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Witcher 3 - MonkeyMan - 05-19-2015

Bought it this morning after the massive fuss online/constant adds on facebook. It is a ok game so far yet rather boring anyone else playing it recommend something in game as just seems to be a hack n slash game so far...I got £55 knocked off (bought game plus season pass)as had afew giftcards/points laying around so only paid like a tenner for it so not a huge loss if its the same the whole way through...

RE: Witcher 3 - Riess - 05-19-2015

I'll buy after I finish 2, novels after Lady of Lake and I'll remember that it premiered 5 years ago and actully my PC can run it (and it got cheap on GOG), thats how much of supporter I am for local gamedev.

RE: Witcher 3 - SMGSterlin - 05-20-2015

I too am playing through Witcher 2 for the first time right now, I finally broke down and bought it for like $2.50 last week after hearing so much about it for so long.

I'm not far in, but I'm enjoying it so far.

RE: Witcher 3 - Sath - 05-20-2015

It looks way too awesome. Been seeing the pictures and videos they release in their facebook page. Do write back about how you like it.

RE: Witcher 3 - Corile - 05-20-2015

goddamn postal service
still haven't delivered my copy

RE: Witcher 3 - MonkeyMan - 05-21-2015

Its getting better guess the more you play the better it gets although struggling hard with armour/weapons

RE: Witcher 3 - Jansen - 05-23-2015

If I just could get my hands on a PC that could run it Q_Q

RE: Witcher 3 - Fluffyball - 05-23-2015

(05-23-2015, 11:08 PM)Jansen Wrote: If I just could get my hands on a PC that could run it Q_Q

Same, I have played The Witcher 2 for a good chuck of time (on X360), even though I'm not that hardcore fan of Sapkowski's novels.

I like a bit different approach to the "classic" fantasy, in which main character isn't either bad or good. There's a choice and outcome of that choice, with all choices being morally flawled to some extent.

RE: Witcher 3 - pillow - 05-23-2015

Because of all of this fuss about Witcher 3 around the interwebs, I decided to grab a hold of the first game. I like it so far, and will move forward to the second upon finishing the one I'm currently playing.

Witcher 3 will never reach my PC though. PC too weak. Besides, if I ever get a PC buffed up enough to run that, I'd certainly get Dragon Age: Inquisition instead. (sun)

RE: Witcher 3 - Fluffyball - 05-24-2015

(05-23-2015, 11:46 PM)Freedom Phantom Wrote: Because of all of this fuss about Witcher 3 around the interwebs, I decided to grab a hold of the first game. I like it so far, and will move forward to the second upon finishing the one I'm currently playing.

Witcher 3 will never reach my PC though. PC too weak. Besides, if I ever get a PC buffed up enough to run that, I'd certainly get Dragon Age: Inquisition instead. (sun)

Comparing Dragon Age to Witcher is like comparing Skyrim to Baldur's Gate. Witcher is more like Gothic in the manner of character, because Geralt cannot be changed due to the nature of the story and background behind all the Vedymins (Witchers). The gameplay is of course way different, at least in Witcher 2, and makes player to think about combat and pre-combat potion usage and Aard settings.