pointing the blade in front of her "S-stay back damn it! I've had enough of 'this kind' of bull in my life!" Dashing at anyone who came closer to her with the weapon in front

RE: Mending the bridges (//Myself and FreelancerRNC only) - Geoffacake - 04-10-2015

Attempting to grab the knife, the silhouette soon finds himself to be stabbed in the palm of his metal hand all the way though, jamming the knife.

"Damn! Damn man~ That's the Twelfth one!" "Stone! STONE! For the sake of hell calm down, its us Geoff and 'Zeal'!" A blue figure is standing beside the silhouette, blue light slightly radiating off it, both of her palms are up, hands empty. putting its hands on hands on her shoulders gently. "Listen, we're sorry, but you know that he's pretty much had enough holes in his chest... Geoff?" "I'm fine... just- That's another 5 Million down the drain."