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Cheaters and what it means for RP - Printable Version

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Cheaters and what it means for RP - Jimboo - 05-02-2015

Is it NOT nice to cruise away with 4,3K cargo suddenly beeing robbed by 2 pirates in fighter vessels.

Well no biggey you think, you fly a got damn BISON class Transport with 10 (10!) Class 4 rapid firing turrets! Wow they will regret this.
Especially since you have 400 nanos and 400 shieldbatteries and also a 100k shield. No proooblem at all!...

Untill you realise they dont take a single scratch,,, they just pretend to by dropping their shield....

You land aproximetly 100 turretbursts on 1 of em who is standing still in a good angle,
where atleast 6 turrets was involved in every burst that hit under the 4 minute long fight.
Math?--> 6 turrets x 600dmg x 100 hits =360 000 dmg in total on a fighter (heavy)

I cant believe they would survive that normally...

At last you realise they will destroy you and they mock you buy speedhacking, strafing to the left and right in a way that can only be described as instant transmission (dragonballz teleportation name)....

You loose 4,3k Iridium (20 millions) and suddenly dont feel so happy. you lost 40 mins of your life and another 40 mins to catch up again..


Why in GODS NAME arent you people who are handeling the server "IP banning ppl?"
DO you want them to hack?? Its the same people all the time that just create new accounts if they screw up and get caught! What do they care?

Sry for the angry voice but im trying my best to uphold a good RP standard and its NOT easy!

Captain Flashpoint of the brave Bison.
"God speed to all of you out there and may the tradelane guide you on your jurney"

RE: Cheaters and what it means for RP - evanz - 05-02-2015

im thinking bad ping and or they are boxing, either way, you are doomed

RE: Cheaters and what it means for RP - Garrett Jax - 05-02-2015

Jimboo, PM me with the ship names of those you feel are hacking/cheating. I'll check it out.

RE: Cheaters and what it means for RP - Shizune - 05-02-2015

Apparently your new so let me lay it down, strafing left to right in a fighter quickly is rather normal on this server and is used to avoid insta-death, most pirates, merc's, hunters and even PvP'ers do it to avoid a quick death as well. Speed hacking you say? They can drop their shields whenever, I even have a button set myself for it during role play situations. Two fighters also can easily destroy a transport with the right setup and class, say like two Sabre's can easily avoid the fire of all transport weapons while unleashing their own fire onto a target vessel.

Also reading over, you said Iridium right? Which only comes off the Zoner NPC station in Delta for the lowest price..actually if I'm not mistaken, its the only station. At most, even a 5k transport will only have to spend 5 million max to buy a full cargo hold. And more over, remember this line "Space is dangerous." and if you were in the Omicrons/Omega's, then ya, don't expect people to be petty in their demands.

More so, judging from your weapons, which are the transport Solaris cannons, they've been changed, as they have a huge spread fire now, its not really a shocker if you miss with them now, heck, even if you missed fighters on ships 1/15th the size of you. Oh and more so, with a heavy shield, your core and shield take 50x longer to recharge and if you get shot during this time, your core won't recharge what so ever and shield regard is even half'd to a more 75x slower rate.

If you didn't kill the pirate, oh well, stuff happens and them just move on. I've been robbed while on freelancers, lawfuls and unlawfuls, by many parties, I don't care, I've been scrapped by light fighters while I was on a capital 8 transport, long fight but I still died in the end anyways.

Also I know Iridium trading by heart, from point A: the Freeport in Delta to B: Planet Manhattan should take no longer then 15-20 minutes at most, even for huge transports, I've tugged a Rheinland train up there and haulled back to house space and it took me no longer then 15 minutes at most. Please, stuff happens, move on, if people did something wrong, file a report.

RE: Cheaters and what it means for RP - Jimboo - 05-02-2015

Dude! I said i hit 1 of em who was standing still visible more then 100 times. What more do you want?
And i sell for 20 millions!
360 000 dmg... Liberty turret class 4, no miss spread. In my angle i had 6 turrets nuking him when he was standing still on my starboard side. all i say..

Nothing against RP, thats what i want dear sir. On the rules established by the developers ofc...

(05-02-2015, 07:32 PM)Shizune Wrote: Apparently your new so let me lay it down, strafing left to right in a fighter quickly is rather normal on this server and is used to avoid insta-death, most pirates, merc's, hunters and even PvP'ers do it to avoid a quick death as well. Speed hacking you say? They can drop their shields whenever, I even have a button set myself for it during role play situations. Two fighters also can easily destroy a transport with the right setup and class, say like two Sabre's can easily avoid the fire of all transport weapons while unleashing their own fire onto a target vessel.

Also reading over, you said Iridium right? Which only comes off the Zoner NPC station in Delta for the lowest price..actually if I'm not mistaken, its the only station. At most, even a 5k transport will only have to spend 5 million max to buy a full cargo hold. And more over, remember this line "Space is dangerous." and if you were in the Omicrons/Omega's, then ya, don't expect people to be petty in their demands.

More so, judging from your weapons, which are the transport Solaris cannons, they've been changed, as they have a huge spread fire now, its not really a shocker if you miss with them now, heck, even if you missed fighters on ships 1/15th the size of you. Oh and more so, with a heavy shield, your core and shield take 50x longer to recharge and if you get shot during this time, your core won't recharge what so ever and shield regard is even half'd to a more 75x slower rate.

If you didn't kill the pirate, oh well, stuff happens and them just move on. I've been robbed while on freelancers, lawfuls and unlawfuls, by many parties, I don't care, I've been scrapped by light fighters while I was on a capital 8 transport, long fight but I still died in the end anyways.

Also I know Iridium trading by heart, from point A: the Freeport in Delta to B: Planet Manhattan should take no longer then 15-20 minutes at most, even for huge transports, I've tugged a Rheinland train up there and haulled back to house space and it took me no longer then 15 minutes at most. Please, stuff happens, move on, if people did something wrong, file a report.

RE: Cheaters and what it means for RP - nOmnomnOm - 05-02-2015

If only you payes the pirates...
Oorr got an escort.
Oh well...

Im kind of skeptical... But maybe it is possible I guess.
Maybe you were lagging?

RE: Cheaters and what it means for RP - Chuba - 05-02-2015

pls,you are just new )))))

RE: Cheaters and what it means for RP - Jimboo - 05-02-2015

with fiberoptic line of 55 in and 50 out?
Dont vorry he/they will get whats coming to them. i gladly get pirated anyday, noo problem, but it shall not be by cheating the game mechanics. Smile

(05-02-2015, 07:59 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: If only you payes the pirates...
Oorr got an escort.
Oh well...

Im kind of skeptical... But maybe it is possible I guess.
Maybe you were lagging?

RE: Cheaters and what it means for RP - Ayato - 05-02-2015

I think maybe they were cheating, or maybe you are just not familiar with game mechanics.

The best would be if you got some video recording software and recorded an encounter if you think they are cheating.

Personally, I pirate alone in a VHF, and I can solo most transports. Then again, yesterday I fought a guy who I am 90% sure was cheating too with some kind of aimbot or other gun precision hack.

Best use fraps or xfire or something similar to record things, and post it on the forum to get some opinions from experienced members.

If you want, take your transport to Connecticut now. If you want, I'll try to fight you with my VHF as a test.

RE: Cheaters and what it means for RP - Jimboo - 05-02-2015

Thx for the nice reply. Il install and use it for future referenses if may needed.

yeh, but an experiensed person using the right view controlls with neverending energy turrets (goood turret build) and a ship with good turret angles are not so easy, even if im sure your as good as you say.

I can mostly be found traveling between newark station and freeport 11 Omicron Delta atm.

Saving up for an really nice luxury liner or something even nicer Wink

Btw iwe played freelancer for quite some time now, but im relatively new on rp24 server.