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To Finn McCool, Freeport 11 - Printable Version

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To Finn McCool, Freeport 11 - Doc Holliday - 05-09-2016

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Personal Quarters, [MFE]Med.Force.One, Omega 49 System
To: Finn McCool, Freeport 11
Encryption: For Your Eyes Only

Greetings, Finn,

I was finally able to get some workers out there to work on the station. It was there own wish to do so and I merely provided the transport. I did, however, have to divert back to Sparta Station for a day as the Core intercepted my initial arrival.
A cunning lot they are, asking me if I care about their safety. The last time I heard that was from a Corsair who extorted me for five million credits "for my safety." Nothing like a masked threat. Anyway, I have since left with a load of iridium and the two deceased medical staff of my Enterprise. They will be buried this afternoon.

I also took a few minutes to speak with Commander Cook who has [MFE]Med.Force.Three there doing medical work. She reported equal threats from the Core but was able to be diplomatic enough to avoid conflict. I guess that big, red cross isn't always a safe haven.

Anyway, not sure when I'll get back out there but I just wanted you to know that the people of Freeport 11 are in my thoughts in these times. I'll do what I can short of putting on my old robes of diplomacy, especially when I don't negotiate with terrorist who went postal over a pack of cigarettes. It'll be a cold day on Crete before those robes come back on again.

Dr. John Henry Holliday
CEO, Med Force Enterprises

RE: To Finn McCool, Freeport 11 - Remnant - 05-09-2016

The little aid which you can provide to us goes very, very far.

Hello there, I apologize on McCool's count for not being able to respond to you, he's been awfully busy as of late and has forwarded relevant neural net messages to Freeport 11's Neural Net address.

On behalf of the entirety of those who still are brave enough to reside around Freeport 11, you have my heartfelt thanks.

While I personally haven't had much experience with Med Force Enterprises, i've certainly heard more than my fair share from other pepole.
The Core have developed into the problem they have due to their own narcisistic views. I see you've had the displeasure of being exposed to their dreadful attitude if they've been questioning if you.. 'cared for their safety' - The idea of being neutral doesn't make sense to them.

I am very sorry to hear that you have men who passed away.. As a personal request, i'd like you to send me information with details on a funeral, I feel like I should be present despite not knowing them personally. People who live to help other people deserve a lot of respect.

We'd be more than happy to lend some help to the MFE, though it pains me that we're the ones who need the help. There isn't anything we can offer. Rest assured we'd be more than happy to assist if we ever get out of this mess being created by the Core.

We really appreciate what assistance you've been able to provide. Please do not put yourselves in risk on our account.

James Harper
Freeport 11 Administration

RE: To Finn McCool, Freeport 11 - Doc Holliday - 05-09-2016

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Personal Quarters, [MFE]Med.Force.One, Omega 49
To: James Harper

The families of the deceased requested a private burial on Gran Canaria. I never enjoy signing death certificates, processing final effects or identifying remains but it's part of my job unfortunately. You have enough to deal with there. I'll take care of things on my end. Yes, we here at Med Force Enterprises have a very thankless job at times.

Commander Cook will stay in the vicinity. I have restricted most of the crews to stay on ship and cloaked when possible. Medical teams will be sent in as needed with an armed escort. I'm sorry for that part but the risk is too high not to. I'll keep my ship supplied with medicinal needs and bring what extra I can for the Freeport.

Talk to you soon,