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Shiera Shade's logbook - Printable Version

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Shiera Shade's logbook - Sanguines - 08-05-2015

--- Username: ShieraShade
--- Password: *********
--- User accepted - Please enter default recognision info.

Ship: ROC
Status: Unknown
Born on a liner in Sigma's. Nicknames Foxpaw for paw tattoo on her cheek and pet fox she had on the liner.
Race: Half Kusarian, Half Libertonian.
Age: 17


===Day 1 ===
Day 1 - After my encounnter with corsair pirates, I lost my family, whom I believe are now captives. I managed to escape, as well as some others. However my family.. I dont know where they are. I escaped and landed on Freeport 9. Where I am at I do not know. The zoners there wanted to send me home. But since that liner has been hijacked, I cannot return. I bought this ship in hopes to fulfill my needs of freeing my family. The zoners gave me a hint in a direction I am definiatly not familliar with.

Day 1 additional log: When I launched in my new ship, I i head in that direction - Freeport 11. However, when I was flying through what is called Omnicron 74, odd entitys stopped me. I believe theyr machines, but thats me. They seemed rather curious what I was doing. It event went to me being that emotional that they supposedly cant feel anything, where as I almost snapped. Being inexperienced and all I would of thought the right action was to fight them off, but they kept communicating to me and stuff. So I decided not to. They designated me as 'Foxpaw', which is my nickname.

Day 1 additional log: Finally arrived at Freeport 11. I dont know what to do from here, and what not to do. Maybe I'll just explore a bit of the station, go to the bar and have a drink, or dinner.. But I am not really hungry yet.

===Day 2===

Day 2 - I cannot believe I slept at all. In a few hours I will be heading to the 'Gamma' system. Perhaps I will find out, or not. Who knows. Whoever these guys are, I need to know.

I also have an 'appointment' I made with myself. To figure out what these artificial intelligence want from me. Desginating me with my nickname, made me blush, and rather look.. you know, stupid. But hey.. They don't 'seem' that bad. Perhaps they truly ment to observe me. I will find out, somehow.