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Thought experiment: Life after Cadiz goes pop - Printable Version

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Thought experiment: Life after Cadiz goes pop - jammi - 04-11-2015

So recently the BAF have been doing a series of events revolving around fighting Corsairs in the Omegas. I don't know how that's going or anything, but it did get me thinking. If through some consecutive series of miracles and an operation gone horribly right, Cadiz was actually destroyed - what happens next? That's where this thought experiment comes into play, the hypothetical and entirely unlikely what-if.

Well, lets start with the obvious. Immediately, there'd be less Corsairs in Bretonia, Rheinland and the systems bordering them. Having effectively won the war, the Hessians would have blocked the Corsairs in, keeping them bottled up deeper inside their own territory. I'm operating under the assumption that any kind of battle decisive enough to destroy Cadiz would have been a pretty appalling loss for the Corsairs, and hammered their manpower appropriately. Side effects?

Less raiders are getting out to the Houses to pilfer the goods and money Corsair society needs to function. That means massively stepping up operations in Kusari and the Sigmas until the situation can be salvaged in Omega 5, potentially jeopardizing good relations with the Hogosha/Kusari (survival before niceties). It also greatly strengthens the Zoners' hand, seeing as the main avenue through which the Corsairs gained supplies would have been mostly severed. Their ability to fence illegitimate blood credits into otherwise unattainable House goods would be more valuable than ever. Raids into Bretonia and Rheinland would still exist, naturally, but in a much diminished state.

Sounds great for Bretonia so far, right? Pool party at the Queen's house! But hold up there one second! There's an elephant in the room here, and it's painted red. Contrary to server gameplay of dubious propriety, Red Hessians are no friend of Bretonia. Any attitude they've held towards Queenie's employees that has been anything less than outright hostility has been due to intense self-interest; a mutual enemy in that of the Corsairs. With that pressing concern removed, there's no reason other than goodwill (lol!) for the Hessians to treat Bretonian entities as anything more than self-propelled piggy-banks.

I think it's fair to say that given the level of escalation seen in the current Omega 5 warzone, the majority of both faction's Omega fleets are locked there, maintaining the status quo. So, when the ying gets its teeth kicked in, the yang is suddenly much stronger and all out of balance. You'll have a huge influx of veteran pilots who've been freed up from the war suddenly going home. That'll have pretty nasty repercussions in both the shipping lanes and in Rheinland - possibly even Bretonia!

With the Corsairs largely out of the picture and now mostly unable to directly fight for turf in Omega 3, 7 and even Cambridge, it could be expected to see a massive stepping up of Hessian operations. Uncontested. The BAF and RM are both shown to be struggling to contain piracy in the Omegas and that was with said pirates doing some of the law's job by killing each other. With a single unlawful entity controlling all the territory between New Berlin and New London, expect a dark new reign of piracy to begin.

In a nutshell, within the space of a year, maybe two - cargo losses spike, the Bretonian economy falters and Gallia gains some new real estate they can pass on to the kids. The influx of Hessians leads to social instability in Rheinland, increased incidences of terrorism and potential civil war. Daumann and Kruger suffer terribly. The economy there also falters over time, until expensive drafts can be passed vastly strengthening law enforcement. If this is successful, it could even lead to the point wherein Rheinland annexes O3 in the name of law an order, from a Bretonia who really can't do anything to stop it at that point.

Moral of the story: don't let either the Corsairs or Hessians gain the upper hand in O5. Whacking that particular mole leads to six others popping up elsewhere, only these ones have fangs and are carnivorous.

[Image: k9PkszMMpb-2.png]

That's my take on things anyway. Felt like a rambling what-if. Feel free to shred my ideas and replace them with your own suppositions.

RE: Thought experiment: Life after Cadiz goes pop - evanz - 04-11-2015

actually, i thought this was a good speech made me laugh a little at the way you put things, well written

RE: Thought experiment: Life after Cadiz goes pop - Thunderer - 04-18-2015

Don't worry, Cadiz won't fall. Bretonia just needs a secondary raiding destination in-game. The Corsairs and the BAF have agreed that we leave everything as it was, except that Bretonia can raid Omega-5.

Interesting point of view, though.