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Arranmore base 10-6-822 - Printable Version

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Arranmore base 10-6-822 - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 06-15-2015

The greyhound was entering docking procedure.

This was thoses kind of moments where she had time to think about present matters, time when she didn't have to focuse on the actual action or rather reacting to it.
She made it, she was finally holding Andrew MacFarland's pod in her ship's cargo hold.
It was not her first attempt, but Blodwyn didn't expect it to happen.Of course she knew what she'd do if he'd fall into her hands, but the red haired woman wasn't prepared to deal with the reality of performing such a task.
After all, Andrew took part in several battles against Molly forces.So the pilots might feel some resentment toward him.And this would probably be the whole problem.

The docking bay attendants were pointing the way toward the place the ship was supposed to be parked.
Blodwyn performed the mooring procedure to the free electromagnetic clamp, as usual,like if the fighter was perfectly functional.Which was obviously not the case.
The attendants were bustling around the greyhound, bringing a ramp next to ship, extinguishing a starting fire...
The cockpit opened and the pilot came out of it.Once upon the ramp, she proceed to take off her helmet, unleashing her fiery hairs.

As she was still climbing down off the ramp, Blod' started to shout orders around in the noisy surrounding :

Was Holt's pod recovered yet ?

The docking bay officer raised his shoulders : who ?

Holt, Dominic Holt "the traitor", ye know ?

Aye.Last patrol alreaday brought him back, Ma'am, he's safe un' all.

Foine, oy's glad he made it aout.
Also oy's bringin' a..eeeeer...

She hesitated, thinking to herself :
Oy's shure d'lad be wearing d'armed forces spacesuit un'uniform.Dere cannae be nae ode'way around.Cannae loye 'bout dhat.

Are ye okay, Ma'am.D'ye need medical aid ?

Oy's foine, tis just d'foight dat's been rough.
As oy was saying, oy bring a .. a proisoner in an escape pod.
Dhis wun be mae personal guest,oy dun wanna him tae be hurt, just make shure hees nae armed.Also as ye mentionned medical aid, call a doc', un' check oif he's foine.
What else ? foind an individual cell fer him, oy dun wanna him near any oder squaddies we got 'ere.
Oy'll be back fer him in a few haours.

Also ask d'chief enginer oif mae oder Grey be repaired, roight ?

T'will be done, Ma'am.

The officer waved his hand and half a dozen or armed men and women run up toward him, while Blodwyn was heading out of the docking bay.

After the officer gave his orders, the attendants proceeded to open the ship's hold, backed up by the security squad, all arms aimed toward the opening gate.
Enlighted, the cargo hold revealed a single pod.

RE: Arranmore base 10-6-822 - Stuffz - 06-20-2015

It has been some time now, an hour maybe, that McFarland had to surrender to the guards in the docking bay.
Handcuffed, he was sent and escorted to the sick bay where an unconcerned doctor provided him only with a basic medical examination, preferring to look after hurt Mollys instead. Dozens of people were here recovering from their wounds or diseases; others still waiting for medical care.
Later, Andrew had to walk through Arranmore's corridors, which were sometimes directly carved in the rock with only a few pipes ,electric cables running along them, under wan neon lights.
At last, he was taken to the inner part of the base, wetter and colder.
After going through some security gate, he walked alongside a row of metallic doors, where the guards removed his handcuffs and threw him in one of the cells, locking the door before the eyes of some amused warders.
The cell was cold and the walls dripping with unknown liquids.The stand-up toilets were old and rusty and the neon lights were barely working.

He exhaled and looked up at the door, dropping out of his depressing thoughts for a moment. Still nothing.
For a moment he wondered if they had simply forgotten about him. But wouldn't they want to interrogate a pilot of the Armed Forces?
Were they debating about his fate right now and just decided to vent him out of the next airlock?

He sighed.

Useless speculation. Maybe he should be happy that at least it wasn't the Outcast who picked up his pod. That could have been far worse.
He then remembered the woman who had brought him here. Would she let him go again? Probably not. Holding him captive would certainly have some kind advantage for her.
Even if she were kind enough to release him, it's not like he could go back to the Armed Forces, for obvious reasons.

Court Martial. Who knows what their verdict might have been.. but certainly it wouldn't involve anything pleasant.
There was no way around it, his life was in shambles, crashing down in such a short amount of time. And he could only blame himself for it.

A damned molly lover alright..

Idly he kicked against the toilet. Strangely enough, he couldn't feel angry about it all.
He just felt empty, not knowing what to expect and not even knowing what his goal should be now.

So he just waited, staring at the little droplets running down the wall.

What the hell have I gotten myself into..

RE: Arranmore base 10-6-822 - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 07-19-2015

After she left the docking bay, Blodwyn headed to changing room.
It was just two row of lockers facing each other, with benches between them.
The sound of the water flowing was heard from the communal showers, next to changing room.
Sitting on the bench, she took off her spacesuit, hanged it on the coat rack with the others pilots' suit, so the maintenance technician could bring them to the laundry ; she, then, put her helmet in her locker.
She grabbed her toilet bag, a pile of folded clothes and a towel from it and proceed to the next room.

Two lads were bragging about how they forced the armed force to retreat from the asteroïds field, while taking their shower.
Blodwyn walked along the row of doors and picked a free shower stall.

Dere ain't nae reason tae be proud, dat foight was close tae be a failure.
She said loudly as she was hanging the towel.

One of the young pilots sticked the head over his stall wall :
Look,Coinneach, O'Driscoll's back !
Also, oy'll add dhat t'was close tae a failure, fer YE, especially, not fer us.
Jus' admit we saved yer arse, while ye were on a full floight, as usual !

Lad, ye'll learn dat when aoutnumbered, sumtoimes, tis d'best ting tae do tae retreat tae a stronger position.
Oderwoise ye'll get yersel' captured, o' worse.
Oif oy were ye, oy'd also thank d'Cast poilot dhat helped oos: his skills turned d'whole battle in aour favor.
Anyway, oy's shure we'll have plenty o' toime tae talk to yer heart's content at d'debrief'.

She answered them.

Jus' let ooss enjoy aour victory, O'Driscoll.

Foine, lad, so lemme take mae shower. She mumbled.

Blodwyn started to take off her clothes, puting them one by one on the hanger.
She did let the water run, before stepping under the shower.
The warm water was wetting her hair, drippling on her face, running on her body.
She closed her eyes.
For a moment, all her worries were gone.This was one thoses rare moments where she could relax the pressure.
The woman whispered.
Her hands were running on her skin, slowly soaping up her body, when they came across the scars on her back.
She shivered.
In a flash, the memory of hundreds of battle slapped her back in the face.
Her moments or carefreeness were gone.
She had things to do.
The red-haired woman quickly washed the soap off her body.
Blodwyn turned off the water, proceeded to dry her body with her towel, and wringed out her hair.
She wrapped her hair in the towel, slipped some underwears and a simple white dress on; and stepped out of the shower stall.

The two young pilots were long gone, so she was left alone.
Back in the previous room, she did put away her toilet bag in her locker and retrieved her handbag.
Finally, Blodwyn left the changing room.