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Ummm...hi :/ - Printable Version

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Ummm...hi :/ - Marburg - 01-29-2016

To those it may concern: I apologize for going AWOL like I did...It was uncool of me to let it happen like that. RL kicked its boot up my ass last summer & I've been coughing up leather ever since, but I've sorted out the worst of it now but lost all my contact infos & shizz when I replaced my 'puter, so I'm starting back on square one here.

Howdy mah Babies.

My feet itch. ..ya know?


RE: Ummm...hi :/ - Querious - 01-29-2016

Hello. I was wondering where you were. Welcome back to Disco, friend.

RE: Ummm...hi :/ - sindroms - 01-29-2016

Oh hey, it is that guy.

RE: Ummm...hi :/ - Marburg - 01-29-2016

This is the internet, so I may not be that guy at all...I could be some other guy entirely that overuses the ellipses in order to appear to be that guy

For all you know, I could be a 19 year old girl with a pair of big personalities & a love of free credits given to me from horny dudes that don't think with their upper head that houses their actual brain.

All it would really take is an avi change & a new starflea to make it happen.

or not

RE: Ummm...hi :/ - Garrett Jax - 01-29-2016

* Garrett Jax kicks Marburg.

That's for leaving.

RE: Ummm...hi :/ - Marburg - 01-29-2016

Ow! ok...I totally deserve that

*but shoots finger at Jax for the ass kicking nonetheless.

*the opinion expressed by Burg's finger does not necessarily reflect the views of Marburg, his associates or other related agencies

RE: Ummm...hi :/ - Tabris - 01-29-2016

Oh hey Gaian Godfather. Wink Fancy seeing you here. XD But in any case Marburg it's great to see you around, I'm currently out of town (only until Sat Morning ) but if you need help with anything after that let me know. Always happy to help out. ^_^

- Tabris

RE: Ummm...hi :/ - Marburg - 01-29-2016

I'm good. I reckon I'll just do what I normally do & rebuild from scratch on the sly until I'm back up to speed & try to pick back up from where I left off

...although, I do have a form rule-type question that you can help me try to understand...hit me up when you're settled back into town & I'll PM ya about it

RE: Ummm...hi :/ - TheSauron - 01-29-2016

You sir sure deserved that kick. Hell, I should kick you myself as well.

That said, about time you showed back! Welcome again, and have a nice stay. My Torshavn office is always open if you need anything, too.

RE: Ummm...hi :/ - Alley - 01-29-2016

Hey there Burg!