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Alternate FLhook based currency to combat credit-flood - Printable Version

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Alternate FLhook based currency to combat credit-flood - sindroms - 04-28-2015

Without going into too much detail into how and where, here's a question.

Should we introduce Mk III type ships with slightly better characteristics, which are buyable for a new type of Hook-based currency, obtainable via trading specific ''buffed'' goods, in order to promote a new period of moneymaking?

Otherwise 80% of the people on disco are sitting on ''can I have your stuff'' credits and their investment in the game itself is far less, when any new additions can be bought within moments, tested and then discarded.

RE: Alternate FLhook based currency to combat credit-flood - Vulkhard Muller - 04-28-2015

I Could probably get behind something like this. as long as these commodities are not permanently available and are only available for small stretches of time. Encouraging Trading activity and thus Piracy and as an end result Police/Navy-ing

In Theory

RE: Alternate FLhook based currency to combat credit-flood - Hannibal - 04-28-2015

in theory it sounds good,but there's a lot of work to be done for that

why not start with something smaller and simpler than mk3 ships?

for instance,we received a new civilian carrier/jumpship so we no longer have to deal with LN carriers and sorts jumping trade ships all over Sirius
why not add something to it ? like for x amount of new currency you get a 'free' jump charge

RE: Alternate FLhook based currency to combat credit-flood - Croft - 04-28-2015

Adding a second currency on top of the credit wouldn't do much to help lighten the over-filled wallets, if anything it'd just create the exact same issue at a later date. To get folks trading, minning or smuggling consistently you'd need some form of cost or tax to slowly drain away the stagnant credit pool, sadly that would take far too long to cut into the 2 billion credit limit to be effective. I'd suggest a combination of systems and a form of "wealth" tax to keep folks from hording insane amounts.

Docking fees - A set amount charged to dock at a base, pretty straight forward, with rings and moors each having a set tax.

Upkeep - A once per server day tax deducted from everyone.

Maintanence - Tax per ship, could be hull, weapon slot or cargo based.

Travel Tolls - Each use of the jumpgate or tradelane networks costs a small amount of credits.

And to drain away the excess credits, a percentage based tax that kicks in when you go over a certain amount. Folks won't be happy either way and no doubt it'll take a lot of work to put in but at the end of the day it may just keep Disco a little more active.

RE: Alternate FLhook based currency to combat credit-flood - The Liberty Rogues - 04-28-2015

(04-28-2015, 10:36 AM)Croft Wrote: ...
Travel Tolls -

You rang?

RE: Alternate FLhook based currency to combat credit-flood - t0l - 04-28-2015

If using TLs and JGs cost credits, people would just AFK cruise 20k below plane.

RE: Alternate FLhook based currency to combat credit-flood - Tarator - 04-28-2015

The introducing of a new currency would just create the same effect. The problem's not the currency but the fact that economy on the server is not player driven (and I suppose it'll never be), basically everyone are sitting on a money sink since resources and stocks are infinite.

And even if theres a range of commodities that are limited and obtainable only via that new specific currency, this would eventually call for ooRP currency and stock exchanges and this won't do any good. Either all commodities must be in a limit, or none of them (npc bases), having the two together may create "vacuum" and people would simply powetrade with one or the other, or even worse - both.

RE: Alternate FLhook based currency to combat credit-flood - Highland Laddie - 04-28-2015

There are any number of money sinks that could be created:

1. More expensive ammo
2. More expensive bots/batts
3. Make tier 2 weapons/equipment more expensive
4. Base docking fees sounds interesting (could make something like shipyards & corporate bases cost more, planets slightly less, and Freeports for free)
5. Make base building supplies more expensive (or just base upgrading ones, and keep maintenance supplies fairly moderate to low.

Just to name a few.

RE: Alternate FLhook based currency to combat credit-flood - Tarator - 04-28-2015

(04-28-2015, 12:19 PM)Highland Laddie Wrote: There are any number of money sinks that could be created:

1. More expensive ammo
2. More expensive bots/batts
3. Make tier 2 weapons/equipment more expensive
4. Base docking fees sounds interesting (could make something like shipyards & corporate bases cost more, planets slightly less, and Freeports for free)
5. Make base building supplies more expensive (or just base upgrading ones, and keep maintenance supplies fairly moderate to low.

Just to name a few.

The above would only increase the effect that we have now and its not really a "money sink". It might only work if you make those (ammo, regens and other equipment) being able to be produced on POB's, but it'll work only for a short while since as mentioned - npc stocks are infinite and this is where that "money sink" comes from.

RE: Alternate FLhook based currency to combat credit-flood - Croft - 04-28-2015

Fees for gates and lanes I imagine would be small enough not to dent your pocket but would slowly drain credits over time. Same with the docking fees. The aim wouldn't be to bankrupt but to create a balanced flow of credits earned to credits lost.

And the economy doesn't need to be player ran, that would just move the over abundence of credits around and solve nothing. The credits need to disappear in order for folks to earn money consistently rather than huge lumps for one off purchases. I'll make a separate thread to discuss the ideas so we don't hijack Spazzy's thread.

Edit: Taxation Thread