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Incognito: Chapter III (//invited only) - Char Aznable - 12-17-2015

Sector 8, Harburg City, Planet Hamburg
02/10/822 AS, 04:37 AM

Breathing Hamburg's Atmosphere felt like one's lungs got filled with tiny, sharp needles. The cold was everywhere. On the skin, inside the lungs, right down to the bones. And even at this time, the towers of Harburg didn't sleep. Always awake, always functioning. Nika closed her eyes for a moment and inhaled another time, gathering strength for her new task, and then stepped out on the catwalk, delving into the crowd of people, becoming one with the masses. She became a cog in a machine that would never stop, but one without isolation. One that would rust and stop. One that needed to be replaced.

The discussion with Lia had taken hours, and it had assured her that this mission would probably be the most difficult she had to face so far. Not only was her plan ridiculous, but she also needed to keep her curious friend in the dark - to not risk endangering her, mainly. The certainty to have someone to come home to, however, was something that she had missed for too long now.
Her face grew darker as the thoughts in her head clouded themselves even further. Pulling her cape deeper to shadow most of her face, the slender woman went to the next garage and opened Amelia's hovercraft. Judging by its exterior, she almost hoped to have discovered a new, non-chaotic side of her friend, only to be disappointed as the door swung open. A mountain of paper, datapads, portfolios, and even a flute greeted her, and had she not closed the door, everything would have been blown in her face. Shaking her head, she climbed over it and started the vehicle.

While the autonav did its best to not fall out of line, Nika thought about the contact she had received. She didn't know who had been behind that neural net address she had found in one of the Bundschuh's stashs - a small chest in an abandoned phone booth - but it was her first lead for a network of contacts. And she needed one. Desperately.

RE: Incognito: Chapter III (//invited only) - Ichiru - 12-18-2015

Breisacher Manor, Harburg City, Planet Hamburg
02/10/822 A.S. 04:45 AM

"Joachim, leave me please." The last thing he needed was for people to know more about his activities than was absolutely required. Cristofer looked at himself in the mirror, was his outfit boring enough? He'd picked up some slightly worn, unassuming clothes from the nearby market in order to not draw attention to himself. It simply isn't safe to look wealthy while walking about the streets of Harburg at this hour.

Ensuring that nobody else was in the room, Cristofer turned on his datapad, it instantly illuminating his face and the surrounding area. He didn't have much time left in order to be at the place where his contact would be, that is assuming that his contact would even be there. The Widerstand had a reputation among the other Bundschuh factions for neglecting their planetside counterparts, instead focusing too much on fighting in space. This lead to quite a few missed appointments in the past.

He wasn't sure as to what was going to take place at this meeting. All that he knew when his superior in the HVEB contacted him, is that he would be meeting a contact of great importance, and that no matter what he was to co-operate with them. This meant that Cristofer was to keep check of his argumentative tendencies, a task that he was going to find incredibly difficult.

Cristofer opened a compartment at the side of his dresser, and pulled out his personal sidearm. While he didn't expect to be needing to use it, he nevertheless wanted to be prepared for anything that may happened. Putting away his sidearm, he left his room and proceeded to head out into the intense cold air that Planet Hamburg was famous for.

RE: Incognito: Chapter III (//invited only) - Char Aznable - 12-18-2015

Sector 11, Harburg City, Planet Hamburg
02/10/822 AS, 04:58 AM

The lower levels of the Tower she had chosen for the meeting were almost empty on the outside. Rarely people showed themselves on the catwalks, instead relying on the worn staircases and malfunctioning elevators on the inside. People craved to live further up, closer to Hamburg's Star and the better maintained heating up there. The ones living here were poor, couldn't afford more or just wanted to be social scum. This part of every city on Hamburg was the place where the Revolution once rose from - and would rise again, once the people had enough once more.

Snow was not a problem, but without the spikes on her soles she probably would have lost grip at least twice on the icy floor. Even this far down, the abyss still was several hundreds of meters deep, and had this weird seducing feeling around it that surrounds all deep falls.

The sound of the heating system was barely audible, and mixed perfectly with the engine humming of the hover that she had left around the corner. Together with the howling wind it almost became a symphony, a telltale sign on how much technology had helped humanity - and how little it had learned from it. Hearing the heavy footsteps she turned around to her contact, having the yellow glow of dawn right behind her back. The light fell perfectly, and her cape's shadow obscured every bit of her face. This was not only to hide her identity - it was also to make an entrance. Below her wide clothing, she had a hand safely at her laspistol. One could never be sure.

"Guten Morgen. Herr Breisacher, I assume?"

RE: Incognito: Chapter III (//invited only) - Ichiru - 01-08-2016

Sector 11, Harburg City, Planet Hamburg
02/10/822 A.S. 04:59 AM

Cristofer looked up and down his supposed contact, puzzling over their small stature. He had expected something a bit more impressive, the Widerstandsarmee being one of the more aggressive factions of the Bundschuh. He had also expected to find a ship of some kind, or some sort of armaments. He didn't know much about what was going on, but a cloaked figure from the Widerstandsarmee was not what Cristofer was expecting.

"Guten Morgen. I am guessing the Widerstandsarmee must be short on resources once more, seeing as they are sending me this. I see no ship nearby, no nothing. Not that I should be so disappointed, the Widerstand hasn't cared about us here on this planet for a very long time. Still, it would be nice to see something useful show up."

Cristofer put his best annoyed face on, and waited. Hopefully this mysterious figure would shed a little light on the situation, perhaps involuntarily.

RE: Incognito: Chapter III (//invited only) - Char Aznable - 01-08-2016

Nika was hardly surprised about the hostile attitude. She was here under orders of Eistochter after all, and that of course would impact the way other Bundschuh operatives acted towards her.
Still. The reaction was sad. Differences or not, they were allies - and it was sad to see allies behave that way. Judging by that, she decided to stick with the mysterious route she began with. She'd be more imposing that way - and much more likely to get her way.

When she started to speak, her voice carried a smirk, even if her face was still obscured.

"Believe me, Agent, I am all the Widerstand needs here."

RE: Incognito: Chapter III (//invited only) - Ichiru - 01-10-2016

Cristofer was not impressed by this display. While he was used to the political moves made in the HVEB, he was not expecting vague responses from a member of the Widerstand.

"Regardless of what the Widerstand thinks they need here, this is not about what the Widerstand needs. This is about what Hamburg needs, and I am not confident that you will be enough to help the people of Hamburg."

Remembering his supervisor's words, Cristofer decided to drop the point. Even if he thought that both the HVEB and the Widerstand were making very unwise decisions by only bringing this single person to the surface of Hamburg, that was not his decision to make and he had been ordered to be of help.

"However, despite this, I must have been summoned here for a reason. What is it that you need from me?"

RE: Incognito: Chapter III (//invited only) - Char Aznable - 01-13-2016

A few moments passed, as Nika was trying to evaluate her position. Her contact hadn't even blinked, reacted or shown any kind of uncertainty towards her. It took her a bit of time to actually come to the conclusion that he must have had many of those meetings, judging by the field of work he most certainly had for the sect he was working for.
She repositioned herself a bit more, raising her head - the shadow over her face lifted, up until the nose. Her smirk was icy, even more so than the atmosphere around her.

"We need a few things, but mostly your cooperation, Herr Breisacher. I don't need your trust, only your help. And be sure, this mission is of utmost importance to both Hamburg and the people of Rheinland as a whole."

Mustering her contact further, Nika recalled the list that she made earlier - and prayed that she did hide it in her bed as she had planned. Lia on her trail would be a bad thing, for sure.

"Mostly, however, I need your contacts. I need a pass, a new Identity. Ideally one for the high society. That first. Something academic, ideally."

RE: Incognito: Chapter III (//invited only) - Ichiru - 01-13-2016

Cristofer thought for a short moment. There were a few options that he could pursue, but he decided to go with one that would be plausible, and wouldn't draw too much suspicion.

"You will be Professor Annika Grünewald from the University of Hamburg. Whatever you specialise in, that is yours to decide. Nobody will question it since most of the populace of Hamburg find anything to do with the University extremely boring."

He moved his hand to his pocked, and reluctantly pulled out a datapad. On this were a multitude of contacts that were of high social status on Planet Hamburg. He hesitated, and then passed it to the figure in front of him.

"This should have all the contacts that you may need. While I really do not want to, I am trusting you to be careful with this. You will most likely need to explain that you are a friend of mine, and I would be very grateful if my reputation among the people of Planet Hamburg stays intact. There is a lot of work I still need to do."

Cristofer hoped that this was all the help that he would be required to give. He still was not fond of the figure from the Widerstandsarmee which still had not bothered to give their name. He did notice, however, that one hand was always underneath the figure's cloak, and suspected that it was on a firearm.

"By the way, you won't be able to get anywhere if you go around wearing a huge cloak. Everyone can tell you're concealing a weapon under there."

RE: Incognito: Chapter III (//invited only) - Char Aznable - 01-18-2016

She took the datapad and skimmed through its entries. Those would be pretty helpful indeed. The fact that her cover's first name was identical to her own struck her as odd - but it might be working, especially since almost nobody knew that 'Nika' was a nickname. Mustering her contact, her voice was calm, almost too silent to be heard over the humming in the background.

"Update the file with Inter-House politics as my field of expertise. Link my doctor's degree behind a ridiculous paywall and don't be too ominous. I am sure that you have ghostwriters for this kind of thing. As for the gun - it's obvious because I want it to be. One can never be sure. The Widerstand thanks you for your cooperation, the Vorsitzende will be pleased."

After walking away for a few steps, she turned her head back another time, for the first time giving Christofer a glimpse of her brown, almost dark yellow eyes.

"Oh, and another thing. If you wish to contact me about matters like these... I'm Jane."

With those final words, she passed the corner and was gone, coat flying, the hover humming loudly as it skimmed away. Now she could relax for a moment. Oh god, how she hated that spy stuff. How she hated it.

RE: Incognito: Chapter III (//invited only) - Ichiru - 01-18-2016

Cristofer scratched his head. What on Earth was that woman all about? And what did the Vorsitzende have to do with all of this? Unfortunately for now these questions would remain unanswered. He pulled out his own datapad and started writing down the various requests that the Widerstand agent had made.

"Inter-House politics.. Paywall...Got it's cold out."

Cristofer put his datapad away and decided to quickly head home. Planet Hamburg was extremely cold this early in the morning, and he didn't like the idea of staying out much longer where he would draw suspicion.

Breisacher Manor, Harburg City, Planet Hamburg
02/10/822 A.S. 05:30 AM

"Joachim? I'm home. Joachim?"

There was no reply. Cristofer took a look around the entrance to his manor. The door was unlocked when he walked in, but he expected that as Joachim would generally unlock the door and greet him as he arrived home. Joachim, however, was nowhere to be seen, and the various ornaments decorating the room had all been cast down to the floor.


He called Joachim's name out once more. Still no reply. Cristofer walked through the large doors to his right into the dining area of Breisacher Manor. He looked around and saw more of his things had been damaged. Bits of glass and porcelain from smashed dishes littered the floor. The large, mahogany table had been overturned and the chairs had broken legs. Cristofer began to turn around to exit the room when suddenly, everything went black.

Cristofer's lifeless body fell to the floor.