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RP Help Requested - Sand_Spider - 04-30-2016

Hello, folks. I've recently come back to Discovery and have found things enjoyable so far. I've been thinking about what I want to accomplish this time around and what sort of characters I want to play, and would appreciate some help with one matter in particular.

I'm currently in the process of introducing a close friend of mine to the Freelancer universe. She has been role playing in other outlets for decades, but is a complete stranger to the space genre. We've been playing the game together for about a month so far, with a few excellent random role play encounters that have left a good impression with my friend.

While I'm currently in the process of coming up with a RP group of my own for her and a couple of other friends of ours, I'm hoping to find something else that will be more suitable for us to play, for when it's only the two of us online. As such, I've been thinking of the various groups and organizations in Discovery and trying to figure out what would be a good fit for both of us, and would leave my close friend wanting to log onto Freelancer because she wants to, not simply because I want to.

One key point I should mention is that my close friend tends to have trouble with any sort of PvP in just about every game she plays. So far, we've managed to avoid PvP encounters, but since we've been mostly role playing lawful traders, I feel that we may be unable to avoid that forever. While I realize that PvP and RP can mix together quite commonly with some factions, I'm hoping to find an active faction that focuses mostly or even solely on the role playing aspect of Freelancer. If that is not possible, then perhaps a faction that commonly runs around in packs so as to deter would-be PvP'ers altogether.

So, what factions are active on a regular basis that focus more on the RP? Are there some factions out there willing to accept someone that really doesn't do forum role play? My friend doesn't do that sort of thing, though I'm usually willing to do so.

Something else I was considering was having her fly around in a Camera Ship and role play as a crewman on board a ship of my own. Since I know the Camera Ship isn't typically used in such a manner, would it be allowed? It would basically mean, in a PvP situation for example, having only one enemy to deal with instead of two. Would a SRP for something like this be necessary? Or would it be fine to just roll with it?

I appreciate any answers and/or suggestions you all have for us, and apologize for the long winded post.

RE: RP Help Requested - Jeremy Hunter - 04-30-2016

You could talk with Finn and join IRG. They are RP heavy, and I mean heavy. That is one way you can run it.

As for the camera'd honestly have to ask an Admin. But it's an interesting use.

Edit: ffs. Jeremy here, forgot I didn't log out last night.

RE: RP Help Requested - kenshin156 - 04-30-2016

Well, with groups that basically "only" do Roleplay, it's a bit tricky, because the PvP section of Freelancer has lots and lots of people very fond of it.
For official factions, I can't really think of anything that could basically "avoid" PvP completely or almost fully.

Unofficial factions would be a bit of a better approach, as you can help those with your activity and some have unique ideas.
Some may call this shameless self-advertising, but I could technically propose the Canaan Project - my faction (unofficial) - which is a Zoner Research Group in the Omicrons (mostly) that mainly consists of pacifists or just people trying to avoid trouble as best as they can. The group is rather small, considering the members (but I'm actively trying to keep it alive ^^), but has lots of potential for fun Roleplay and establishing your own well-thought out character is no problem at all, plus the "evolution" of said character can branch out many ways as well. Just putting this out there, if you're interested, PM or look around for the Canaan| tag in the Omicrons.

For the Camera ship thing, that should be no problem. If I remember correctly, the Camera ship's description says, it's not to be considered inRP, so I think that would work.
Only thing is, if she wants to log herself, you'd have to see how you'd work that out, but I'm sure you'll manage

RE: RP Help Requested - Croft - 04-30-2016

I'd suggest showing your friend the variety of factions and their different playstyles, if shes an avid roleplayer then I imagine she'll blend in quite quickly. As for the PvP aspect, I wouldn't shy away from it, eventually she'll be part of it and better to be prepared and ready to enjoy it than trying to avoid it.

RE: RP Help Requested - Backo - 04-30-2016


What I'm trying to say is, any Zoner group is a good start if you want to avoid most of the pvp.

RE: RP Help Requested - nOmnomnOm - 05-01-2016

IRG has not done pvp. Try them if you like technical science stuff?

official factions are usually catering to pvp and rp together for a good mix though it all depends on how they are set up. Some focus more on pvp while others on rp... And others have it in between.

IMG in convoys do some fun rp as well for instance.

Anyway just look through the list of factions. Im sure whoever you pick would be interested to take you in.

RE: RP Help Requested - 7AlphaOne1 - 05-01-2016

Well, the PvP aspect will have to be met sooner or later. However, joining factions that travel in packs or to which there is not much PvP threat (Zoners, IMG, GMG, some others) would be good initially.

as to the camera ship, it exists outside roleplay environment.

RE: RP Help Requested - Ivan - 05-02-2016

PvP and RP are interwoven things, Sirius is full of conflicts and that wouldn't be right to avoid them - or people stronger than you will use you to their advantage. I suggest you try to teach your friend pvp, it's not that hard in FL. Otherwise Zoners, freelancers, junkers, smugglers are among your options, but still you can get in trouble with pirates. Those factions also don't really provide any RP bounds, usually that doesn't work well with starters. You just get lack of interction from other players, some lazy idling chat at Freeports and something alike. Then you become a 12 year old furry admiral, get Zoner juggernaut and go blasting Corsairs just for sake of some entertainment.

RE: RP Help Requested - Maddox - 05-02-2016

Re your camera ship idea: It exists outside of RP, so, afaik, you can't RP with it. How about putting in an SRP request for a neutral id? That way, you cant be attacked by anyone apart from in guard systems and you can fly whatever you like.

RE: RP Help Requested - Sand_Spider - 05-04-2016

Thank you for the answers, everyone! Again, I truly appreciate the input.

Zoners of course were the obvious choice, but I've been considering seeing if the .:j:. are interested in new members. Or we might try OSC? Still thinking on what to go with. As far as the Camera Ship goes, a neutral rep sheet would be a really good idea, rather than having her worry about dodging all over the place. I guess I'll seek out Admin help on that - Hate to think about spending millions on a SRP request like this, but you got to do what you gotta do, right?