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To: The Core - Printable Version

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To: The Core - Zoner Freeport Network - 05-02-2016

[Image: 4F76bYj.gif]

Hello -

There is not much t' say, other than what you have done will go down in history as a great atrocity and will never be forgotten.

You have attacked defenseless civilians, killed many, and for what? Tobacco? Your actions this day have shown your true colors. Have shown that you have no respect for those who reside in the Omicrons, and care not that Zoners wish t' remain neutral and left alone.

I've seen your message concerning a rogue Zoner captain attacking Yaren, though have yet t' see proof of such. Yet the actions of one or two misguided captains warrant a full-on bombardment from the Core on a neutral station, that even you have included in your laws t' protect? Innocent lives are being lost. People are dying.

We do not want war, yet you are forcing war on us. We wanted t' be left in peace, and you wanted aggression. For what? T' what end? What does that accomplish?

I will tell you this - what you have accomplished, is a Sirius-wide notice showing the true colors of the Core. That you would shoot innocent Zoners and civilians over matters that could have been left resolved by a simple conversation. Sirius does and will know of your aggression, and will not stand for the atrocities conducted.

You wanted a war against Zoners? All I can say is this...

Good luck.

Finn McCool
Head Administrator
Confederation of Freeports

RE: To: The Core - The Core - 05-05-2016


ID: "Epsilon"
Location: ???
Subject: CoF

Mr. McCool,

We will give you one chance for a peaceful solution to all of this. Name your terms first, and we will consider ours in response.



RE: To: The Core - Zoner Freeport Network - 05-06-2016

[Image: 4F76bYj.gif]

Epsilon -

First apologies for the eager administrator from Freeport 6. Tensions are still quite high given the situation. With that said, he is not entirely out of line.

Hundreds have died due t' this conflict. Causalities on both sides, though safe t' assume more so on those helping the people on Freeport 11 with relief supplies. All for what? For what reason than a need for bloodshed did the Core have t' bombard Freeport 11, and kill not only Zoners, but the civilians aboard?

Let's begin though, from the beginning. I would like t' call your attention t' a comm sent from Erik Nodtviet t' the CoF representatives of the OSI, as seen here. Let me qoute your leader's words:

The Core Wrote:"The Core does acknowledge the No Fire Zones placed around Freeports, however in Omicron Delta we have our law which must be enforced. The Edge Worlds are a hostile place and we seek to change that. That can only be attained via appropriate legal measures enforced by us. If we see a Corsair, Order or any other hostile or law breaker within the vicinity of the Freeport causing trouble or otherwise, they will be dealt with if necessary. Regardless, our priority is to protect the Freeport and the Zoners that inhabit it. They are forgotten by The Order, betrayed by the Corsairs, and attacked by the Machines. We will not follow a similar path and will ensure the safety of the Zoners against all these threats."

Let me point out three distinct parts of that quote. The Core acknowledges the NFZ in place, if any Core hostile is seen CAUSING TROUBLE, they will be dealt with, and lastly, that the Core will ensure the safety of Zoners. Let us look at another communication from your leader here. And I quote again:

The Core Wrote:"Rather than let that create conflict, The Core may be willing to adjust it's laws to incorporate Freeport 11's neutrality - but our objectives will maintain priority where possible. Whilst we can respect the NFZ, we certainly cannot respect the hostile intentions of criminals, especially in Omicron Delta. We do try to force engagements out of the NFZ, however sadly we are not always successful. The process of reporting criminals would be especially tedious, when we are fully capable of dealing with them on our own. Our methodology ultimately leads to less casualties and strives towards more peace within Delta."

A statement from your leader, that the Core respects the NFZ and will attempt t' force engagements outside the NFZ. We on the same page still? Good. Let's continue.

Your leader stated that if enemies of the Core are caught in Freeport 11's NFZ causing trouble, they would act but would attempt t' do so outside of the NFZ. How do you explain this then, taken on 06/03/823: <Click here to view attachment>. This clearly shows no hostile actions from anyone EXCEPT the Core vessel. Had there been shots fired from those there, that would be a different story. Yet this clearly shows the aggression from one side, with shots fired right next t' the Freeport.

Next on the list, on 03/04/823 a Core vessel named Danger.Zone, in the NFZ firing on an Order ship that was not causing trouble or instigating any hostile actions. It scanned the vessel in the area. That is not a hostile threat. No attempt t' move the aggression outside the NFZ, no attempt t' request Zoners t' get out of the way, nothing. Only asking is someone wanted t' join and shoot the ship. You can see the entire event here: <Click here to view attachment>. Again, quite contradictory t' the words of your leader and his words towards us that The Core would ensure our safety.

Now, given the previous events, we had requested the Core not bring their capital ships within the NFZ of Freeport 11, while we could discuss with Mr. Nodtveit the actions of the Core. Before anyone had the time t' even send a transmission t' him, this happened. On 01/05/823, Multiple Core capital ships were found in the NFZ of the Freeport. A Zoner captain, whom we had words with afterwards concerning the small amount of alien material in his cargo hold, was engaged. No attempt t' move hostilities away from the Freeport, no attempt in rational talk. Even your own pilot, named Jess, admitted t' opening firing and destroying a Zoner ship for apparently "stealing" her smokes? That is a blatant contradiction from what your leader stated. A pack of smokes, from an unknown Zoner pilot. Then this incident as mentioned above. Oh, and yes, here is the proof of such actions: <Click here to view attachment>.

Later that day, A Core pilot bullying a Zoner at the Freeport. Saying things like "We set the law... you do not have power... therefore your pleas are beneath us". Where in that is ensuring the safety of Zoners? How does that make you better than the Order, when your leader says he will protect the Freeport and Zoners? Oh, and then a member of your secondary fleet opens fire. No discussion beforehand, just opens fire. You can view the logs here: <Click to view attachment>.

Lest we forget another atrocity the same day. A Zoner captain, attempting t' engage Nomad ships, accidentally grazes a Core vessel. While I do agree that that ship's targeting computer should be fixed, that does not excuse the Core vessels opening fire, acknowledging that it was an accident, and then fully destroying a Zoner ship for no other reason than, and I quote, "Wanna see a picture of something else cool?". You can view the guncam images here: <Click to view attachment> . Unprovoked, no attempt t' safeguard the Freeport or Zoners, firing in the NFZ that your leader indicated would not happen if could be helped.

Now, t' the main atrocities. <Click here to view attachment>. Your Core pilot, "Jess", engages Zoners, then with a fleet of Core warships, informs everyone t' fire on the Freeport. For what? Did Zoners outright engage the Core? No. You want t' see why? "Hand over my goddamn smokes". For smokes, and one or two Zoner pilots who didn't have the tact t' refrain from being sarcastic t' a Core pilot, an entire Core fleet descended on Freeport 11 and started a siege. Your Core fleet bombarded a Freeport. It is administered by Zoners yes, but Sirians from all over, whether you consider them enemies or not, were on that station. A FREEport. A neutral zone that the Core said they would help protect and would attempt t' not violate if it could be helped. Your fleet killed men, women, and children who committed no crime. Who were on a station that was supposed t' be safe according t' the Core. All for a pair of smokes and the accidental actions of a couple Zoner pilots who do not represent Zoners as a whole. Yet an entire fleet of Core vessels took that as a sign of war. For a god damn pair of bloody Cigars.

How DARE you give US a chance for a peaceful solution. How dare you claim we did wrong, when the irrefutable evidence shows the Core going against what was promised t' us Zoners. How dare you send an entire fleet over the words and accidental actions of a couple Zoner pilots whom when we got wind of what happened, were chastised already. No attempt for peace on your end. No attempt t' communicate t' us. And yet you dare tell us that we are in the wrong, and that we need t' provide a peaceful solution.

Yet, when the hundreds of lives were lost, we called out t' anyone and everyone for help. We did not direct specific comms t' your enemies. We called out t' anyone that could offer help and bring relief supplies and medicine t' those still alive on the Freeport after your atrocities. What was that met with? THIS: <Click here to view attachment>. The Core criminal Jess admitting that they would allow women and children die from lack of medical supplies. Where is the peace in that.

What is more, your Core fleet attacked multiple Liberty vessels, of which I was under the impression you were allies with. Look here, of the Core and their friends having destroyed a [DSE] vessel and destroying the relief supplies: <Click to view attachment>. Or how about this, a Core vessel and the Whaler's they hired destroying a Universal Shipping vessel delivering relief supplies? Or attacking the IMG? Or the myriad of other vessels not considered enemies of the Core that brought emergency supplies t' the Freeport? I wonder how Liberty will respond when they learn that two of their government-funded organizations were shot and destroyed by the Core.

But, regardless of everything that happened, we do not want war! We don't want hostilities, and more lives lost. We want PEACE. We always have. The actions of the few Zoner pilots that we have caught acting in a way unbefitting of Zoners will be dealt with, as we have already stated they acted outside of the Confederation advisement and outside of how we Zoners should act. But that does not excuse bringing the entire Core fleet against Zoners and Sirians alike. So you want our terms? Here are our terms:

Confederation of Freeports Wrote:- The Core will guarantee of the inviolability of Freeport 11 and any other Zoner station
- Core laws will not be acknowledged or applicable in a radius of 20k around any Zoner Stations
- Zoner Laws apply to all Core ships within this 20k Zone
- Core warships of any kind are not permitted inside the 20k zone
- The Core will pay Freeport 11 for the repairs, damage, and loss of life in the amount of
- The Core vessels that sieged Freeport 11 will their crew held accountable for the lives lost, and tried in a court of law
- The Core captain "Jess" will be executed for her war crimes against thousands of Zoner and Sirian lives lost, and their grieving families

If you accept these terms, then we will ask all those who came t' our aid t' retreat their defense fleets, and peace will be allowed t' continue again. If you do not accept these terms, then may whatever god you believe in have mercy on your blood soaked hands, and all of your friends and allies will be sent the increasing evidence of your war crimes against countless innocents who never once raised a hand towards the Core.

I truly hope you see reason and want peace, as we do and always have.

Finn McCool
Head Administrator
Confederation of Freeports

RE: To: The Core - The Core - 05-07-2016


ID: "Epsilon"
Location: ???
Subject: CoF


The Core will not adhere to these ridiculous demands made by the Confederation of Freeports. However The Core will not be going hostile to the Zoners. Our intention is not to destroy them or harm them. We would rather they exist in peace both within and outside of Core territory.


The Core feels that the Confederation of Freeports is nothing but a malicious entity that does not truly represent the interests of Zoners, and has taken to warmongering and threatening the already fragile peace of several Omicron systems by inviting numerous groups - many of whom are hostile to each other - as a desperate attempt to destroy The Core. Therefore whilst we are not going to be hostile to the Zoners, and in fact will continue to invite them to supply our bases and help The Core if they decide to sympathise, we will be declaring war on the Confederation of Freeports, its allies and all of its assets. The Core will offer Zoners the chance for Omicronia citizenship, however the CoF will be denied that oppertunity.

We will liberate your malevolent grip from the Freeports. You will be destroyed for a better future for the Edge Worlds. Hoc est bellum.



RE: To: The Core - Zoner Freeport Network - 05-27-2016

[Image: 4F76bYj.gif]

Greetings Epsilon -

A few points. The Confederation ARE Zoners. We are not a sect of Zoners. The Confederation is made up of all the administrators and organizations with a stake on every Zoner station across Sirius. T' declare war on the Confederation is t' declare war on all Zoners, whether it be Omicron Supply Industries, Med Force Enterprises, or even the religious TAZ. Please keep that in mind, as it seems you are confused regarding that point.

Second, you claim we are malicious. Who struck the first blow? Who sieged a Freeport over a pack of smokes? It was not the CoF, nor anyone under orders from them. Let me ask you this. Who told Zoners t' take up DEFENSIVE positions around Freeport 11? Who kept pleading for the aggressors t' stop? The CoF. You claim we are malicious, yet we were only acting in defense of the lives lost.

Let me put it this way. When your neighbor sets fire t' your house, do you take the time t' ask for help t' put out the fires from only certain people? No. The message the CoF sent out for help was a blanket comm sent in haste. Sent t' any who are friendly and non-hostile t' Zoners. The fact that you, who set fire t' our home, had issue with them coming t' our aid, means... nothing. You set fire t' our home. You slaughtered thousands. Over miscommunication and a pack of smokes, of which during that entire time I, as head of the CoF, attempt t' end such an attack, and acted in defense of the Freeport from the Core fleet.

Call that malicious, I don't care. Call that warmongering. I still don't care. The facts are what matter, and the facts have never shown a CoF member ask for offensive actions nor asked for anything but help and emergency supplies t' help those aboard Freeport 11. I wonder though, how will your allies feel when they see that the Core shot down aid ships from Liberty, from Rheinland, from Kusari? How will they respond when they see the transparent comms we sent asking for help and defenses. Not offensive acts, but defensive acts and aid. I wonder who will be malicious then? Who will be war mongering? I find it interesting that even in front of a Rheinland expedition fleet, your captain "jess" admitted in front of them that the reason she shot Zoners and the Freeport was over a pack of smokes. Your own captain admitted that the atrocities committed were over something so small as a pack of smokes.

Our terms, were the terms we Zoners have had since the beginning. Hell, before the Core showed up even. T' respect our neutrality, that we take no sides in conflicts that do not involve us. That the Freeports are a safe haven, governed by our own. The first 4 terms we asked for have been around for years. Of which even your own leader agreed with. The latter terms, you caused the damage. You caused the deaths of those aboard Freeport 11. We asked for repairs, we asked that those who killed thousands answer for their atrocities. We only want justice. Not needless death, justice. For the criminals t' answer for their crimes over a pack of damned smokes.

I find it interesting as well that you refuse t' acknowledge the words from your own leader, that your Core fleet went against. Perhaps the Core leadership is not as strong as you make it seem t' those outside of your organization?

Regardless, our terms are for peace and justice. We never wanted war, we never asked for anything more than for the Core t' uphold what was agreed prior, and t' let us live in peace. The only "violent" request was just that the war criminals answer for their crimes. That is justice, not warmongering or malicious. In fact, we do not even wish t' be a part of the judging council, should this go t' trial. The facts and evidence speaks for itself, including your own captain Jess outright admitting that these aggressions were over a pack of smokes.

So tell me, "Epsilon", who is malicious? Who is war mongering? Who is asking for peace and who is asking for more lives t' be lost. You can yell and kick and counter whatever is said, but the evidence does not lie. Your actions do not lie. Perhaps you should stop denying the truth and the evidence presented, and accept responsibility for your actions.

Finn McCool
Head Administrator
Confederation of Freeports

RE: To: The Core - Foxglove - 05-28-2016


ID: Cordelia Lyell
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: The Zoner Problem

To whom it may concern,

My name is Cordelia Lyell, Guildkeeper of the Core and entrusted with handling the Zoner Problem in Delta and all things related to that. Consider the Chief Arcani hereby relieved of his temporary position, as now I myself will be handling this matter in the Exalted Guildmaster's stead. I will be your addressee in all issues related to the Core.

It is more often than not that I find certain documents on my desk that should not be there. Seldom is one of them merely containing the self-righteous rambling of a man wallowing in self-pity and a false sense of a need to express himself. Reading your message was painful, to say the least. However, since I fancy myself to be a reasonable woman, I shall address each one of your points raised one by one — one should not be able to say that I do not take my time reading absolutely everything.

These seemed to be your raised points in the same order that they were raised:

Finn McCool Wrote:- The CoF are, in fact, all Zoners. Declaring war on them is declaring war on all.
- The CoF only acted in self-defense, wanting the conflict to stop.
- The houses wouldn't like the Core stopping their corporations from supplying hostiles.
- The Exalted Guildmaster himself said that Zoners remain unharmed, as well as the CoF.
- All the CoF, and by extension, the Zoners ever wanted is peace and quiet.

To address these points, I shall begin with the first assertion.

So you proport to be representing the entirety of the Zoners as the CoF? Ignoring the fact that this is sort of counter-intuitive given the fact that most who live as Zoners left the houses exactly due to the same reasons, which is not wanting to be governed by the houses. And then you say that declaring war on the CoF is the same as declaring war on all Zoners? This train of thought is fallacious due to the simple fact that people are individuals. Declaring war on a governing body — such as CoF proports to be — cannot equal a declaration of war against all Zoners due to your own philosophy of self-determination.

You do not represent all Zoners. You represent certain Zoner sects or communities like the Omicron Supply Industries, Med Force Enterprises, or even the religious TAZ. The majority of Zoners wants to live in piece and quiet, I would agree with you there, thus I find it funny that you want to use them as shields in this matter if they have no desire to associate with the CoF. You representing all Zoners is simply not thinkable without completely defeating the purpose of choosing the Zoner lifestyle!

This actually ties in directly to you wondering how the houses would react to some of their corporations being intercepted by the Core's law enforcers during the Delta Events. In fact, you tell me: How would a governmental force react if some of those under their jurisdiction were to disregard the law enforcement authorities of their allies? I rest my case.

You also assert that the CoF only engaged in self-defense of the Freeport, pleading for peace the entire time. Since you are so keen on facts, you are likely aware of the Zoner forces that destroyed civilian AP-Manufacturing transports that entreated entrance at your "safe haven" for civilians. Furthermore, a Core entourage of ships that escorted one of our Guildkeepers to the Freeport to request actual talks with its authorities was viciously attacked by the Freeport's denizens.

Do not act like you bear no fault in this, Sir. The fact that people call themselves civilians says absolutely nothing about their willingness to commit acts of violence against others. The fact that anyone could call themselves a Zoner enables such actions. I myself could identify my own ship as a Zoner vessel, because the only requirement for being a Zoner is a personal choice! So why is it so hard to grasp that literally the entirety of Sirius' degenerates simply seize the Zoner name and use them to their own nefarious ends?

The Exalted Guildmaster himself said the following, and I'm quoting from your previous message:

The Core, Erik Nodtviet Wrote:"The Core does acknowledge the No Fire Zones placed around Freeports, however in Omicron Delta we have our law which must be enforced. The Edge Worlds are a hostile place and we seek to change that. That can only be attained via appropriate legal measures enforced by us. If we see a Corsair, Order or any other hostile or law breaker within the vicinity of the Freeport causing trouble or otherwise, they will be dealt with if necessary. Regardless, our priority is to protect the Freeport and the Zoners that inhabit it. They are forgotten by The Order, betrayed by the Corsairs, and attacked by the Machines. We will not follow a similar path and will ensure the safety of the Zoners against all these threats."

The parts in green should be self-explanatory. What needs to get through to you is that Core law supersedes the law of the CoF in Omicronis. We respect the NFZ as long as there are no terrorists, criminals, aliens or further degenerates in the area that could endanger the lives of those that trust us, the Core, to ensure that they may live a peaceful life in Omicronis. However, I agree with you that we did in fact violate the line written in red. Piracy is an unlawful act in Omicronis, and the Zoner perpetrator should have been dealt with accordingly. What ended up happening was the highest ranking officer, Jessebelle Fillian, taking matters into her own hands by wielding her Godgiven powers like a sword of vengeance against those who are less than her. I grant you that this behaviour cannot be tolerated. The Core would be willing to indulge your desire for them to be trialled. However, we cannot condone barbaric practices like executions. What are we? A dystopia?

The Core, Erik Nodtviet Wrote:"Rather than let that create conflict, The Core may be willing to adjust it's laws to incorporate Freeport 11's neutrality - but our objectives will maintain priority where possible. Whilst we can respect the NFZ, we certainly cannot respect the hostile intentions of criminals, especially in Omicron Delta. We do try to force engagements out of the NFZ, however sadly we are not always successful. The process of reporting criminals would be especially tedious, when we are fully capable of dealing with them on our own. Our methodology ultimately leads to less casualties and strives towards more peace within Delta."

It seems like you were unable to read these statements properly, because the Exalted Guildmaster never granted the Freeport its inviolability.

Let me put things into perspective, Mr. McCool. The Core has always made its intentions of keeping its own goals above those of the CoF. However, we are not your enemy. You do, however, associate with our enemies, and that is dangerous. There can be no peace as long as you allow dangerous forces a safe haven in Omicronis, where they will then start off like reavers to prey on the weak, those we bear responsibility for. No amount of anecdotes from your part will change that fact.

Given all this, I can decisively answer your question on who is warmongering here. The Confederacy has done its utmost to endanger the lives of civilians by brining them in the proximity of degenerates for decades, the resulting deaths of this blatant negligence outnumber those who perished in the Delta Calamity manyfold.

And you have the audacity to make demands, you, who directly enabled this to happen?

I could now summarize why you are exactly what we were accusing you of being, but I shall not bother. All you have going for yourself is a certain set of skills to bend vocabulary in a way that makes fools believe what you said, but once people actually look at the substance, they find the merit of your words evaporating. You call yourself a scientist, Mr. McCool, yet you rely on anecdotes to bolster what you are peddling in a pathetic attempt to cater to the lowest possible denominator.

I cannot possibly express my contempt for you adequately, yet this personal antipathy shall not deter me from doing my duty. The Delta Calamity is, as you said, something that rapidly spiralled out of control due to miscommunication and a pack of smokes. Those who are responsible must be smitten with the Hammer of Justice decisively and, yes, that includes our own people. If we wanted to raze the Freeport to the ground, we would have done so already.

The Core is willing to return to the negotiation table once you stop being preposterous and barbaric. Be aware, though, that the Core is not interested in less than supremacy over its sovereign space in Omicronis.

That would be all.

-C. Lyell
Guildkeeper, The Core


RE: To: The Core - Zoner Freeport Network - 05-28-2016

[Image: 4F76bYj.gif]

Good day Mrs. Lyell

I am glad someone is willing t' have discussion that is not filled with such phrases as "war" and "malicious intent" here. It seems not all in the Core are wanting blood and death. With that said ,you do bring up a fair bit of arguments, of which I will touch on.

First, your quip about me being self-righteous and wallowing in self-pity. You can view me however you like. But the facts... I do hope we are addressing facts here, if this is t' be a proper negotiation or trial if you will... show that my actions have never once been offensive or hostile in nature. Of course, that does not excuse the very few handful of Zoners who acted outside what it means t' be a Zoner. Regardless, let us proceed.

The Confederation is made up of multiple Zoner communities. The bulk of them t' be precise. While there are small handfuls of Zoners who wish t' truly be independent, that is their right of course. But the bulk and majority of Zoners are part of a larger community. A Society. I should also like t' bring up the definition of a Confederation.

The Definition of a Confederation Wrote:A confederation (also known as a confederacy or league) is a union of sovereign states, united for purposes of common action often in relation to other states. Usually created by treaty, confederations of states tend to be established for dealing with critical issues, such as defence and foreign relations

With that in mind, you claim it's counter-intuitive. You are wrong Mrs. Lyell. Zoners left the houses so as not t' be boggled down by the politics and unnecessary laws put in place that do not benefit their citizens. As such, Zoners left t' without the constraints of houses. But Zoners are a society. They have a code, they have standards t' live by. You can frequent multiple stations throughout Sirius and if you listen t' the chatter, it will confirm what I mentioned. Shall I provide some recorded examples, as well as a history lesson? In the spirit of evidence and truth, I shall indeed.

Exert from the history of Freeport 1 Wrote:...Over time, however, Freeport 1 has grown, with new cargo modules and habitation decks being constructed until the Freeport was barely recognisable from the small platform it started out as. Small ships are known to be constructed here, sold to both freelancers, criminals and other zoners, and although Bretonia has made irritated noises towards the Freeport, they have as yet left it alone, preferring to put up with the annoyance of criminals docking there to the unknown consequences that might otherwise occur by antagonising the largely peaceful Zoner society.

"Largley peaceful Zoner Society". Lets look at the word Society. "SOCIETY: A society is a group of people involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations". Interesting that you claim us Zoners of having no unification at all.

The history of Freeport 2 Wrote:Built out of the old framework of an abandoned Republican Shipping outpost, Freeport 2 was founded in 650 A.S. by displaced Texas settlers, Hamburg drifters, and a variety of other individuals looking for safe haven. They aligned themselves with the Zoner movement and its open-to-all philosophy, then purchased a series of Synth Foods biodomes for Food production.

"Zoner movement and it's open-to-all-philosophy". That seems t' indicate like-minded people who share the same goals, not some random free-thinkers that are out for themselves.

The history of Freeport 10 Wrote:Largely self-sufficient due to a Synth Foods biodome, the Zoners have continued the open-to-all tradition of the Freeports

"Tradition". There can't be a tradition if there is no commonality. The fact that Zoners are considered seperate from the average bounty hunter or freelancer is evidence in itself that Zoners have a society with a unified set of codes and traditions.

Recording from a patron at a bar in Liberty Wrote:"It's a good thing the Zoners let us land on their bases. The criminals don't like it, but fair is fair. If the Zoners didn't allow us to land Liberty would declare this base a pirate hive, and the Liberty Navy would shut this Freeport down in a second. The Zoners know that."

Notice he does not say "Liberty Zoners" or "This sector's Zoners". He speaks as if Zoners are one entity.

Recording from a Zoner at a bar in Liberty Wrote:"They don't like foreigners, you see? Think they're not good for Liberty. Me, I don't care about either of them. We Zoners left the Houses to be done with those kinds of politics."

Thus a Zoner here mentions that Zoners didn't leave t' just be random, free people with no guidance other than what they do on their own. No, this is stating that Zoners left due t' corruptible and needless politics and laws from the Houses.

Recording from a IMG miner Wrote:"The Hood, Freistadt, and Freeport 4 are open to all - all who don't shoot us miners that is. This is part of our Freeport philosophy that we adopted from the Zoners. It is very effective in the Border and Independent Worlds and allows us to coexist with most."

That they adopted from the Zoners. Thus, again, showing a unified way of thinking. If there is nothing common amongst Zoners, why would so many seek t' adopt our practices and code? That in itself contradicts itself if what you say is true Mys. Lyell. So all of these people, and the history are various stations are false? Interesting...

Recording from a Zoner on Freeport 6 Wrote:"This system is a crossroads between Kusari, Bretonia, and Gallia. All kinds of people pass through, and we accept them all. Zoners do not care what your allegiance is. As long as you respect our ways, we will respect yours."

"Respect OUR ways". That in itself suggests a unified way of thinking. Did he say "Zoners of Freeport 6" or "Zoners in this area". No, this Zoner infact said Zoners in general. Again, if we are not a society or have commonality amongst eachother and a code t' live by, then this statement would not have been made.

Recording from a civilian at a bar Wrote:"You may see Zoners here on occasion. They are a strange breed that one sees at the edge of civilized space. I hear that they have established bases within the Edge Worlds"

Again, not separate Zoners, not Zoners from a specific area, Zoners as one.

Recording from a civilian at a bar Wrote:"The Zoners' philosophy is to not antagonize anyone. We wish to coexist in peace with all factions in the Sirius sector, whether they are criminal or government. Zoners who cannot abide by this code are asked to leave. They often become Bounty Hunters. So we have a special relationship with the Guild."

Lastly, "Zoner philosophy". "We wish to coexist with all faction in the Sirius Sector". "Zoners who cannot abide by this code." Tell me, how is this not evidence of some unification amongst the Zoners across Sirius?

If you'd like, I've included even more below.

The point stands, Mrs Lyell, that you are grossly misinformed about the Zoner lifestyle and way of life. As are you entirely wrong that there is no body representing Zoner interests. otherwise there would be no code or society. Those words indicate that there is in fact such a body that created such.

Now, the CoF are not the original body that dictated the codes, philosophies, and no-fire zones originally agreed upon in the beginning. But we carry on that ideology. You aslo insinuated that the CoF is trying t' establish a House. How more wrong you are. The primary law, of which all other Zoner laws are based on, is for our stations t' be respected and t' not engage in hostilities within a certain radius of Zoner stations, as well as the entirety of Omega 49. You would have t' be mad t' refuse the simple code or law t' not engage in actions that would threaten the lives aboard Zoner stations. Does that mean we are a House? No. Does that mean we dictate the lives of all Zoner organizations? No. But the collective effort of the largest Zoner communities have followed suit from our founders and carried on the tradition of being free from politics and needless laws, being neutral in matters that do not affect us, and when situations arise that threaten more than just a handful of Zoners, we collectively engage in discussions on how t' best help and protect Zoners.

Onto your statement that Zoners destroyed AP-manufacturing transports, as well as the claim we destroyed an ambassador flying t' Freeport 11 for talks. Please, where is such evidence? As I have already stated in this comm and others, the Zoner captains who engaged in ANY hostilities outside of self-defense have been dealt with and do NOT represent Zoners as a whole. Should the evidence backup your claims, then we will deal with those "Zoner" captains in a just manner, as well as remove them from Zoner society.

You also mention that Zoners are willing t' commit acts of violence against others. You are so wrong, and any Zoner who is caught doing such will be dealt with swiftly, as that is NOT the Zoner way of life by any means. But, should you claim t' be a Zoner vessel, and engage in nefarious acts, the truth will be discovered before long, and you would be dealt with and ensured you will not misrepresent Zoners again.

Now, you claim Core law supersedes ours. But, given the public records available t' all, the Core was infact founded in 790 AS. Omicron Rho DISCOVERED in 800 AS. In the years following 810 AS is when the Core presence is seen more and more. Yet, Zoners have been around since the early 700's. Our law and codes have been prevalent long before the Core even showed up. So tell me, by what right do you have t' claim your law supersedes ours when you are the newcomer t' the Omicrons, not we Zoners.

Your point about your leader and our no-fire zone. Have you infact looked at the evidence provided, that showed no ship causing trouble around the Freeport, yet a Core vessel engaging them? Your leader said if they are caught CAUSING trouble. Not caught being there in general, but if they are caught causing trouble. Yet the evidence shows they were not causing trouble.

Now, your point about asking for the execution for Jessebelle. In this regard, I was quite upset and worded that harshly, and for that I hold myself in contempt, as I do not wish the death of anyone outright. But I watched friends and loved ones perish over a pack of smokes. I acted in anger, and for that I do ask for forgiveness in including that in our terms. I wish t' rescind that, and ask that she be tried in court, using FACTUAL evidence for her actions.

Your point about the Core not being our enemy, and we associate with your enemies. We Zoners are neutral. We do not take sides. If we concerned ourselves with the diplomacy of every person we deal with, we're no better than the houses we left. What is one nation's enemy is another's friend, and so on and so forth. I'm sure you have allies and friends that other associates of yours would not look too kindly on. As long as they do not threaten our stations and Zoner lives, then there can be peace. We have for years and decades had peace by being neutral, yet you claim that we risk the lives of civilians. Tell me, who slaughtered Zoners on Freeport 11? Who shot down the convoys sending aid t' those suffering on Freeport 11? We were just fine and maintained peace before the Core came along and "claimed" the Omicrons for themselves. You Core, who are so new t' this section of space, and claim it is under totalitarian rule. But we Zoners left that rule, and we will never. I repeat NEVER live under the iron fist of a house-like organization again. The Core, the Order, it does not matter. We will remain neutral, we will never kneel t' those who wish t' oppress us.

Now, we can agree that the Delta Calamity is something that should never have happened, especially over fools on both sides who acted out beyond their position. All the CoF wants, is peace. And for those with evidence of blood on their hands t' be justly tried based on evidence. As such, negotiations never are agreed upon at the beginning. But despite your words claiming your contempt over me, I have no desire t' escalate this more than it has, and wish for negotiations t' continue.

Be aware though, the the CoF and Zoners are not interested in less than peace and t' remain neutral, and for our laws around our stations upheld. And we will never, I repeat never, bow down t' the Core or anyone seeking t' control us.

Finn McCool
Head Administrator
Confederation of Freeports

RE: To: The Core - Foxglove - 06-01-2016


ID: Cordelia Lyell
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: The Zoner Problem

Esteemed Mr. McCool

Firstly, I would like to apologize for my belated response. It is quite unprofessional leaving a correspondant waiting like this, but I assure you that you will understand why that was the case.

I feel like I have not been quite honest with you and I would like to rectify that, lest it cause a disjunction in our understanding of each others position. I have a confession to make: I am not quite acting on behalf of the High Command when I am in contact with you. That is not to say that they did not receive your communiqués; quite the opposite is the case. The truth is that nobody feels the need to bother with you right now and thus I voluntarily took the Zoner Issue in my own hands under the condition that I do so in my free time — as I said: I read everything that crosses my desk. That is not to say that the things said above are invalid; there are simply more pressing things going on and I, as the newest addition to the High Command, am not privy of these issues that could consume all their time.

I want to propose something. For the sake of both our time, I would request we cease senseless arguments ad hominem when we talk to each other. I will cease being passively aggressive when I talk to you — although I get told frequently that I am quite the sour woman, so all I can do is try my utmost — and you will stop insulting my intelligence by brining forth fallacious arguments that would not hold water in a formal debate. I am sure I do not need to tell a scientist what the Anecdotal Fallacy is, no? Even assuming that personal experience could be seen as valid evidence, one would still need to account for the human tendency to generalize, thus when people use the term Zoner, the actual meaning of the word in each particular case might very well be disjunt because they are using the term as hypernym.

I do not have the power to grant you peace; yet, if we manage to devise a course of action together that can satisfy both parties' needs, I will be sure to bring the issue up with the Guildkeepers and hopefully with the Exalted Guildmaster himself. We need either the Exalted Guildmaster's word, or that of the majority of Guildkeepers if the Exalted Guildmaster himself abstains from arbitrating the situation. Since we are both done telling each other how much we dislike them, I am sure we will arrange ourselves to work productively together.

Surely, we both have a clear picture of what exactly the problems we are facing are, yet, for the sake of protocol, I shall list what I perceive to be the frictional surfaces:

Problems to be addressed Wrote:- The Core is not interested in anything less than sovereignty of its laws in Omicronis. The CoF is unwilling to yield to the Core's demands that it cease harboring the Core's enemies, and the Core is unwilling to grant the CoF the right to harbor these entities.
- Both parties are trying to save face. The CoF would likely see any centimetre of gound yielded to the Core as a breach in its credibility and maybe even fears that such an event in which the CoF would yield would be a precedent for other parties around Sirius to further their agendas. The Core, on the other hand, cannot tolerate a bunch of civilians openly defying it as it would damage its reputation the longer this situation continues. The Core would be utterly humiliated if it were to yield to Zoner-made demands.
- People have been killed. People are angry. People want justice. Those who are responsible ought to be put before a trial.
- The Freeport is damaged and needs to be repaired.

I should probably tell you that I cannot promise you anything. While the High Command did discuss the topics that I wrapped in a blanket of flowery ways to express how much I loathe you above, it was always met with a rather dismissive handwave. Before we continue, I would ask like to ask you whether you would like to add or correct some of the points above, so we may both maximize our understanding of the opposing position.

I await your response.

-C. Lyell
Guildkeeper, The Core


RE: To: The Core - Zoner Freeport Network - 06-02-2016

[Image: 4F76bYj.gif]

Good day again Mrs. Lyell -

I appreciate your candor in this matter, regarding your status. It is rather concerning and speaks volumes that the Core command does not feel the need t' bother with us, considering, out of your own admission even, the actions of Jessebelle Fillian and those under her have caused numerous deaths. If they condemn such an act, why not be public about it, instead of turning their back t' deal with those who are working hard t' provide medical supplies t' those who were injured in the attack? Regardless, your candor has been noted and is appreciated.

As t' your personal proposal, I believe we are in agreement. Senseless arguments and personal jabs will get us no where, and as such I will consider the words I send over with more thought.

Regarding your list of problems, that encompasses the bulk of it. Though I would like t' call forth a couple points you mentioned:

Mrs. Lyell Wrote:
- The Core is not interested in anything less than sovereignty of its laws in Omicronis. The CoF is unwilling to yield to the Core's demands that it cease harboring the Core's enemies, and the Core is unwilling to grant the CoF the right to harbor these entities.
- Both parties are trying to save face. The CoF would likely see any centimetre of gound yielded to the Core as a breach in its credibility and maybe even fears that such an event in which the CoF would yield would be a precedent for other parties around Sirius to further their agendas. The Core, on the other hand, cannot tolerate a bunch of civilians openly defying it as it would damage its reputation the longer this situation continues. The Core would be utterly humiliated if it were to yield to Zoner-made demands.
- People have been killed. People are angry. People want justice. Those who are responsible ought to be put before a trial.
- The Freeport is damaged and needs to be repaired.

First, you mention harboring the Core's enemies. Zoners across Sirius have kept relations with many organizations, but we always strive t' maintain a neutral stance when it comes t' disagreements between two organizations. It is not our place t' get involved, nor do we take sides if the situation does not call for it. But as we Zoners are Sirius-wide, there are relatively few we deal with, if any, that are not enemies with another organization that we have ties with. If we were t' refuse dealings based on the aforementioned, we would be left with no allies, and no one with whom t' work with. There will always be those you deal with that are not friendly t' someone else you are in contact with. I imagine the Core are not exempt from this, and I'm sure you have business dealings with those that say the House of Rheinland consider enemies or unfriendly. In fact, I've heard that the Core had dealings with both Liberty and Rheinland prior t' the war ending, no? I'm not asking for you t' confirm nor deny that, more t' bring light that no matter who you are, you will have the issues you are calling forth today. I'd like t' call though our own laws on the matter.

CoF laws - Section Two, Article 3 Wrote:
- Use of confederation stations to base off of for attacks against any group is prohibited.

As you can see, we strictly forbid the harboring of individuals or groups who wish t' use Zoner stations as a base of operations t' stage attacks. This goes for Core, Order, Corsair, you name it. Zoner Freeports are not a "get out of jail free" card with no repercussions. We will not stand for it, and we personally will remove any who violates such, which I believe does not counter your own laws, but in fact work in tandem. We also forbid cruiser-class or higher vessels t' remain within a 10k radius of of our stations, for the very reason you mentioned. We will not tolerate violence in or near our stations, and will not harbor military vessels t' make use of our stations unless under rare circumstances like emergency repairs due t' a nomad attack for instance, or t' defend the Freeport from a siege that we ourselves do not have the capability of warding off at the moment.

T' your second point about not yielding a centimeter of ground t' the Core, I would like t' call your attention t' two articles. Treaties in fact, from the Houses of Liberty and Bretonia. The first, the Treaty of Bethlehem. The second, the Treaty of Snowdown. As you can see after reviewing those two treaties, we in fact have made exceptions and have worked with the government of both houses. Take for instance The Treaty of Bethlehem, the newer of the two. If an altercation takes place out of the NFZ and one of the vessels flees t' one of the stations listed, Liberty forces are allowed t' pursue into the 10k radius, with the understanding that they will provide evidence of such. They are also allowed t' pursue criminals EXHIBITING violent tendencies within the NFZ, so long as proof of such is submitted t' us. I won't call out every line of the Treaties, but would like you t' review such and see that the CoF are willing t' negotiate with the Core within reason, as we do not believe our laws are directly conflicting with the Core's as much as you or the guildmasters say they do. Nor do we think that the Core would be humiliated by negotiating a treaty that would allow both of our laws, within reason, t' be allowed t' work in tandem.

I hope I have provided some level of understanding of our stance and our own laws, and hope that you can convey such t' the guildmasters. As such, I will be sending out a comm soon t' remind everyone, Zoner or not, that only defensive actions must be taken, and we condemn any offensive actions taken against the Core during these negotiations.

I hope this is satisfactory, and hope we can reach agreement soon.

Finn McCool
Head Administrator
Confederation of Freeports

RE: To: The Core - Jayce - 06-03-2016

[Image: weviMsL.png]

I just had this transmission forwarded to me, and, well...

War crimes? War crimes?

How can there be any "war crimes" if there hasn't been any war? Oh, I understand your desperate desire to indulge some pathetic fantasy of brave Zoner soldiers marching to honorable defeat, but I can assure you, there's been no war. There's been no war, no glory. It's been a slaughter. Just death, death, and more death. I'm starting to sound like the Red Witch now, aren't I?

You should've seen this at the start. The Core was such a model of efficiency, and for that you have to look to the top, to me! My word, my every glance was law!

And the verdict was always the same: "guilty." I would order our vessels to go out and kill Zoner scum, and they would come back covered in blood. But they felt clean. Now why, Finn, why is that? Because they were clean.

I am not the Core, and the Core isn't me. I speak for myself, I work for myself, the Core just provides the vessel. I don't think I can pay for all of those deaths, since you can only execute me once. Kill me, torture me! Don't you see, I've already won? You can never undo what I've accomplished! The dead will still be dead!

You and your little friends never stood a chance.
