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To: Crimson Cross Command // frequencies opened to Orsini by request - Printable Version

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To: Crimson Cross Command // frequencies opened to Orsini by request - Casta - 12-21-2015


From: 'HundredFirst Ghosts of Razgriz
Gabriella Casta, Administrator
To: Crimson Cross Command

Echelon.broadband.spread - encryption maltese Epsilon-Alpha
Source: Corsica Outer Sanctum
Topic: Controversy

[message.loads - opening.visual-transmission - reads]

[Image: Gabriella-Casta.Signature-blank-R5_zpsperxag3w.png]

It was brought to my attention that the current entity administering bureaucracy on Ishmael got an issue with the stated Ghost-directives regarding Omicron-Eighty-Five and the area around and beyond Upper Siniestre Cloud, so I skipped over your response and must admit I was quite amused to a certain extent. You've cited a set of laws, despite your rather not so noteworthy changes that basically conclude in switching the reference for the embodiment referred to as Administration to your organization, that was written and commenced by the 'HundredFirst, as it effectively was enforced close to three centuries. You've cited our laws.
As with any other aspiring group of individuals, I'm aware that you wish to get hold of as much territory and influence as you can get away with.
But regardless of my squadron having receded into the shadows to focus on our very own endeavours, which I may add benefit all of Nacion, we never at any given point had terminated any previous held interests.
Eventually, you'd want to have a conversation with us regarding those directives so we can make the right adjustments to your mindset to have this work.
We've seen many of your kind step into the light of administering their share of power on Ishmael and have also seen them vanish again for good. You'd be advised to listen to our experience.

For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
Gabriella Casta.

[visual-transmission.canceled - message.closed]

RE: To: Crimson Cross Command - Crimson Cross - 12-21-2015

[Image: D5GLVFO.png]



From: Speaker of the Council, Mirra Tamley
Subject: RE: controversy
Encryption: [Absolute]

The laws cited have been implemented to uphold and enforce order within the Maltese borders, and to reflect changes in the political structure of Sirius in recent years.

Furthermore, you claim that "[you] never at any given point had terminated any previous held interests." It is the understanding of all involved that the 101st ceased all outward operations, and effectively disbanded on 04-12-822 AS, with a significant drop in activity for months to years at a time prior to it's disbandment. This has left a powergap that has since been filled and expanded upon for the greater good of Malta and it's children under the emblazoned red of the Church of Tarxien.

At present, Command sees no justifiable reason to modify any clauses in the laws as they are, and thus they will remain as they are for the foreseeable future.

We on Valetta and Malta do hope this answers any questions you may have had. Thank you, and may the Lights guide you on your path to peace.

--The Crimson Council

RE: To: Crimson Cross Command // frequencies opened to Orsini by request - Luke. - 12-27-2015

[Image: LOTB.png]


It almost pains me to say it's nice to hear your voice again. So be ready with a knife aimed at my eyes if I ever say that again, along with any words to that effect.

"Vanishing" sounds like a good long-term goal for the Cross. I don't feel they've created any positive administration for the Nacion. It's not high and mighty anymore, it's just deluded and full of idiosyncracies. I can also say from experience that arguments like this end up in grave consequence. You'd be wise to take down the defensive barrier that separates your attitude from your logic, Tamley.

For your best interests, along with the rest of the Nacions laws and inhabitants. Do your bit to listen and actually talk before making such rash decisions to single yourselves out.


RE: To: Crimson Cross Command // frequencies opened to Orsini by request - Casta - 12-27-2015


From: 'HundredFirst Ghosts of Razgriz
Gabriella Casta, Administrator
To: Orsini, L. - Contari Lance
-- Crimson Cross Command

Echelon.broadband.spread - encryption maltese Epsilon-Alpha
Source: Corsica Outer Sanctum
Topic: Controversy

[message.loads - opening.visual-transmission - reads]

[Image: Gabriella-Casta.Signature-blank-R5_zpsperxag3w.png]

How it filled my heart with joy to again hear your voice. Luke, so hearted Luke, my sister sure was doing her assigned work but left out on any that's crucial to Nacion. You're one of the rightful Dons and your voice is to be heard in this dire time Nacion endures again.
I had the pleasure to witness you flying once more these days and you sure cannot comprehend the great enjoyment it gave to me seeing you about. There's so many we've to talk about, so much we've to re-arrange to bring our beloved Nacion back on its way to glory. And you're the one individual I trust in to achieve that, despite all what may have been between you and my sister. Your words today and your words here show you understand what it means to be a true Maltese, you're gifted with the insight to what Nacion needs and you're given the ability to change future by the means necessary.
The 'HundredFirst Razgriz' will stand with any of your requires to push Nacion back to its former power and supreme demand to be entitled as the one to represent the Orange Dream we all would sacrifice our lifes for to endure.
Let me hear of you again and we'll get together and close this chapter of Nacion not being what it should.

For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
Gabriella Casta.

[visual-transmission.canceled - message.closed]

RE: To: Crimson Cross Command // frequencies opened to Orsini by request - Luke. - 12-28-2015

[Image: LOTB.png]


T'was indeed a momentous occasion, to ascend into the galaxy's colours once more. It'd been some time since I last saw so many parked outside Malta itself, too. Of course, the sentiments are returned to you too. Lets hope for a brighter future since your sister departed.

Speaking of which, be ready for another transmission to be sent across our corner of Sirius. I have an idea. I have come to an important decision.
