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What would be the best loadout for a SHF? - Printable Version

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What would be the best loadout for a SHF? - Neonzumi - 05-15-2015

I was thinking,what would be the best loadout for a Super Heavy Fighter.
They aren't really agile so i think Anti-Gunboat would work?

I own an Osprey MK II with:

3x Imp.Debilitators MKI
2x Sidewinder Missle Launchers
2x Imp.Debilitator MKI Turrets

And a Nova Torpedo Launcher.

Perhaps replace Sidewinders with Cannonballs if you feel daring?

Anyway feel free to discus.Any SHFs,i honestly feel they are a bit under rated.There could be a good use for them right?Right?

RE: What would be the best loadout for a SHF? - Corile - 05-20-2015

starkiller sunslayer sidewinner firestalker

if you encounter someone who can't CD it's an instakill.

RE: What would be the best loadout for a SHF? - Shalo - 05-20-2015

My favourite loadout for a SHF is the Spatial with this:

2 Phoenixes codenamed weapons
1firestalker missile
1 sindewinder missile
the rest of weapons are Imp Debilitators with the same speeed as the phoenixes or it will ruin the aiming cross.
1 Ripper Mine
1 Nuclear Mine

RE: What would be the best loadout for a SHF? - Freeport7 - 05-20-2015

I would not go with 2x sidewinder missiles because you'd have low missile Ammo. What i do usually is 1x firestalker & 1 sidewinder.

I like to use a Spatial a lot, the equipment i usually use is:

2x 650m/s debilitator guns
2x 650m/s PHEONIX'es
1x firestalker
1x sidewinder
3x 650m/s debilitator turrets (only 2 of them fire fowards tho)
1x Nova Torpedo
1x Nuclear Mine
1x Ripper Mine

Signature Move: "Suicide Bombing" - Jouste against foe, launch nova torpedo, launch missiles, drop mines, rape the f button and hope you don't die in the explosion! Big Grin AHAHAHAH

EDIT: Shalo beat me to it

EDIT2: I do think SHF are a bit underrated. they can be hard to use/fight with cause they're big and SNAC magnet, but if you practice a lot with a SHF you'll n otice the best flight tactics for a SHF are way different from your normal fighter, and if well use, it can be very dangerous Big Grin especially if you do the suicide bombing move and destroy everything around! muhahaha

RE: What would be the best loadout for a SHF? - nOmnomnOm - 05-20-2015

Basically put as many missiles and torps as you can on it that have a good chance of hitting.
The rest would be... Sheila busters, really.