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Private Recordings of Sister Nishi Adeline Darche|Cabin 13b, Battleship Matsuda - Printable Version

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Private Recordings of Sister Nishi Adeline Darche|Cabin 13b, Battleship Matsuda - Enkidu - 08-04-2015

Timestamp: 3:45 to 3:52, O.M.T+4 (Okinawa Mean Time).

[Image: Gt1HkH7.jpg]


And then, absurdly, a wiff of absolution.

Can it be? Can it?


Aristotelian thought would dictate otherwise. You’re a liar, Nish’. One motherscrewingly pricey, class A, twenty-four carat superbitch.

Silence, nothing but silence, as if the whole world was dead.

... Always with the realist illusions? Please. Go kill yourself.

Are you kidding? We've barely got onto the popcorn here: again, again!

A pause.

...Besides, a slight linguistic correction; they're not illusions, they're allusions.

Groans and rolls over. Loudly.


"Yes Adeline - would you prefer if I activated your alarm 3:45.32.5 hours prematurely - your regular coffee has just reached optimum brewing selection. Black. 197.2 degrees Fahrenheit. It smells, if I do say so myself, sublime, my lady. Would you care for a sniff?"

Nodding into the pillowcase."Yeah, motivate me."

A gentle wisp of stimulation. Noir - alluring.

Breathes."Mmmh... Goddess, that's the sainted stuff."

Another pause.

Chirpily."Triggering your alarm in 3.... 2... 1..."

Understandably moaning.”Cra…”
Ardently scrabbling for the mute…

"GET UP AND SHAKE YOURSELF YOU LAZY JAPOCENTRIC HALF-CASTE WHORE." Nishi gives the mute a bodyslam that numbs her shoulder cold.

"...You know, I never quite feel comfortable with the sample you have assigned me as a wake-up tone. Would you possibly...?"

”No, it works. The Coffee?”

"On demand, M'lady."

The Chrysanthemum smiles - only a weak smile - a pure, natural grin freckled with the odd touch of apathetic pain as she cradles the mug like it was a newborn. Or a hand grenade. Either way, she wasn't going to let it smash.

With the bleary-eyed slur of an exhausted conversationalist."You know, I love you, Yūrei." She smiles quietly as she clinks spoon to porcelain, stirring in sweetner the colour of strychnine crystals.

With the wry, synthetic machismo befitting a ship of war:"And I respect you too, Nishi."

She laughs quietly, dangerously close to dribbling her scalding cargo down the pit of her thighs, the mug dangling like an unlucky funambulist. Uncomprehendingly, She paws at her eyes. "Heh, yeah; that's m'boy."

"And that's my girl."

RE: Private Recordings of Sister Nishi Adeline Darche|Cabin 13b, Battleship Matsuda - Enkidu - 08-04-2015

Timestamp: 8:17, O.M.T+4 (Okinawa Mean Time).

[Image: qEtIVmy.jpg]

The sound of fidgeting fingertips tip-tapping a jig over the countertop. The scratch of fingernails on glass.

"Just... 'eh, just boot 'er up."

Compliantly. "...Booting..."

Log Entry Number: 3581.
Passcode: *******
Entering databank...

If I was a drink, they’d pour me Vermouth
But I don’t shake.
Fish in the sand, bottom-feeder
Crooked teeth of a hake
Warped back, scales creak
when you touch me, I thrash, I spite, I
shake your skin asunder till the
blood that roars for thunder
beats your temples dry.

Slaked with your vitality I
Bleed you dry,
Vampire mind on a saturnine high
forever on the fly like water to a drain
I fill the spaces you assign for me
I scattergun through your brain
Burrow pellets in your frontal
cortex, huffing enflamed
by empowering anger
burning like a train.

I would cuddle and claw your heart as guilt
If pride hadn’t groomed smooth your mane.
I would let you drop and swoon and wilt.
If pride hadn’t stabbed your emotions lame,
oh lame my child, oh my broken child, my
darling, match-headed flame.

What am I?

I am Envy.

RE: Private Recordings of Sister Nishi Adeline Darche|Cabin 13b, Battleship Matsuda - Enkidu - 08-05-2015

Timestamp: 15:22 to 15:25, O.M.T+4 (Okinawa Mean Time).

[Image: Screen_Shot0000.jpg]

Flings her boots down with a thumping abandon. “Uhrh. I hate hacking. It’s like rifling through the pockets of a corpse. At least a corpse doesn't spew putrefaction and porn all over you until you get down to the flesh.”

And hacking hates you. Besides, rifling through a corpse takes all of two minutes…

…or half an hour if you’re thorough…

…and a fresh set of surgical gloves, whilst hacking takes you a full morning. Besides, I wouldn’t call “Inserting a stolen ID keycard into a console whilst the pilot was off his head on homemade potato wine” hacking. That’s not even script kiddie level stuff, at most it’s basic theft…

Enough. Nishi seals her headphones against the side of her skull. “…Bartok, now. Make it fast.”

Yūrei responds with the deliberated patience you’d expect of an immortal machine. “I am not a random number generator, Nish’. Please select a track.”

Nishi hmphs like the Fat Controller. “…Doesn’t ‘surprise me’ work anymore? Don’t you have, I don’t know, a shuffle function? Something?”

If Yūrei had lips, he’d be grinning half-moons. “I am a virtually intelligent polymorphic administrator program – not a jukebox.”

“…No, you’re uncooperative and I’m going to turn you off.”

“Unfortunately, I lack hand-switches. Although you could viably incapacitate me for twenty four hours by blowing three or more thermistors in my CPU. The technicians would likely bill you for the waste of man hours and assets. I estimate the likelihood of at least one of them sending a rather precipitously worded email to the First Sister at approximately 79.45%, based on their previous behavioural patterns.”

“Uh-huh. Right. And what would that cost me again?”

Amiably “Fifteen thousand credits, three and a half hours if you are expedient, an indefinite period if you are slow, and one fully charged disposable plasma cutter. Two if you inadvertently fuse a thermistor to the surrounding insulation. Would you like me to pencil this into your calendar, Nish’?”

“…Yeah, you know what? Pass.”

"Good girl. Do as the Bretonian robot tells you."

Grinning lips to lobe: "...Go blow a microprocessor."

"Yes M'lady."

"...Good Dog."

A silence you could ring a coin in.

"Your Bartok, Nishi?"

"Chicago symphony orchestra recording of 'The Wooden Prince'. Just cut the reverb out of it. Start at twenty three fifty five."

"...But that's half way through a..."



And the air filled with the pulsing sine waves of wriggling strings.

RE: Private Recordings of Sister Nishi Adeline Darche|Cabin 13b, Battleship Matsuda - Enkidu - 08-06-2015

Timestamp: 18:35, O.M.T+4 (Okinawa Mean Time).

[Image: qEtIVmy.jpg]

“Yūrei, bring up log entry one hundred and seventy five… no. One hundred and seventy six.”

“I’m surprised you remember. Log number 0176 was written a number of decades ago. You show a remarkable LTM for a woman in her late eighties, irrespective of cardamine dependency.”

Yūrei pauses; a temporary lack of pause that would have jarred from a human. It still seemed awkward coming from a VI, and she let the reverberations hang. Oddly, it suited him. He was a bloody awkward AI.

Log Entry Number: 0175
Passcode: *******
Entering databank...

Sonnet 33

I see the broken canker of the of a man,
Lying scruff prone to the nothing above.
His mouth is loam-filled a gaping dry clam,
Numb to all bruises and fissures of love.
His tongue has cravings for dirt only now,
Lungs of shot bagpipe mid-breathing pipe down.
Lips in the furrow and sod on his brow,
Martyrdom’s body with worms for a crown.
But will the earth know him as one of its dead?
Nonsense, he will blossom, fresh clean and new
As crows and fungus pick into his head.
Fresh shades from black skin the colours he grew:
Outshine us who claim to have survived him
It’s lies for the living to name this man Grim.

RE: Private Recordings of Sister Nishi Adeline Darche|Cabin 13b, Battleship Matsuda - Enkidu - 08-09-2015

Timestamp: 23:41, O.M.T+4 (Okinawa Mean Time).

[Image: iNpCWce.jpg]

Log Entry Number:3582
Passcode: *******
Entering databank...

<Opentext>Even the weak, the meek, the lean, the think, those who cannot speak and find themselves stricken dumb by the volume of the glass in which they drown - they all find love. Even those who cannot raise their arms to shield the spotlights from their face - they find love. The ostracised, the deviants, the politically bizarre, the sociologically unerudite, the ethically unclear, they all find love. Those with crippling sexually transmitted diseases that’ll kill them within a decade; they find love too. Somebody loved a serial killer once, and terrorists can’t possibly terrify everyone who knows of their existence. One man’s Judas is another woman’s Jesus. There’s hope shining through the cracks and love in every pair of arms. There’s a whole world groaning with the sounds of greased chains which can’t hold their captives and polystyrene prisons at which the inmates laugh. Even tax collectors, lawyers, insurance brokers and internet cold callers - for all I know or care they could be virulent casanovas, the stickiest dream of every member of their sexual persuasion, the heat-throb in every groin, the incentive behind every slice of sweat.

But nobody loves a feminist political theorist. You can travel the entire sector far and wide and you’re not going to meet any person between man, djinn and magus who will give you an inch further than that required to make a snappy remark about kitchens and women’s studies degrees before departing under a self-justified smokescreen of drivelling indignation - as if they had some shield beyond the cowardice of a jaw-dragging, nose-dribbling monopoly on opinions of the great and unwashed. “Majority” is a filthy word, and I’ll slap the first bitch who speaks of it around Munen’s child. Nobody loves us. Even those who claim to love us are filing for divorce.

Dragon scum; and their lackeys - pumped full of enough hot air to pop a zeppelin. Only time will tell if we can introduce the common needle into their devices and bring them crashing down - yet again, they’d probably only go and formulate a pun about knitting. Urh, farmer humour. I need a mother
[expletive] lie down.<Closetext>

RE: Private Recordings of Sister Nishi Adeline Darche|Cabin 13b, Battleship Matsuda - Enkidu - 08-11-2015

Timestamp: 08:03, O.M.T+4 (Okinawa Mean Time).

[Image: qEtIVmy.jpg]

“How do you appreciate music?”

Nishi jumped - a quiver of the thigh that jilted her an inch out of place, and out of poise.

"Uh. How you explain colour to a blind person?"

"I'd imagine you'd begin with a detailed analysis of the spectra, explaining the concept of shade, light and dark, primary, secondary and tertiary colours and their associated combinations, before going over to individual wavelengths before linking it to a stimuli appreciable to the subject. Logically, you'd start with the primary colours. For example red has associations with both lust and anger in most modern Sirian culture groups. Blue is considered serene, or royal..."

"...You don't miss a beat, do you?"

"No. It's statistically impossible for me to."

Log Entry Number: 3583
Passcode: *******
Entering databank...

Salacious 1.

There was darkness in fire when it licked at my spine.
Gave my body to pleasure till I pissed out wine.
Told Daddy that Christmas came early, said I’m feeling fine.
So pour me out another spirit, girl, and we’ll ravish old man Time.
Took a crossbow to my boyfriend when he called in to split.
Stove his pallet with my hatchet broke his conscious to bits.
Shivered in his euphoria as it slathered his neck.
Told him hey nonny nonny only you did it best.
Acquired a mire-load of pronouns ensured I’m obscure.
Picked up a new licence plate from all that he had insured.
Ensured the dog was fed to explosion made myself thin as balsa wood.
Tried out all kinds of procreation till I found one that was good.
Told him hell wasn’t hot as the cleft of your thighs.
Made a habit of telling fascinating white lies.
Kept him honest off compounds yeah I forget what.
We smoked and I sucked him till his member did clot.
I read Thomas Hardy because I needed a joke.
Tessy what are you doing girl, just have a smoke.
Take a sniff of the dream and a whip of the drug.
Feel your lungs shudder squeezing percolating the fug.
Make a mask for medusa from the lippy you brought.
I may look like a cod but I wouldn’t sell it for what I’ve caught.
There’s a chess game in life for which you cannot plan.
I may not be Vlad but I know how to impale my man.