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Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat... - Printable Version

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Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat... - nOmnomnOm - 12-20-2015

Booom.............. Booom............... Booom.............. Booom...............
Booom.............. Booom............... Booom.............. Booom...............
Booom.............. Booom............... Buh... Bum....... Buh... Bum.........
Buh... Bum....... Buh... Bum......... Buh... Bum....... Buh... Bum.........
Buh... Bum....... Buh... Bum......... Buh... Bum....... Buh... Bum.........


"Ugh where am I... My head is...

"Who's that...?"

It's pitch dark around. Out of the shadows a woman appears, scantily clothed, and walks up to him.
No facial features can be made out. The body indicates the gender...

"Mmm.. who's shee...? "


The woman giggles.
Her lips appear on her face.
She walks around him but he can only look forwards.
He can't seem to move.
More giggle comes from behind him as he listens.
He finally manages to look around.
He sees another similar woman walking around him.

They both touch...

It feels warm and soft.
Tingling all around him. He can finally feel something.
He feels his skin crawling where the fingers of the women explore over him.

They get closer...

He feels warmth from their bodies.
They touch and move slowly against him.
He feels warmer... warmer... too warm...

"It's getting a bit too hot in here..."


They pull on his hands and move him forward,
They giggle, taunting at him, keeping him powerless.
Another woman shows up... and then another... and another....

Another............ Another............ Another............ Another............


Who's that over there...
That one...
She's different...

She has a pair of headphones in her hand...

She puts it on him...

Her lips smile.


The room lightens up with many bright colors.
Flashes of colored light jolt in and out.
The women giggle and walk around them.
Music starts playing in his ears...

But all he kept hearing was...

"Eat... Sleep... Rave.... Repeat... Eat... Sleep... Rave.... Repeat...
Eat... Sleep... Rave.... Repeat... Eat... Sleep... Rave.... Repeat... "


The music dies down...

They all stare at him.
He stares back.
They smile.
They feel him with their hands...
They get closer...

He looks around and sees everyone around him dancing.
Soon he's dancing.
They're all moving...
And their all ...


And on...

And on...

And on...

And on...


[Image: 1Jr8hwY.gif]



Eat - They look into his eyes...
Sleep - Their features formalize.
Rave - He feels their bodys move...
Repeat - They can't stop with the groove.

Eat - They kiss each others lips...
Sleep - Can I just get a glimpse.
Rave - He feels his skin get wet...
Repeat - Am I going to regret?

Their bodies push next to his.

Their skin touches with smooth motions and moans.

His head spins wild as the darkness surrounds him again.

He starts to move..

He starts to shake...

It feels intense...





RE: Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat... - nOmnomnOm - 12-20-2015

His eyes open wide and he takes a deep breath...


'Where... am I... ?'

He moves his arms. They feel numb and soft as he touches his fingers together.
He lifts one arm up and a syringes slips down off his arm.
He looks...

'Blood?.... Just ... a little...'

He tries to get up...

'Cant.... Something is... Ppfff.. my face.... hair??
Why is there hair in my face... PPff....'
he thinks to himself.

He move his hand more and starts to get feeling in the finger tips. He feels bare skin... curves... soft skin...
He hears some mumbling... female...

It slowly dawns on him as he recollects...

Gently and lightly he moves his hand up... around... around the woman he had his arm around...
Off and around the woman against his chest still leaning on him to sleep on.

He slowly slips away... feeling for something... there... a pillow...
He takes the pillow and slips it between them slowely...

Very.... slowely....


He looks around. The room is quiet. Dimly lit with a red/pink glow. He feels cushions under him. He is leaning at the back of a padded couch-seat.
He feels the woman's body against his as her skin presses against his sides and thighs.

'Warm... she's warm.... am I ... cold?...'

He looks over.
Another needle is rolled rolled to the side of him.
Two needles...


How long was I out for? ...
12 hours?
A day?

He starts getting up, slowly moving... slowly looking around for his cloths.

He feels a pounding in his chest.
He feels a pounding in his head.
He feels a pounding in his ears from the music playing outside the room... muffled... but still there...

His legs run up against more skin.... an arm... chest... another woman right there... I can see her head now.... two of them...

He starts to grin a little...

'&%$#... I wonder how this all happened...'
he wonders.

He sits up and starts to collect some more of his memory and where he is.
It's one of the VIP rooms... One of the quite ones... A quite room for three....

His mouth is dry... a fowl taste to it as well...

'I need... a drink... %$#@... I need a sniff too...'
he thinks.

He slowly gets up now and reaches for his pants.... reaches for his wallet... reaches for credits.
He leaves them both a tip. Good day.

He slides off and stands up.

Changing quickly, he opens the door and walks out into the booming music that envelopes him back into rapture.

From somewhere he hears a voice... maybe two... no just one...

Just... one...

"Sunny!... Bro... You smashed tha-..."

RE: Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat... - nOmnomnOm - 03-17-2016

"Get me another one..."

There were already several glasses on the table; each with remaining drops slowly accumulating to the bottom of the cold glass.

The toxin pooled down, though it called for more.

Another glass came down from heaven carried by an angel. She winked, holding the glass and descending it down to him as he lay on clouds.
Her hair was bright blond. Her eyes sparkled. Her skin smooth and curved in figure.
Bending down with a disgraceful posture, she placed the cup in his hand and gave a gentile touch up his arm...

A giggle... and wink... and she was gone. He looked and some glasses had disappeared again. He would perhaps need to replace them. A goal worth accomplishing.

The golden heavenly mixture filled his mouth and cooled his lips. The smoothness and sweetness kissed his inner soul, making as if sweet romance.

He sat up a little in his cloud seat. His arms resting like on a thrown. His posture like a king demanding to be entertained.

Before him emerged another being; this one froward with bedevil intent.
A creature fine and sleek, though her wings tarnished and crooked.

She looked him in the eye, not afraid or intimidated in her gaze.

Her stare glinted red; her soul a betrayer.
Her lips were pulp, moist but dark. Her tongue, like a viper, circling around to seduce her prey.
Her body as if stolen from heaven, curved and unbroken, though possessed by sinful nature.
Her legs tall and thin towering before him; ready to crush and step on the weak and godly.
This devilish hound. This sinister cat. The walk identical and inseparable. The floor at her mercy.

He looked at the creature and thought: 'My my, what a treat. This wild beast, horned and misguided.
Set free from the gates, exotic and not of this world.
To capture and tame. To catch and take down. A challenge worth it's weight. A reward precious as gold.'

Like hunter hunting a predator. Like Cobra against a Rattle.
The dance has begun between a subject and master.

Unknown is who's role. Unpredictable are the outcomes.
A match set in time; an elegance in its finish.

So begins the conquest as she ascends up above. Her wings make her spin; her grace not from the gods.
A flip and a twirl, a spin and a twist. He brings her down slowly; his eyes are transfixed.

She flaps her wings once and twice once more to mislead.
Her gaze strikes back with viscous appetite; hypnotizing with greed.

Diving down, her prey awaits.
Though the hunter looks up and captivates.

The planes connect. Her hands and feet become mortal.
Soul to soul they meet. The stage: a portal.

Lips breath on lips.
No touch, but fire.

The dark vile is near; amplifier.

RE: Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat... - nOmnomnOm - 07-17-2016

He tensed as his foot floored down on the pedal and with an intense thrust he surged forwards. Through the warping tunnel he kept focus in front of him as all else around went into a blur. Squeezing his hands down on the stick, he pulled up for the climb. One explosion, another rock, another red light turning white. Looking back he could only see spotlights chasing him but in front of him there was nothing. Out of the dark clouds he spat and went into the clear and with a sharp turn he faced the perusing white spots heading straight for him. Thrusting forward he entered again the tunnel and challenged the lights head on. A turn, a pass, a charge and a dive, they flashed past like beams and shooting stars, turning from cool white to a hot red. At their tail followed an uneasy stillness before quakes and eruptions. On his left an explosion. On his right a near hit. The cockpit shook as it plunged down the throat of the giant; the walls coming in closer and squeezing him in. Ahead oh him the end draws near but with an intense pull he levels again in the tunnel as it loosens his hold on him. Behind him is still pursuit; still anger and revenge. He sees lights flash and beep accompanied by the computers automated voice warning:
" 'Sunny' ... Incoming missile!"
" 'Sunny' ... Incoming missile!"
" 'SUNNY' ... Incoming missile!"
He jolts forward into a slower pace; his vision adjusted; his mind in a daze. Behind him are the lights charging him again and screaming as they bolt near. He turns to face them and...


"Sunny wake up! I'm... cold!"

He opens his eyes and feels the back of his head in a cold sweat. His head is pounding and he groans slightly as he starts to sit up a little. It is dark though his eyes adjust quickly.

"You stole all the blankets, sleepy-head..." He hears a woman's voice. He groans a little and slips out of the bed and feels a cool breeze on his skin and the cold touch of the floor.

"Hey... come back... you make me warm... Sunny?"

He is getting dressed, slipping into his underwear and pants and then his jacket. "I'll be back in... an hour."

"But I..."

"I need it."

RE: Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat... - nOmnomnOm - 04-19-2017

[Image: bLm4MV2.gif?1]


The Arrow turned, engines were killed...


It's route locked. It's position finalized...


Stillness for a split second. The engine purring...

"FASTER!!!" She screamed.

A thrust on the accelerator,
the fuel injected,
the engines combusted,
the shock and shudder of the hull,
the roar of ignition,
the pulse of the force...



"Sunny! They are gaining on us! Why did you stop!?" She laughed, facing him as she straddled him on his lap and had her long blonde hair down. "I can see their headlights! They are right behind you!"

"I would think it would be nice of me to give them a running chance... don't you agree?" Sunny responds.

"No! Leave them in the dust!" She laughs more. "Make their will break!"

"Don't you think that's a little rough?"

She giggles. "I don't mind..."

The swivel of the next turns, boost of the acceleration, the jolt of raging power... In zero gravity she was as if riding on his lap like he was riding the ship.

"Eeeik, ha ha!! Sunny! Go, go! You're farther away from them now!" She grins. "More, more!!"

The RPM is in the red, the speed keeps climbing, the engine is in overdrive.

He laughs back. "I don't think they'll take the challenge for long if I speed up too far." He is looking in the rear-view mirror above her head. He doesn't need to see fully in front of him anyway. He knows the track inside out and doesn't mind the view. The rocks in the field are the only true obstacles. Unpredictable and random in nature. His reflexes are quick as he maneuvers past one and then another.

"Almost there! Almost to the finish!" She yells over the booming sound of the engines. "Just a few K to go. Just a bit more!! Last turn up ahead!"

A slide at the turn; a quick moment of the wrist with the thruster at precision timing. Victory awaits the aggressor.

"WOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo!! You did it Sunny!" She laughs, holding onto him tightly as she feels herself being swayed from left to right.
"Wee won! Now to celebrate!"

The tightening on the arm,
the prick of the needle,
an injection of fluid,
a stillness in the air,
the ease of time,
