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Using an engine? - Printable Version

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Using an engine? - BOB - 08-17-2015

Hi Guys,

A little story first:
Today I bought my first fighter (Sunrider and some basic weapons from Planet Erie) after being away from FL for a while.
I flew into new york to have a poke around
Met some rougues who blew up a navy battleship
They wanted to kill me after that, we started shooting each other
I managed to pick one of their bombers off who had used most of his bots/bats already

So, it was really fun and got my heart going (that's probably quite sad).

But then they started acusing me of using an engine and saying that "no one moves like that", implying they were going to somehow report me or something.
They also mentionesd that I should turn Vsync back on? I had a breif look and couldn't find a Vsync option in FL or the disco launcher.

Am I just being trolled by some sore loosers here or should I be concerned that my FL install has something nasty in it?
It is a pirated copy seeing as I lost my disc after moving country a few times.

Anyway, just fielding it to you guys, what do you think?

RE: Using an engine? - Corile - 08-17-2015

You need to have your fps limited in some way to play on disco as

Quote:Following actions are considered cheating on server:


Disabling vSync to gain a framerate of 160 or higher.

If you have an nvidia card, you can simply go to the Nvidia control panel, go to 3D settings and turn Vsync on.

RE: Using an engine? - evanz - 08-17-2015

if he installed FL to normal, surely v sync is enabled automatically?

RE: Using an engine? - TheFreelancer - 08-17-2015

(08-17-2015, 10:39 PM)evanz Wrote: if he installed FL to normal, surely v sync is enabled automatically?

I believe so, but disco doesnt allow you to change it so......

RE: Using an engine? - Stefz - 08-17-2015

(08-17-2015, 10:39 PM)evanz Wrote: if he installed FL to normal, surely v sync is enabled automatically?

As far as I know there is no way to toy with v-sync in Freelancer directly, but as Protege said, if you disable it in Nvidia control panel, it is disabled in Freelancer too. I know because v-sync is turned off on my PC and Discovery always runs at ~120 FPS unless there's a huge fight going on.

@BOB - get a program that offers FPS counter overlay (Fraps and similar) and see if your FPS goes above 160. If it does and you have Nvidia GPU, enable v-sync. Not sure how to do it on Radeon though.

Edit: People have been banned for playing on very high FPS before, be careful.

RE: Using an engine? - BOB - 08-19-2015

Hi Guys,

Thanks for the replies and sorry for the delay, been out of action for a little while. I must confes to not having known about the 160fps rule.
I actually use MSI afterburner for my OC and monitoring. My FPS does sit between 110 and 140 with some big dips down around 80. Higher framerate than I had imagined, but doesn't lead me to any conclusion unfortunately. I had a look through the logs as well, no spikes above 140

Anyway, I'm going to assume these guys were just annoyed at loosing one of their men. Now to take a good long read through the rules for anything else I should know about, it has been a couple years since my eyes graced those pages.

I used to own a radeon... For any ATI card owners who may stumble across this thread in the future, V-sync can be forced through Catalyst Control Center -> Graphics (google will probably give you a more accurate directions if needed)