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To: Children of the Great Spirit - Printable Version

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To: Children of the Great Spirit - Thunderer - 02-08-2016

- Message Class: Audio-Visual -

-= Low Encryption =-

Priority: High
To: Children of the Great Spirit; CGS|HQ Administration
From: Admiral George Richard Hall OBE
Location: HMS Thunderer, Cambridge System

[Image: EOJraCJ.png]

The screen quivers for a moment before the image stabilizes. It shows Admiral Hall taking the last sip of his cup of tea. He places it back to the table, by a piece of paper which he frowns at for a second. Then he looks at the camera.
"Pardon me for the discourtesy", Hall says as if it was unintentional. "I am merely toasting to my impending victory". He casually glances back at the piece of paper. "Haug, by the way. I am Admiral George Richard Hall of Her Majesty's Armed Forces. I believe we are going to meet soon. At least if the Thunderer's engines continue functioning splendidly." He takes a teapot and pours more of his favourite beverage into the cup. He is perfectly relaxed, or at least good at faking it. He gazes back at the objective, this time considerably dropping the temperature with stone walls of severity that his eyes have suddenly become.
"We are on our way to deconstruct your headquarters in New London." Hall takes another casual sip, but then leaves the cup in disappointment. "This used to be hot a moment ago... Anyways", he stares back at the camera, "do you think it is too early to toast and act this arrogantly? If so, you probably don't know that I, I mean Bretonia, has already won this battle. It wasn't even much of an effort, although I have to admit that it has lasted for quite a long time. Now we only have to move in and fire our turrets. I can't think of anything easier right now. In fact, I feel so confident that I have left my first officer to command the ship, and I am here doing nothing but drinking tea! I have even put on this festive suit instead of my naval uniform." His gaze drops again at what is probably a prepared speech, and then shoots back at the cadre.
"It has been too long, I know you are aware. You don't simply build an enemy base in the capital, or at least that should be the rule.
But worry not, this is merely a routine procedure. We will only disable the structure and we'll try not to injure anyone unless necessary. Nevertheless, I advise you to sound the evacuation. You can never know."
He takes the cup again and, as he prepares to make the toasting move with an imaginary person on the other side of the recording, he is interrupted by a thought.
"And whatever you do, do not speak rudely of my tea! Otherwise I might change my mind...
The recording ends with Hall's toast. But how will the day?

- Open for Replies -

RE: To: Children of the Great Spirit - Thunderer - 02-08-2016

- Message Class: Audio-Visual -

-= Low Encryption =-

Priority: Medium
To: Children of the Great Spirit
From: Admiral George Richard Hall OBE
Location: HMS Thunderer, Cambridge System

[Image: ZKfpWhJ.png]

The screen lights up. It shows Hall, a cup of tea and a whole pile of tea boxes behind him. He is fittingly content, considering all the tea.
The recording is followed by a tune. Hall starts his speech.
"Good day. Or haug, as you like to say. Yes, I prefer haug in this occasion, since I doubt that this day is overly good for your party. We, on the other hand, are having one. Please excuse us, but you've got to let a conquering hero at least celebrate his conquest with a lavish party! Although I might have forgotten something..." He is faking spontaneity. "Right. You might have noticed that this message is not directed to the CGS|HQ. There would be no reason to do that, as the CGS|HQ has been turned into rather spectacular fireworks to open our celebration. Yes, we have deconstructed it. Apparently I was right yesterday. But cheer up! You have made your friends the Junkers happy. They are going to salvage them for free, the very materials you have been acquiring from them." He shrivels his dry lips into a horrible, insincere grin and then takes a look at another piece of paper after removing a small pile of teabags from its surface.
"I offered your organization to join the Kingdom of Bretonia as our protectorate before I ordered fire at your installation, but no one responded. The agreement would only require you to have the same allies and enemies as us, and to engage in no illegal activity. Is it at least slightly more acceptable now?"
He turns off the camera. The remaining minute of the recording repeats this scene over and over. Hall goes back to his celebration, enjoying to be in the center of attention as he always does. But should he waste time celebrating, or instead prepare for another, and this time much more serious, bloody battle?

- Open for Replies -