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The Official Registry for Betrayers of Shogunate Law (InRP) - Printable Version

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The Official Registry for Betrayers of Shogunate Law (InRP) - The Blood Dragons - 08-12-2015

The Official Registry for Betrayers of Shogunate Law, drafted by Lady Kimura Hisano.

[Image: DragonsLogo.png]

"Konnichiwa, or konbanwa, honorable Dragons and friends. I am Lady Kimura Hisano, and welcome to our database for registering known offenders of Shogunate Law. You will find this list to go into detail about most of our enemies...some do not need to be explained."

"This list will work to define the enemies of the Blood Dragons and those that have crossed us. Here is the submission template..."

[color=orange]Dragon who is submitting an offender:
Offender's ship name:
Captain's name (if applicable):
Reason for Inclusion:
Recommendation of Penalties:
Extra/Personal Notes:

List of Registered Malefactors

Kishiro: - Historic crimes against the Shogunate. - Penalty: Destroy on sight.

Samura: - Historic crimes against the Shogunate. - Penalty: Destroy on sight.

The Hogosha Association: - Historic crimes against the Shogunate and the Golden Chrysanthemums. They have 'turf' wars with us as well as supporting Samura and the Imperials. They also work with the Corsairs in illegal trade. - Penalty: Destroy on sight.

Kusari's Naval Forces and State Police: - Historic crimes against the Shogunate as well as throwing away Kusari's ancient customs, turning it into a Republic. They also support Gallia, albeit that it may not have been Kusari's will. - Coping: Attempt to turn any enemy Navy or Police ship to the Dragons. If you fail, destroy the traitor.

Battlegroup Auxesia: - For crimes against The Order and the Blood Dragons, their ships presumed trespassing in Tohoku and one confirmed to have trespassed in Chugoku. Disrespect for the Shogunate was also involved. - Coping: Do not kill them on sight. But if they provoke any Dragon on the field, or provoke our guarded systems, silence them.

All lawful Gallic Factions: - The Gallic Invasion has turned Kusari into a puppet yet again, to Gallia this time. They are not only a threat to Kusari, but to Sirius as a whole. - Penalty: Destroy any Gallic Lawful on sight. We cannot allow them to seep into Kusari.

The Gallic Brigands: - They are registered cardamine smugglers from the past and are known to have previously attacked the Blood Dragons. Since then the Gallic Brigands have not bothered with us much, as they met our fire of Justice. Coping: - Do not allow them in restricted space, and if you come across any, interrogate them. If they turn up hostile and attempt to engage, put them down.

The Nomads, the Wild, and the Aoi: - It should be obvious why we hate them. - Penalty: Do not even hesitate in obliterating them.

The Kusari Exiles - They remain after being crippled by the Gallic Invasion, but have since been dwindling. They are the remnants of the past Kusari government which we had been fighting. - Penalty: Destroy these villains.

The Bounty Hunters Guild: - This band of reformed pirates has been hired by Samura to take down our ships: - Penalty: Destroy the Hunters if they appear to be chasing your bounty.

The Core: - They are long standing enemies of The Order, and have committed crimes against the Dragons, shooting down our vessels. Penalty: - Destroy on sight.

The Corsairs: - The Corsairs are supporters of the Hogosha and transport many illegal commodities. Penalty: - Destroy on sight.

The Farmers Alliance: They are known Imperial supporters of Samura and the Exiles, and have attacked our ships without mercy. Penalty: Eliminate these traitors on sight.


Specialty Registrations

"These are where your requests come in, Dragons. Faction requests are decided upon by the Shogunate."

Apollo707: - Caught trespassing in Chugoku, Hiroshima, and in Tohoku, and was given six warnings to stop, and refused. They fled twice from us, successfully, and otherwise attempted to flee but to no avail. They also had a disregard for the Shogunate.

RE: Shogunate Criminal Registry - Sabru - 08-12-2015

Ship name: Apollo707
Captain's name (if applicable): N/A
Reason for Inclusion:- Chugoku Trespass, Tohoku Trespass, failure to heed directions to stop (6 counts), fleeing (2 counts), Disregard for the Shogunate
Extra notes: Ship was requested to stop several times. First in Chugoku, then in Tohoku and Hiroshima. Subject fled repeatedly.