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Stuttgart Biergarten (currently in exile) - Printable Version

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Stuttgart Biergarten (currently in exile) - farmerman - 11-13-2008

Stuttgart Biergarten (in exile)

A rather large, empty room stretches out on Darmstadt Depot, deep in the Ostnebel of the Stuttgart system. A sign graces its entranceway which reads "Stuttgart Biergarten (in exile) - coming soon!"

Wenzel Ranis, Darmstadt's long-serving bartender was anxious for the new place to open. His old hangout was crowded and dreary while this promised to be spacious and elegant, much like the memories of Stuttgart in the minds of the Landwirtrechtbewegung.

Stuttgart Biergarten (currently in exile) - farmerman - 11-13-2008

Eva Morgenrot walked past the area designated the LWB's new watering hole. "I sure hope Udo hurries up getting those supplies," she said.

Wenzel, the weathered bartender, walked up to her. He was once a proud LWB pilot, much like the others on the station, until a run in with the Rheinland Military left him too injured to continue. Morale is as important as anything he always said and thus this was his way of fighting for the cause.

"Hey there Herr Ranis," she said. "What's the estimated time of completion for this?"

"Not sure," he said. "We better ask that Udo fellow. Hopefully he's not passed out from another lone drink..."

Stuttgart Biergarten (currently in exile) - Ironwatsas - 11-13-2008

From down an ajacent hallway, the sound of metallic clanging and banging could be heard. After a few minuites, the source of the commotion stumbled into the room. Udo Ackermann walked into the bar, carrying a stack of cardboard boxes full of mehcanical hardware, small decorations, and other random objects for use in the bar's construction. However, as he was unable to see past the boxes, he unwittingly walked right into Eva, causing him to fall over backwards and spill the contents of the boxes on top of himself.

Having survived mostly uninjured, Udo clambored out from the pile of stuff and sat up, his last vestiges of pride in ruins. He looked around and took note of everyone staring at him, before turning to his closest friend on Darmstalt.

"Oh... err... hai Eva! I'm sorry ab.. about this..." Udo said bashfully, still sitting amidst the piles of metallic stuff on the floor.

Stuttgart Biergarten (currently in exile) - farmerman - 11-13-2008

"Udo!" Eva said. "Are you all right? You need to be careful." She reached down and helped Udo to his feet before continuing. "Is that all the stuff that Cobalt fellow brought for the bar?"

Something on the ground caught her eye. She reached down and picked up what seemed to be a tiny Starflier model.

"Where did this come from" she asked. "It's quite nice. Maybe we could get a collection of ship models on a shelf on the wall over there?"

Stuttgart Biergarten (currently in exile) - Zapp - 11-14-2008

Wesley Richter entered the bar in a hurried fashion, and looked apologetically at Eva.

"Sorry I can't stay long, but I have something for the bar."

Out of his pocket he pulls a scaled model of a Wrath on a little stand and pushes it into Eva's hands.

Stuttgart Biergarten (currently in exile) - farmerman - 11-15-2008

"Oh, wow!" Eva said. "Thanks, Wesley."

She proceeded to go and put it on the shelf she had mentioned earlier. She turned it a couple times until the light fell just right.

"And just think, now if the Wild finally get you, we'll always have something to remember you by," Eva said with a smile. "But try not to let that happen, ja? We would miss you.

Stuttgart Biergarten (currently in exile) - BaconSoda - 11-15-2008

Johann Steinlaufer and Volker Kohler walked into the construction site that was to be the Biergarten, carrying what appeared to be quite heavy wooden crates. Most of the other crates were open, with either work equipment or materials hanging out of the openings.

"Hallo, Eva," Johann greeted with a smile, yet his eyes showed something else "We brought something for die Garten, though it looks like we might need someone new to take inventory. I hope we can count on you."

He looked at Eva with a dour look, yet Johann interrupted her before she could respond.

"Anyway, we have brought the most important part of the Biergarten," Johann started again, quite jubilantly "Die Bier!"

Stuttgart Biergarten (currently in exile) - farmerman - 11-17-2008

"Oh, Johann!" Eva said. "That's a great idea. I'm not sure how I managed to forget something that important! It must be because of Udo being gone..."

Eva frowned and paced back and forth. "We'll find him, right?"

She rubbed her chin. "Hmmm, maybe we should make sure Wenzel orders all the appropriate supplies for the bar?"

Stuttgart Biergarten (currently in exile) - Zapp - 11-19-2008

Wesley Richter walks in with a folded-up poster in the nook of his right elbow, and steps up beside the door. The poster unfolds in his hands, and he sticks it up to make it the first thing you see when you walk in, and look to your left.

[Image: LWBmotivator-1287451.jpg]

Stuttgart Biergarten (currently in exile) - farmerman - 11-20-2008

"Oh!" Eva said. "This will surely help recruitment. I mean, look at it!"

Eva smiled.