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To: The Council | Shared Transmission Link To: O'Rhu - Printable Version

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To: The Council | Shared Transmission Link To: O'Rhu - Shizune - 04-19-2015

Sender ID: Agent Commander Kelly Hellion
Subject: Knock Knock?

[Image: KellyFUD_zps4ec841cd1.jpg]

A recording sound plays that sounds like a person knocking on a wooden door before Kelly appears on screen

"Greetings friends, how are the Council holding up? Its been awhile perhaps sense we've contacted you and I bet your wondering what this is about. As you will notice, there is another party that is interested in speaking with you, code named Hellhound's and their leader Jason Orack. I'll include a copy of their transmission at the end of this and turn this transmission over to yourselves and the O'Rhu task force as well so you can speak on the matter."

Transmission Copy Link

~For the night we walk, we are the ghost's of Toledo.

RE: To: The Council | Shared Transmission Link To: O'Rhu - Shizune - 04-22-2015

Sender ID: X.A.N.A
Subject: Checking

::: Checking for Replies - None Found :::
::: Re-transmitting

RE: To: The Council | Shared Transmission Link To: O'Rhu - axisdeus - 05-02-2015

Jason moves around a bit restless, concerned about the thought Council has yet to respond to nay of the messages sent by their old freinds. Things are getting delayed if those materials will not make their way in soon.

He rechecks the Comms Console and forwards the message yet another time. Maybe this time Council will receive it.

RE: To: The Council | Shared Transmission Link To: O'Rhu - Thyrzul - 05-09-2015


Intensité du signal: _ 090%
Encryptage: ________ ___ FORT

Source: ________ CLN Cambrai, Champagne
Expéditeur: ____ General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil ___ [C]
Destinataire(s): Agent Commander Kelly Hellion ________ O'Rhu
________________ Jason Orack __________________________ Hellhounds

Sujet: _________ Re: Knock Knock?

Début de transmission...

Bonjour Agent Commander Kelly, Monsieur Orack,

It took me a while to figure out what previous contact you were speaking of, Mademoiselle, but then I remembered O'Rhu's request from over a year ago. I didn't check them myself, but if I'm not mistaken your organization still has two snubcrafts stationed in Champagne ever since then, because of suspected nomad activity among the GRN. I was about to ask your pilots myself, but if you could share your findings in this subject here, that would be splendid. Because I assume you have found what you sought in fifteen months, haven't you?

In regards of the Hellhounds, I never really liked to deal with those I know nothing about, so it would ease our business greatly if you could answer things such as who are you, where do you operate, who are you affiliated with, what your goals are, who gave you information about Council, about Evron, the Heat Sinks, what do you need this commodity for et finally, what et how much do you intend to give in return. These are things I find quite vital to discuss before we strike a deal, I hope you understand, Monsieur Orack.

General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil
General en Chef Du Conseil
Chef de Groupement tactique Roussillonnaise


Clarification - axisdeus - 05-09-2015

[Image: dI4M4yq.png]

ADDRESSEE: General Pierre LaFlamme of The Council
SENDER: Jason Orak, Co-Director, O'Rhu Cell
SUBJECT: Clarification and deal details

CONTENT: I hope this message finds you well General,

Before going down to business I think a bit of clarification is in order. O'rhu Cell and the Hellhounds are the very same thing. Order's Reaction Unit, the Helhounds. As the titles suggests we're but another part of the Order body and similar to Order| we deal into keeping things light in what it concerns pesky nomad presence in the Systems. The two agents that were dispatched long ago are now, one dead and one back home. I guess the transmission made concerning their departure must have gotten lost as I got word they've informed you about their doings there. To keep things short, the search was futile and since then the things in that side of the known Universe were quiet I presume?

Now to the purpose of this contact. Simply put we will need 40 000 Heat Sinks, all shipped by O'Rhu IDed transports and we are ready to pay good credits for it. For that to happen we respectfully ask you if your facility has this amount available, if any over-fee will be considered concerning the amount we're talking here, the coordinates for the pick-up location and a secluded route from Rishiri to Maine. I will put this here right off the bat, we will keep the facility's location undisclosed at all costs and in the highly unlikely case of being intercepted we will deny any involvement of your organization in this dealing.

Concerning the small Intel we managed to pick, it must have come from a few Freelancers that have connection in those parts. Credits loosen a great deal of tongues if in sufficient number. Do not worry, the info we got was for our eyes only.

Jason Orak
Co-Director of O'Rhu Cell, Order Secondary Fleet


RE: To: The Council | Shared Transmission Link To: O'Rhu - axisdeus - 05-19-2015

It seems those Ion Storms are interfering with deep space communication relays. Resend the message!

RE: To: The Council | Shared Transmission Link To: O'Rhu - Thyrzul - 05-21-2015


Intensité du signal: _ 090%
Encryptage: ________ ___ FORT

Source: ________ Marne, Champagne
Expéditeur: ____ General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil ___ [C]
Destinataire(s): Agent Commander Kelly Hellion ________ O'Rhu
________________ Co-Director Jason Orack ______________ O'Rhu

Sujet: _________ Re: Clarification and deal details

Début de transmission...

Agent Commander Kelly, Co-Director Orack,

In regards of alien presence the Kingdom has indeed been quite, but there are still enough threats of other nature our movement has to face here.

Weeks ago when you've asked if Evron has the sufficent amount of Heat Sinks ready to be shipped it didn't have, but back then they've been notified that there is a need and a customer for it. This means that stocks on the station are nearing the required amount so shipping can already begin et in the meanwhile the last crates of Heat Sinks can arrive to Evron too, only to be shipped further afterwards.

Our smuggling efforts however has a price, et we estimated that to be around 250 credits per each standard cargo unit of the required commodity, which means 10.000.000 Sirian Credits for the full amount. If you agree to this price, we can discuss potential options for a safe et secure route between Rishiri et Maine.

General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil
General en Chef Du Conseil
Chef de Groupement tactique Roussillonnaise


Deal details - axisdeus - 05-21-2015

[Image: dI4M4yq.png]

ADDRESSEE: General Pierre LaFlamme of The Council
SENDER: Jason Orak, Co-Director, O'Rhu Cell
SUBJECT: Deal details

CONTENT: Good to hear from you General,

I find your terms agreeable and I've already announced my Logistic structure to prepare the payment and the transport ships. A couple of questions remain unanswered: where do I direct the payment and what would be the most appropriate route our pilots should use to make their way to Evron and back unharmed and unhindered?

Concerning other threats you must face, I am sure you are quite capable of dealing with those. However, O'Rhu Cell can provide help in a few domains, as long as it does not interfere with our own policies. After all, our targets are the alien threats and those sympathizing with them, I hope you understand. Nevertheless, I want this to be the start of a fruitful and long co-operation for the mutual benefit of our organizations.

Jason Orak
Co-Director of O'Rhu Cell, Order Secondary Fleet


RE: To: The Council | Shared Transmission Link To: O'Rhu - Thyrzul - 05-22-2015


Intensité du signal: _ 090%
Encryptage: ________ ___ FORT

Source: ________ Marne, Champagne
Expéditeur: ____ General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil ___ [C]
Destinataire(s): Agent Commander Kelly Hellion ________ O'Rhu
________________ Co-Director Jason Orack ______________ O'Rhu

Sujet: _________ Re: Clarification and deal details

Début de transmission...

Co-Director Orack,

You can wire the payment to [C]-Stock#1, Caporal Maginot will meet you á Châlons-en-Champagne et will escort you further to show the way to Evron.

Should we encounter alien threat in the future, I'll notify you.

General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil
General en Chef Du Conseil
Chef de Groupement tactique Roussillonnaise


Bussines has started - axisdeus - 05-23-2015

[Image: dI4M4yq.png]

ADDRESSEE: General Pierre LaFlamme of The Council
SENDER: Jason Orak, Co-Director, O'Rhu Cell
SUBJECT: Hauling has started

CONTENT: Good day General,

The payment has been done and I've already met your man in space yesterday. It was an uneventful get-together and the route he provided to Evron seemed safe enough. I've already sent the details to my Logistic structure and by now the first few loads are probably arriving at their final location.

We expect the whole cargo to be finished in a couple of days as we have involved all our available assets.

Jason Orak
Co-Director of O'Rhu Cell, Order Secondary Fleet