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After about 10 years since first joining... - Printable Version

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After about 10 years since first joining... - Heartless - 02-23-2016

After about 10 years since first finding out about this game I've had a sudden urge to return to this community to see, well, if it still exists... and it does!

Hi everyone!

I've been going through the forums but can't seem to recall any names from when I stopped playing around 2009 or so, so it's good to see some life around here, though the numbers are far lower than what I remember them being.

Anyways, for those of you, maybe all of you, who don't know me, I used to lead the Order for a good long time. I was around when all our new ships were introduced and when we first went from Bs| to Order|. I can talk lots about those "good old days" but that's for another post.

I've been flying around Sirius for a while as a freelancer just exploring and reminiscing, and what have you people done with my planet?!?! I almost had a heart attack when I flew into minor and saw that Toledo was gone! You guys Alderaan'd Toledo?!?! It took me a good while to recover from that shock. Smile

I hope to stick around for a while, I'm fairly busy but hope to hop online every now and then to relive my younger days. And just to be clear I in no way plan to "take over" Order| again though making an Order character is a must. Maybe I can tie in a good story with my former Sius Malacos. When I left there was a story about him being taken over by Nomads or something and his flagship vanishing and rumors that he was trying to control the Nomad trying to control him but the story was never completed.

I'll leave it at that for now, I can say oh so much but I look forward to seeing you all in space, and of course, around these forums. Smile

RE: After about 10 years since first joining... - evanz - 02-23-2016

Good to see and oldy come back, hope you stay long/er

RE: After about 10 years since first joining... - Skorak - 02-23-2016

The chains pulled back another one...

Welcome back.

RE: After about 10 years since first joining... - Shiki - 02-23-2016

Welcome back, mr. Trent, nice to see you.

*NPC mode off.*

RE: After about 10 years since first joining... - Durandal - 02-23-2016

Oh wow, that's an old name right there.. welcome back dude.

RE: After about 10 years since first joining... - Lythrilux - 02-23-2016

You could always join Order| again. Edge Worlds are fairly active (although I think you left at a time when they were much much more active than they are now?).

RE: After about 10 years since first joining... - Kauket - 02-23-2016

oh my god

i recognise you but for some reason i keep mistaking you for sun core (who is actually Elay)

either way, it's great to have you back

RE: After about 10 years since first joining... - Sciamach - 02-23-2016

Further evidence that: [Image: aAPF3g2.png]

Oh yeah-- welcome back and all that

RE: After about 10 years since first joining... - Lennox - 02-23-2016

Hey man. Another ancient returning xP

Welcome back and have fun!

RE: After about 10 years since first joining... - HuggieSunrise - 02-23-2016

hrmnnn yesssss