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Poll : player operated stock exchange and delivey on demand forum - Tinker and Transport - 06-09-2015

Quote:NOTE : This is still a draft so far, and Im working on it.
I planned on posting it in an open communication channel, and on adding 3 seperate threads linked up to it for the 3 options, so that its a bit easier to find what you want fast.

So the first and main thread is for announcements and / or feedback, the other three are for the seperate boards.

Im posting this on discussion to see if its worth the time and effort, if there are others interested in using this if I agree to operate and care for it.
Im not insisting on doing this alone, im not insisting on doing it myself or with T&T/, ist so far only brainstorming to see if there is interest in such an idea at all.

Feedback appreciated
Greets, Rob

EDIT : adding a poll to this post to see if there is interest

Trade union announcement

We have noticed that time and time again several base owners, traders or other interested parties have been searching for independent traders for short term hauling or long term supply contracts.
Following up a brainstorming session and hoping that T&T/ reputation will help bringing this into a workable form, I am issuing this broadband message to all interested parties, be them lawful trade cooperations, traders unions like Tinker & Transport or independent traders.

There are 3 operational options here :

1) Trade contracting

We ask all interested base owners or trade coordinators to post a single post here, stating that they are looking for cargo capacity, adding a link to their own informational boards and stating what they are looking for and who can fulfill the contract.

We suggest following template :

1) Port of call :
2) ID/IFF welcome :
3) Docking registry required : [ Y / N ]
3) Cargo needed / price offered :
4) amount needed / accepted :
5) contract is : daily / weekly / monthly / delivery on demand
6) special offers / bonus :
7) contact information or link :

Any further communication, agreement or bonus payment / special offers is then up to the base owner and the contractor, without any interference from the trade union.
We offer this simply as a trade nexus where base owner and contractor can meet, without any fee involved.( Donations welcome but not required )

2) Stock exchange

Sometimes it is helpful to be able to get rid of some stuff, or to ask for storage or availability. This is a forum for offering storage space at a base, or for asking for storage space or the one time delivery of 10.000 units of something for construction ect. You are also welcome to post your base link / normal trading offers here, and update them.
If you do : please state a time for the last update in the post.

3) Delivery on demand

We offer to hold a neutral 3rd party contracting bord here, meant to enable single delivery or urgent contracts. We guarantee to process all bonus payment at last once per week, often in 24 - 48 hours.

This is meant to give base owners a neutral and international hub to offer urgent delivery contracts. Simple rules :

  1. Contract is set, cash up front to the board
  2. fist to post proof of delivery gets the bonus
  3. all proof must be posted with timestamp

If you need some stuff fast, or have to flll a hole in supplies for a day,
you can offer a delivery on demand contract here :

- you state how much you need, and to what price it is traded.
- you offer a delivery bonus, together with proof you have sent the cash to the trade union
- the first trader who posts the proof of delivery ( 2 time stamped pics, one outside the base with a full cargo hold, one in the base with an empty hold ) gets the cash from the trade union.
- the trade unioin guarantees the processing of the bonus in at least a weeks time ( mostely in 1 - 2 days )
- the trade union will refund the bonus if the contract has not been taken up to the time you have set, without any further costs to you

What the trade union earns ?
Simple : a lot of lucrative contracts, if we have the time to fulfill them ourselves.
If not and some others take them : our problem. We still gain interaction and reputation.
Also : as I stated before : donations are welcome.

Feedback appreciated

RE: Poll : player operated stock exchange and delivey on demand forum - SWD - 06-09-2015

Very interesting concept, will make post for Indie base owners and traders more visible on forum. Will give activity a boost.

Thumbs up from me

RE: Poll : player operated stock exchange and delivey on demand forum - Smithy - 06-09-2015

Love this, good chance for indie and official players to meet as well as expand your business, have a change of scenery etc. Not all the players have Skype (which also gets a little "spammy" sometimes).

RE: Poll : player operated stock exchange and delivey on demand forum - Sabru - 06-09-2015

i like no. 3

would be a great RP tool, even beyond bases.

RE: Poll : player operated stock exchange and delivey on demand forum - Yak - 06-09-2015

It sounds to me like a bounty board for trading... nice idea, and if it had a separate area on the forums (similar to the bounty boards) it might prevent people's desperate cries for help with base filling while on holiday/doing exams/etc from getting buried in the Communication Channel (and vice versa, help stop pure RP posts getting buried by trade requests).

Only downsides I can see are:

- if it were to be run as a single thread read access could get confusing, especially for inRP trading where you might not want, say, LN to know you're doing deliveries to the RFP

- if it were to be run by a player faction, some factions would inevitably be left out... even Zoners have some enemies, right?

RE: Poll : player operated stock exchange and delivey on demand forum - FynnMcScrap - 06-09-2015

(06-09-2015, 11:51 AM)Yak Wrote: It sounds to me like a bounty board for trading... nice idea, and if it had a separate area on the forums (similar to the bounty boards) it might prevent people's desperate cries for help with base filling while on holiday/doing exams/etc from getting buried in the Communication Channel (and vice versa, help stop pure RP posts getting buried by trade requests).

Only downsides I can see are:

- if it were to be run as a single thread read access could get confusing, especially for inRP trading where you might not want, say, LN to know you're doing deliveries to the RFP

- if it were to be run by a player faction, some factions would inevitably be left out... even Zoners have some enemies, right?

I plan to run 4 threads, connected to the opening post with a link.

1 Thread as opening / announcement and rules thread,
and 1 thread each for the 3 ( or more ) seperate options.

Also : adding a inventory and linking up the seperate posts is a bit of work, but I would do that if the operators of the single threads/posts edit and reedit their posts. That way we would have a connected bundle of posts that let interested traders browse current offers and demands without having to check all over forum, and without the use of second party sftware like skype.

As for seperate area on forum :

Nice, but not necessary.
I would expect Moderators / Admins to wait for a few months to test if this is just a passing hype before adding a new forum.

To your second point : T&T/ is pretty much neutral to most, and I´d rather do the stuff inRP than as an OOC post, but discussing fine points like this is why I decided to post the poll here. THX for feedback.

I was thinking of running the board inRP with Tinkers, and if an "enemy" faction posts a request I will handle it decently, going along with it inRP and offering to pass it on. Would suit Tinkers RP as a semi-lawful faction well.

I dont really like the idea of treating it all as OOC ,
its a lot of work without demanding any cash for it.
So at least I´d like to get some RP out of it.
That is an option though, and if more players agree to work with the project that way Id be happy to go along and help with the stuff.

Not only for base owners this could be nice, but for players wishing to play independents, or new to the game and wishing to make some cash while exploring the systems and getting to know the Disco mechanics .

Quote:To prevent confusion :
Both accounts, T&T/ faction account and FynnMcScrap, are logged by the same player : Rob

RE: Poll : player operated stock exchange and delivey on demand forum - Highland Laddie - 06-09-2015

Quote:Not only for base owners this could be nice, but for players wishing to play independents, or new to the game and wishing to make some cash while exploring the systems and getting to know the Disco mechanics.

What about PoB-owning factions wanting to draw players to them? This seems kinda skewed in favor of the indies and freelancers a bit, isn't it? Plus, would this be considered "good RP" if you're just posting Wants/Needs on a forum like this instead of making requests over personalized Comms, etc?

Otherwise, I do like the idea. Is there a cost to becoming a member on this exchange?

RE: Poll : player operated stock exchange and delivey on demand forum - FynnMcScrap - 06-09-2015

(06-09-2015, 03:49 PM)Highland Laddie Wrote:
Quote:Not only for base owners this could be nice, but for players wishing to play independents, or new to the game and wishing to make some cash while exploring the systems and getting to know the Disco mechanics.

1 )What about PoB-owning factions wanting to draw players to them? This seems kinda skewed in favor of the indies and freelancers a bit, isn't it?

2)Plus, would this be considered "good RP" if you're just posting Wants/Needs on a forum like this instead of making requests over personalized Comms, etc?

3 ) Otherwise, I do like the idea. Is there a cost to becoming a member on this exchange?

I edited the quotes to be able to answer more precisely :

1) Sure, draw them to you. Im not QQing about anybody recruiting, feel free to do so. And I would say the contracts are open to all, Independent traders and official corporate members alike. Its about pooling manpower in a exchange board.
Being the best, the most atractive company ect is fair game. Part of the RP, eh ? *grins*

2) I want to do the exchange board inRP, so as to evade the OOC "just post it".
Currently Im only checking if its worth the try, the time and effort. Feel free to personalize your effort,
to edit and finetune your com. I just thought about pooling it in a stylish way.

3) nope, no cost. It only works that way.
Its more of an agreed upon com channel used by corporate and independent traders alike than a official brokers agency. I would agree to open up a neutral account or let some other player run the stuff if I would see anybody willing to step forward. But I always see lots of posts about "suppliers wanted" .... and always both faction leaders and others complain about nobody taking contracts. Sure, I will try to do it with Tinkers for a reputational boost, but as I said earlier : thats my wish, but nothing I insist on - as long as the whole idea works out.

This is an effort to pool the whole buisness, and see if we can get a workable and inRP service running.
Actually the idea started with a discussion in a trade chat on skype, with USI , Kishiro, T&T/ and GMG members. So lets see if the whole thing really is freelance- heavy. I suppose not, but official factions tend to keep communications tight.

This is an attempt to offer official factions or big trading factions a commonly used board to draw on short-termed Independent and Freelance Manpower. If you manage to recruit in the buisness : so much the better.

RE: Poll : player operated stock exchange and delivey on demand forum - Jonas Valent - 06-09-2015

I think this is a wonderful idea. A very good opportunity to get indies involved and hopefully it will provide some relief to base owners.

RE: Poll : player operated stock exchange and delivey on demand forum - Mark_Brown - 06-09-2015

Got my thumbs up - GMG Leader