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AFC Lore Addition Requests - Printable Version

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AFC Lore Addition Requests - The Archangels Fighter Club - 12-12-2015

So you've read the lore of AFC and still feel you are missing some information?
Great news! Post your concerns for missing information here!
Important: This is NOT a thread to post FEEDBACK of the lore written. Feedback must be posted in the proper thread here.

Failure to follow the template may have your request ignored.
Failure to post troll-like comments inside request will have a minimum penalty of it being ignored/removed.

Please use the following template to submit missing information:

Have I read the lore to the fullest and understand what is written? [YES/NO]

Missing information (that is not posted in the List To-do: [Please be brief and to the point but not too generic]

Do I agree that if this is not a serious post the minimum action taken will be it being ignored/removed? [YES/NO]
I understand that repeated requests of the same thing will most likely be ignored/removed. [YES/NO]

List of known topics missing and to be added Wrote:-Fully Reviewed Ship List
-AFC Racing Manual
-AFC Smuggling Manual
-Ships and Building
-AFC maintaining quasi-lawfulness
-AFC rules/laws
-Nox/Weed lore thing

Thank you in advance for your help and support.